NFL: 3% are now terrorists

How pozzed can the NFL be?

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>three percenter tattoo


>removing it to be appease kikes/shitlibs


I don't speak nigger, what the fuck is a 3%er?

I didnt know they were racist but I thought it referred to the actual number of people that fought in the revolution

Sports ball is retarded. Why would you care about a game where it's teams are owned by billionaires and the players aren't even from your own state? It makes no sense.

Don’t worry about it, leaf. I wouldn’t expect you to understand freedom

>I thought it referred to the actual number of people that fought in the revolution

it does, its racist because these people were all white european descent

wtf i love white patriot sport man now

based satan

Read this and don’t get angry. I dare you

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>The undefeated

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what a fucking embarrassment
selling out his convictions for his niggerball credentials

3% of American citizens who picked up arms against the Crown during the Revolutionary War.
Im not sure how this is “offensive” to anybody

>"The group was formed in 2008, ostensibly out of a fear that Barack Obama’s election would lead to government overreach."

Sound like they were on to something.


havent watched niggeball in years, not ever going to again.

>bending over to take Jewish cock for a paycheck

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It’s offensive to loyalists to praise rebellion against the crown. Not sure why an NFL player wants to appease us

Worship the beast; play by his rules.

its offensive to the jew because the crown was their seat and now the usa federal gov is their seat

Yes sir.

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Aren't they just sworn to uphold your constitution? They were saying white supremacist organization in the media until I did a search on them..

Absolute disgrace.

What's the NFL?

As expected he chooses money over values.

nigger faggot league

It’s offensive because American children and teens are taught that patriotism and nationalism and civic duties are fascist tools of oppression and don’t support any of those things. That way they stop identifying as “American” and stop feeling any obligation to “America” outside of their happenstance place of birth.

They do not care, they would not fight to protect it. They are emasculated by the idea that people are willing to kill for something they don’t care about.

There actually are 3%ers in Canada

He has a spade tattoo. I think this guy is just an idiot.

accurate description is accurate.

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Jew media is really really scared of alt rights. They are trying to kill it in the egg before it goes full IVth Reich. But they are going to far.


Here comes 'the militia is white supremacist' and 'white gun ownership is racist'.

ever since Sandy Hook anyone who supports gun rights is worse than a Nazi

Hello Jeffrey

If that's true the Japanese were right to admit invading the continental US is impossible. Even if only 3% of grass had guns behind it that's still a lot of hot peperoni.

It's not willingness to kill, it's willingness to die for something one believes in that they find a threat.

Wars are won with sacrifice. (((They))) know that but cannot teach it to (((their))) own without awakening them to what patriots know.

Too late, gun ownership skyrocketing.
Everyone suddenly wants a gun once things get even a little hairy.

It's also the name of a militia movement, hence ...

Wait what? 3% is racist or some shit? Nobody likes niggers, not even niggers. Thats not racist.

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Shut up, virgin.

Leave it to a jock not to understand anything. This faggot just lap up anything from the media where they'll lambast him because he's not a nigger. Fuck him for willing to bend the knee to the media.

how many nfl coons have gang tats

Wjat if he likes motorhead?