Why don't environmentialists endorse nuclear power?

It makes no fucking sense, even if it's as dangerous as the pearl clutchers claim, isn't it at least worth using if global warming is gonna kill everyone anyways?
The biggest producers of carbon/pollution are ships and powerplants, and both can be switched to nuclear. The Navy has been taking kids straight out of high school and teaching them to operate nuclear power plants on subs for decades with no issues.

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the problem is a demographic one. in the future there will be more brown, black and mixed race people and woman running the powergrid and they are not smart enough to operate nuclear power in a responsible way.

Because it's not about the environment. It's about taking wealth from the self-reliant white middle class and giving it to third world subhumans who will vote for (((them)))

Nuclear power leads to independence. (((they))) don't want you to be independent, goy

>Why don't environmentialists endorse nuclear power?
Because anthropogenic climate change is a hoax designed to subvert our civil liberties under the pretext of "muh earth"

Because it's only economic if you are producing material for nuclear weapons. This is the same reason no one is building more advanced types of reactors.


I imagine because mining Uranium is very energy and resource intensive as well as the risk of accidents and waste management

Because whenever you try to store the waste somewhere logical like fucking Yucca mountain, everyone from the environmentalfag movements to the Republikikes that run Nevada start screaming that you can't store radioactive compounds in one of the most tectonically stable and deepest caves in the US for whatever reason

>store the waste

Imagine storing 1000 years worth of nuclear fuel and never using it.

You put it back into a reactor and make more power, but the kikes hate that too

it's just a lack of education on nuclear power. 'nuclear' is a bad word to millions of people because nuclear weapons are scary and also muh chernobyl

How is it economic for nuclear weapons? They have no economic value. Even if nuclear isn't as profitable as fossil fuels the government could subsidize it since the whole point of government is to solve for things the market can't.
I can't imagine it's any worse than coal, oil, or lithium.
Not to mention we can just give a bag of money to Elon Musk and have him make it disappear into the void of space.

>the whole point of government is to

>during the past 15 years there has been stagnation in the development of fast reactors in the industrialized countries that were involved, earlier, in intensive development of this area. All studies on fast reactors have been stopped in countries such as Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States of America and the only work being carried out is related to the decommissioning of fast reactors. Many specialists who were involved in the studies and development work in this area in these countries have already retired or are close to retirement. In countries such as France, Japan and the Russian Federation that are still actively pursuing the evolution of fast reactor technology, the situation is aggravated by the lack of young scientists and engineers moving into this branch of nuclear power.
Maybe try reading about the technology rather than repeating memes
The US government buys fission products from the commercial industry

I’m an ENVS major at major research university in the very heart of the Rockies. Hell yeah
Environment is where it’s at
Also we should nuke china and pissrael

>Also we should nuke china and pissrael
Add new zealand to that list


Deal buddy
Also all of africa and turkey too .... and mexico .....brazil.........squatamala.......canada...others too


I mean, they just render a new city uninhabitable every 40 years or so. That's basically nothing!

Thank you Rabbi! Truly you are our greatest ally!

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because said people have a double digit IQ and are prone to fear.

We do lol, where are you getting that shit? Nuclear isn't a viable option long term though. We're rapidly running out of fissile material. Nuclear only has a bad rap because of the boomer nuclear waste dilution solution, aka dump it all in the ocean.

kek you actually make a good point agianst nuclear power there. Even makes me doubt as a pro nuclear.

Israel has no nuclear power plants. Really makes you wonder why ZOG nations build so many.

Envs is not a real degree lol. You fags don't even do calc 1
Ecology major here.

>We're rapidly running out of fissile material.

I've got a newsflash for you, most of our plants have been run by inbred rednecks since they were built. You only needed a high school diploma to get an operator job at one of these plants back in the day.

Not enough uranium in the ground to power everyones dragon dildos.

Blame that one on the US being scared of durkas and norks using recylcing methods to create weapons. Also its not a cost effective solution. Why not build solar pannels, wind, or geothermal for a much better investment

btw are we any closer to Thorium reactors?
folks have been memeing about LFTRs for at least a decade now

Thorium based reactors.
We use nuclear waste to make thorium usable in molten salt reactors.
The design was completed in the 60s but we ditched it for plutonium based reactors.
They're smaller, safer, and produce a rare nuclear material we use in satellites. I forget the kind but years ago the US had less than 50 pounds of the stuff.

Yes they do retard.
They use them to power the reverse osmosis water plants.

There's enough raw nuclear material in the ocean to power current reactors until the sun engulfs the planet.


>Why not build solar pannels, wind,

Because fuck china. That's why

spooky. any updates?

dont hold your breath waiting for an answer. i contacted jill stein's campaign in 2012 asking about it and never got a response

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Why not manufacture solar panels in the US? Or buy them from Germany?


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>Why not manufacture solar panels in the US?

>in the US?
Oh wait, you're serious? Let me laugh even harder


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>Why don't environmentialists endorse nuclear power?

They do, but in this day and age the loudest and most ignorant representative of any political ideology seems to get to talk the most.

No, but, to be constructive:
The problem with Nuclear Energy is that it has tremendous potential to provide us with massive amounts of clean energy for ages to come, but it is also a power source that demands absolute respect and strict discipline to use. It's a perfectly valid and rational criticism to say, "I'm not confident that x or y is responsible enough to have/use Nuclear Energy". Nuclear Energy isn't something you can just bullshit or ignore: if something goes wrong it will go wrong in a catastrophic fashion.

There's also the fact that the public is largely ignorant about Nuclear Power, but is well aware of the 'cons' to it, but more importantly this: I wouldn't go so far as to say it's a 'race thing', but the people who run energy DEFINITELY don't want people to be independent and they definitely want to make as much fucking money as possible. The energy industry has ALWAYS been about "limited efficiency" and artificial scarcity- they killed the electric car three times before Elon Musk managed to some how make it profitable.... And I think they actually fucking killed the guy making Hydrogen cars?
Green Energy is only getting a pass by them because it's a massive globo-homo job creator and is laughably clumsy so it creates all sorts of opportunities to bullshit.

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