Women hit hardest by corona pandemic, says alice thompson

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Is she wrong though? It's always been like this when it comes to jobs, but it's only in modern times that "saying home" would be considered a bad thing.

Why the fuck is she writing "news" stories rather than making sandwiches

That is just because companies know who actually makes them money and who is useless.
And turns out that makes are the driving force of those companies, so of course they are getting jobs and all. And in a time of economic crisis, companies could care less about virtue signaling.

Companies that do not follow those tend to get bankrupt or fall behind their competitors

Men have the majority of essential jobs. Not all of them, but the exception of a couple of female dominated professions like nursing, men just have the majority of those jobs. Simple as that. It's not due to "muh sexism" or whatever homoshit I'm sure this old bitter bitch is implying

Repetitions when?

Reparations ^

Women are the losers in general, unless they are helped heavily by the state

no shid. when the times are good, everyone builds their houses out of colorful wool blocks, giant needless redstone contraptions with exposed wiring, giant glass panel windows to peer out at the wonderous fairy tale world

when the times get real, we live in 5x5 cobblestone cubes bitch

And do you know why? Because most essential jobs are ones that suck and aren't particularly high status but are necessary to keep civilization functioning.

why was i injected with estrogen then??

Women out of the workplace sounds good to me

in minecraft

Covid disproportionately kills men. Enough whining thot

Is there anything greater Honour other than working to keep this screwed up world running?

Yes. Yes that's correct

that's a weird way of saying "men are essential and women are accessories"

we need to just kill them all off. they are responsible for 80% of spending. the planet is dying! we have to cut back consumption, and the easiest way to do this is just get rid of women. its LOVING and RIGHT and JUST

I bought into the fearmongering over the coronavirus for a good 2 or 3 weeks, but seeing shit like this, sjw nonsense continuing even in the face of a supposedly devastating pandemic, made it pretty clear this is a big ol nothingburger

NEETs, homeless, bums, unemployed, losers are all morally superior to the "winners" in our society, because those are the only people NOT actively working to support this shit system.

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yes, is this supposed to be a gotcha?

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Well yes. When shit hits the fan, you see man's true value shine through. People begin to valuable actual ability and rational logical thinking whi h is what men provide.

In other words, since the west has been so cushy, women have been overvalued and now are getting a reality check.


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At this point I have far more respect for grocery store workers and trash collectors than I do for nurses.

Could have just stopped after the fourth word in the headline desu

>durr only neets are fighting the system!
This is such a smoothbrained p
Thought process. No one has ever rose to power through sitting in their basement doing nothing. Every single group or person that gained prominence had to first do so within the system.

>women are 50% less likely to die from WuFlu than men
oh the humanity
someone venmo this saint money for a chai latte and a year's worth of spin class

Wow its like the people who actually get shit done are more important than diversity hires.

I'm not necessarily talking about the corona virus, but the situation we are in (uncertainty rampant)

Women don't need jobs.

When businesses cut jobs they realize who they relied on the most to get things done.

It’s never the women.

Bye bye roastie hahahahah I'll take that bar manager job

When I first heard that men were more likely to die from corona, I joked that soon feminists would be saying shit like pic-related about how women were the real victims. It didn't take long. Feminism is truly a cancer, their victim complex knows no bounds.
Also reminder that in the last recession men lost a lot more jobs than women did but nobody talked about that because acknowledging men's problems is misogyny.

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Kek, have a (you)