Question for Christians

let me ask a question for fellow Christians. It is a question I have wondered all my life.
The elites that hate God, and have done everything in their power to slander him as they rape children, drink their blood, perform rituals, ceremonies, question is WHY. They have the knowledge and understanding that Jesus is God. They fully agree that they hate him and serve Satan. However, they know that the Bible prophecy is that all who worship Satan will go to hell. They know that what they do will send them into eternal fire. Do they choose not to believe in God's word? Do they think that they can kill God? Is their end game literally to just be as edgy as possible? I don't know how the fuck anyone can wake up every day and have blood on their hands and look in the mirror and go "you know, I am fine with burning in a lake of fire for all of eternity. Now let's go harm more children".

What the fuck is their logic? Who could be insane enough to go to bed at night and be fine serving Satan, who is guaranteed to be thrown in hell?

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Psychopaths get chosen for ABC agencies. They eventually hoard all the secrets. It's lost without a foot revolution. Even then I'm not so sure. We definitely don't need niggers though and anyone who thinks otherwise is with the feds.

Bruh because to them Lucifer is the good guy

But how the fuck did they convince themselves that satan doesn't hate them?

If you want a Christian answer from a nihilist, read Romans 9

According to Paul, some people are just fuel for the fire

Never underestimate the power of temptation. If you’ve ever met a person who was addicted to heroin, you’ve also met a person who wants something for themselves that they know for a fact will only worsen their life. This is true to a lesser extent for other substances like alcohol and cigarettes.
Look at your own life, look at your temptations. Few people can fend off against temptations. We all do things that hurt ourselves. If what people say about the elites is true, they’re being offered a type of pleasure, power, or lie we probably can’t even imagine.

Hello fren... the bible tells you why they do what they do... because they had not the love of the truth so God sent them strong delusion that they should believe a lie... and they changed the truth of God into a lie and worshipped and served the creature.

The lie is that God is an unjust patriarchal tyrant who imprisoned His creation within this realm and withheld knowledge and wisdom from them.

Lucifer was the bearer and bringer of wisdom to mankind and the tyrant God cast Lucifer down as well.

They believe they will win - this is the strong delusion they are under.

Offered by who? Very interesting post

Thanks lad

I read somewhere that they think they can kill God with CERN

The Bible forbids witchcraft meaning its real. Having powers could be tempting enough and so could worldly riches. They likely have a plan to try to overthrow god but theyll just make the book of revelation a self fulfilling prophecy

Imagine a very ugly guy who never got laid, full of anger and resentment but has some talent in business, then someone comes and offer him delicious food like sex with super models, kneeling and sucking his dick. He feels the power within him, he feels that he doesn't own anything to God because it was Him who made him ugly, then this Man ask him for a favor, so to keep having the delicious food he needs to kill.

Tell me what he is going to do?

Ask yourself, what is your biggest desire then imagine God never giving you that and Satan comes and offer it in exchange of something.

OP, this video best explains your question, he literally explains their belief system and why they serve satan:


Several things:

First, there are some people whom God chooses to harden for his own purposes. Pharaoh for example.

Second, Lucifer - or Satan - is the god of this world, this plane of existence known by three dimensions to us. There is a reason he is called a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. He will devour someone.

Third, the elites want power, the god of this world will give it to them. For a price.

James 2:19
You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that--and shudder.

Lack of patience + worldly ambition + a surrender to despair. They trade eternal life for worldly fun and find it too hard to change.

Because they benefit from it. If they get you hooked on every substance, social media, subversive media, consumerism, and immoral activities - they make billions as they own every company. They use this money to fund open borders and the satanic globohomo monoparty that perpetuates their power.

Why do the majority of rape victims not tell on her rapist,
Its because the rapist convinces her that he has power over her with blackmail, and uses that to extort her free will.

now upscale that and you will understand how this Satan worshiping Kabbalah works.

The more you sin, the harder it is to come to repentance. Only God can grant repentance and that is precisely what they’re missing. They love their sin so much that even though they know the truth they are so far gone in their lifestyle and blinded by deception that they cannot even come before God and ask for forgiveness. They have no desire to. But I tell you this my friend no one is too far gone for the salvation through Christ Jesus, that’s why it’s up to as as the body of Christ to pray for those people and ask God to send laborers to minister to them so that their hearts might be softened and the scales are scraped away from their eyes, so that God will change their desires and woo them to Him. They too can have an encounter with the Lord...but it is up to us to pray on their behalf. We are their intercessors!

