What is it about this state that makes people here think it's the most based?
Does it have a better future or something?
What is it about this state that makes people here think it's the most based?
Does it have a better future or something?
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Constant threat of obliteration by Yellowstone
Has lots of white people
There's a bunch of cali migrations happening tho, can't say for sure if it's gonna stay that way
It's shit trust me, just stay where you are it's better
we're full anyways.
no asians allowed
This place actually IS shit, unlike this dude I'm actually being serious.
There's NO jobs here
Most of it is a barren waste
Chugs getting drunk and killing people on the roads
Cali migrants coming here
Honestly, DO come here; we need better people STAT
Don't come here. There're big scary bears that eat cityfolk.
Just fuck off.
We're full.
Locals dont allow niggers there
And i heard its a scenic state
>mostly white
>lots of fishing
>long winter
maximum comfy as long as you have some hobbies
Western Montana is full of Cali transplants, and the eastern part of the state is full of Listerine chugging natives. It's fucked stay away.
>t. Grew up on Crow Reservation
>What is it about this state that makes people here think it's the most based?
FarCry 5, unironically.
It's being overrun by Californians. Missoula is basically mini-Portland now.
You must be in eastern montana
This but without the last reddit spaced sentence.
Why the actual fuck does this subject keep popping up every fucking week? I said I would whip up some copy pasta and I swear I'm gonna do it this time. Montana is a shithole filled with slack-jawed, inbred, meth-soaked trailer trash. For those that do not actively glow in the fucking dark, go watch the fucking documentary "American Meth" (2008) before you even think about taking another step. The people, term used loosely, you see in that flick are exactly, precisely, and specifically what you will be surrounded by in Montana. No, not a few here and there, or pockets of them sprinkled in certain areas, but every-fucking-where. You can not escape them. They consider it their duty and calling to drag you down into their own little mud village hell, and they will not rest until you are as miserable and broken as they are. The 5 years we lived in Cut Bank and Kalispell were quite arguably the worst in my life, and I survived Fort Benning OSUT and Desert Storm, which were a sunny vacation in comparison. Anyone that is serious about white majority, functional economy, and positive political activism should, no must, consider New Hampshire or possibly Vermont. Go search the name Denton Moberly when you are done reading this, too. Otherwise, pic related is what awaits you in Montana.
Open land and way less niggers than most.
Why is Kalispell shit? That area seemed nice to me. Red Lodge was pretty cool too
Used a bone a broad from lame deer a few years ago. Been to the crow reservation a few times on my way there. Never spent much time in the state but the politician who body slammed a reporter was up for election and thought that shit was hilarious. He won if I remember right.
Just ignore them
Kalispell is where I live, it's the tits.
also full
The southwest of the state is fine if you're just passing through. And yes, Greg "Take-Down" Gianforte did get his representative seat.
>Open land and way less niggers than most.
Montana white trash are worse than niggers. I grew up in and around Philly, so I speak from personal experience.
>Why is Kalispell shit?
Pro-life marchers gathered in Kalispell shortly after we left. They got firebombed as they marched, and the cops did the better part of nothing about it. Also, again, watch American Meth as much of the movie takes place there.
>Just ignore them
Even Montana natives complain about rampant meth abuse. Claims that they can be "ignored" are about as valid as "ignoring" niggers in a prison. Again, search Denton Moberly
>Kalispell is where I live, it's the tits.
You will never escape
Highest average IQ in the country.
The east half of the state is full of native junkies and drunks, the other half is full of naive whites who are gonna get fucked by Cali migrants and the suicidal ideals they bring with them.
As far as natural beauty goes it’s one of the best states in the country especially the western side with forests, mountains, lakes, rivers, etc. Population is low enough that things are nice and quiet, winter will last for a while, but that’s a good thing as it keeps nogs and spics away while also making things comfy as fuck.
If you’re not a millionaire, you cant afford to live there
Fersure fag
>You will never escape
Why the fuck would I?
I have a machine shop here, shit loads of land, hobbies, not to mention I put a fucking runway in my field with asphalt
One of the most White States, and is predicted to be one of the last strongholds if the hordes grow beyond the ability to feed themselves and end up killing them selves even trying to cross a border.
I lived there 5 years it’s actually a shitty states
>Montana white trash are worse than niggers. I grew up in and around Philly, so I speak from personal experience.
Fuck off you crybaby. Ive travelled to all 4 corners of this country on a motorcycle and the absolute best areas are the poor redneck white counties and the worst are the high density hipster cities with pavement apes in each one. Niggers are unpredictable at least tweakers dont go around burning stores and playing knockout game. Montana is a good state. Any state that has a bad economy is the best place to be. Good economy brings liberal whites and Jews which then brings minorities for gibs me dats. Just look at Eastern Europe, dirt poor and they tell immigrants to FUCK OFF. Make good of your situation, be the change you want to see. Tired of whites on meth? Teach them to change, be an example, a fire in the darkness, instead of a crybaby.
What county?
True... the cities are hardly cities .. everyone always moves away cuz shit far away and its cold always soo just stay in ur nice warm beautiful state ..
Drove through south eastern Montana. Like zombies... actually extremely sad