>Offered by who?
I don’t know if a literal satanic cabal of elites sacrificing children exists. If it did I think the question of “who” is offering them what they want would be the world’s most well-kept secret. I would guess either literally satan (physically manifested or not), the antichrist, or a group of people who have been bestowed power by satan which is passed down to new people over the years as people die. But I honestly don’t know. It is sufficient to say that with the sheer power that elites have—even if it’s not related to a satanic cabal—there’s an intense level of temptation that is given into.

It's like they never opened up an oven.

EVERY TIME I open an oven..I always think "yeeesh I never would gamble going to hell. Not for all the riches in the world".

first off, couple mistakes

Jesus is not God. He is God's son. If Jesus is God, then you dont actually believe that he died. God cannot die.

Eternal torment is based on mistranslation, it's a totally false doctrine. God is the saviour of all humanity, especially believers. (1 tim 4:10)

On your last question I think they believe Satan is the real God, which he is not.

that sounds horrible. When I sin, I feel horrible and feel like I come to God on my knees begging for forgiveness

Jesus is God, born in time in the flesh, hence he is also the Son of God.

And he never died, hence the resurrection, which proves hes God.

What do you think about hindus

>my question is WHY.

(1 Timothy 6:4) he is puffed up [with pride], not understanding anything, but being mentally diseased...

(Romans 1:28)... God gave them up to a disapproved mental state, to do the things not fitting,

>Do they choose not to believe in God's word?

“The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.”—Psalm 14:1, King James Version.

(Psalm 10:4) The wicked one according to his superciliousness makes no search; All his ideas are: “There is no God.”

>Do they think that they can kill God?

Up above

>Is their end game literally to just be as edgy as possible?

(Proverbs 26:12) Have you seen a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for the stupid one than for him.

(Isaiah 5:21) Woe to those wise in their own eyes and discreet even in front of their own faces!

(Proverbs 12:15) The way of the foolish one is right in his own eyes,...

(Galatians 6:3) For if anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he is deceiving his own mind.

>I don't know how the fuck anyone can wake up every day and have blood on their hands and look in the mirror and go "you know, I am fine with burning in a lake of fire for all of eternity. Now let's go harm more children".

Answered up above

>What the fuck is their logic?


>Who could be insane enough to go to bed at night and be fine serving Satan, who is guaranteed to be thrown in hell?

Answered I can answer more if you like.

Jesus is a God man. He humbly became as such, as it is explained in the Bible. Jesus is the word, and it said that the Word was with God in the beginning of creation. The Father, Son, Holy Spirit. The Trinity, as it is written.

You wouldn't. But you are not them. They don't believe in Hell, so the choice is east for them.

Best video on true repentance:

And this is best video for dealing with sin:

Not even a laughable statement. They are unable to be discussed. There is more proof of Jesus than anything Hindus can provide. I have studied Hinduism. Nothing more than narcissist man-made messes.

God and the Devil is not outside, is within us. Everybody is capable of being one or the other. A lot of people do bad things unconsciously like a kid hurting another one because he feels anger.

But after you read the Bible and keep doing bad things here is different because now you know the Truth. People who reject the Truth are even part of his mechanism of the world, no one is more powerful than Him. If He allows it is because he knows what he is doing.

Don't worry of the people who get killed or injured, because God is only seeing what is inside. If a Kid is killed, that kid is in heaven. The people who kills are just part of his proof. We need to see evil to attest good. Look into your own evil and fear about it, because you have it too.

Don't be naive thinking you could never be like them because you can get your own test.

Read Genesis brother. They have been misguided.
>You will not surely die.
>For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.
Ponder those statements and Genesis 3 and you can see why they do it. They believe what they do is right and the ones who know it's not are already too far in for their opinion to matter.

Thank you

Well you can go against scripture if you want, but scripture says he was stone cold dead for 3 days and if you look elsewhere in the scripture it says the dead do not know anything, they have thought, no memory, no nothing.

Oh look kids, it's a moron trying to derail the discussion with his JW talking points that only a handful of "christians' has ever believed. If there is ta thread on the nature of the godhead or the doctrine of Hell, you would be more than welcome. This isn't that. Go start a thread on that topic and see how many people engage in that discussion.

Right now is not the time to discuss this subject. That's a whole other subject that will derail this thread. Lets keep to the original subject since this is also a good lesson for us all.

I don't give jackshit about proofs, proofs are exactly why we are in degeneracy, so what exactly do you find wrong in hinduism? Do you think that God must work according to my understanding which is based on bible and if He's not than He's not God. Is that what you think?