Despite making up just 2.75% of the US population, Fraternity and Sorority alumni make up 86% of Fortune 500 CEOs

>Despite making up just 2.75% of the US population, Fraternity and Sorority alumni make up 86% of Fortune 500 CEOs.

Why didn't you rush user?

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I was president of my frat. Greatest and worst experience of my life. I think I aged 10 years in 2 semesters.

I would do it again tho. I love those guys and that shit taught me how to be a leader.

Frats are the last bastion of white male culture. If you’re in college and not in a frat, you’re wasting your time there. What’s the point of laying all that money for school if you don’t do any networking?

Every job I’ve ever had was because I knew someone, every GOOD job I’ve had since graduating was because I called in a favor to one of my frat buddies.

Also fuck pike

calm down fag

Didn't rush because I was a loser NEET. Amusingly, I work at a rehab clinic, and 90% of our clients were in a frat at some point.

>expelled 1,030 times
Full list with sources:

Fun fact: Norway had it WRITTEN INTO THEIR CONSTITUTION until the late 1800's that jews were literally banned from their country

>The truth about the jews, the holocaust and the world wars:
>The truth about jews and slavery:

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I agree with this. Fraternal brotherhoods Are definitely the last white bastions.

I was too fucking poor anyway. I got through without any debt though, by working at shit tier laboring jobs in construction in teh 4 months off each year.

Because I'm female and didn't feel like paying thousands of bucks a semester to graduate with every STD in the book. Feats work for guys, for women it's just expensive dick.

Every guy in frats at my school is either obese or looks like they're from that incel collage.

Funny because every single "TRAIT" you guys practice is bullshit from responsibility, to integrity, to respect. It's all a show to meet turbo thots to use them as cum dumpsters.

I plan on doing so next semester, my picks are Sigma Chi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Pi Kappa Alpha and Phi Delta Theta

Any advice or tips?

Im not a jew.

I honestly thought it would hurt my future. Didn’t know frat boys were THAT fucking successful.

What’s a good plan B? Become a Jew? Become a Freemason? Both of those groups have good networking opportunities but are a bunch of old men

Wont' quarantine still be going on? Even Harvard is doing an online semester.

Prolly cuz I'm heterosexual (not gay).

Yet none if any went to FSU, at least you will work at the corporate office. Big accomplishment for you folks!

Indeed. Fuck Pi Alpha Kappa.

I should have. I should have worked more on my social skills as a young man, as well as my athleticism. Even just 30 minutes a day starting at 13 in both areas...1 hour less vidya per day... and I would have been much better prepared for life

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Frat boys deserve to be shot

How many jobs have you had? Can you not hold down a job?

sell drugs to the frats

I come from a shitty single mother family. By the time I was able to get out on my own and set up a stable life away from my family, I was already 25. Two years at the local community college, so I was 27 when I transferred to the big state school to finish my degree. No way I was going to rush and let some 19 year old haze me. I don't begrudge those who were able to have a traditional university experience. Three of my roommates were Greeks and it looked like they had a blast. At 27-28, I was ready to graduate and get out into the world. At 18 though, if I had to chance to rush a high quality frat, probably would have done it.

>Why didn't you rush user?
Too busy working, doing homework for Iranians and studying chess

I’m not at Fortune 500 CEO but I was in a frat. We got kicked off campus for a year my sophomore year since we were the cocaine/weed/etc hub for the whole campus (small school)

Fun stuff, my senior year they changed the whole initiation process to remove all the hazing which sucks. It’s not some random club like chess you have to go through some shit to get in. For example I was pissed about our “last supper” night when they eat dog food blended with tons of nasty shit, instead they got fucking McDonalds, and instead of everyone getting paddled they did some other gay ass shit I just dipped. The amount of alcohol I consumed was quite insane. It’s weird to puke several times in a night due to sheer volume of nasty beer.

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how many broey bloweys did you give?

It's so Jews can make Jewish frats and then practice racial nepotism with the excuse of "I know him from my frat" rather than the truth of "I only hire Jews."



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This. I don't even know how the fuck they even graduated.

LOL op takes broomsticks up the ass inside coffins to land a desk job for moshe

>why didnt you rush
I'm Jewish so I'm already in the best fraternity

>yfw you didn’t get a bid

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Bruh it’s bad now, when did you graduate? Frats have been so subverted by faggots and leftist degenerates it’s sad

because I skipped college and got an apprenticeship as an electrician and now I'm making great money with no debt

Fake stereotype pushed by people who wanna undermine the last white bastion. You swallowed the lie. Way to go idiot.

Pike fucking blows bro


Every frat boy at my school (University of Illinois) was an absolutely brain dead stoner. Literally paid off my entire college tuition before I graduated just from selling ounces to them at 3x the normal price.

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>minorities don't pledge


I did rush.

t. Kappa Alpha / Corporate Lawyer

No Fraternity man calls his Fraternity a "frat"


Fuck Pike

>Why didn't you rush user?
I'm black, nobody wanted to open their door to me.

>tfw never got in on the ground level and made something more useful out of my life

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Dress nice, strike up conversations, talk to the higher ups, ask interesting and good questions, be cool, act confident/unervous and you should be good. I did this and got a bid.

"Frats" are pretty serious here in Florida, and the rest of the south. If you want to land a good job out of college you basically have to be from a frat. I know multiple frat bros that have degrees in business administration yet were making like 90k a year straight out of college working at a bank. Its all about connections. And they get all the highest quality pussy too. Its hard not to be a little jealous, I mean they got all the looks, the rich families, the good jobs, all the pussy, the nicest cars, basically everything. I know multiple and they're really nice to me though, but we're all late 20's now.

Are Co-ed Societies any good?

I'm going to study in the USA in 2021
going to Dartmouth.

Fuck Pike.

>tfw never got in on the ground level and made something more useful out of my life
yup definitely because you didnt rush and not because you're a nigger




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Because people didn't want me to succeed. It's like there's a caste system here. People seem to HATE seeing underdogs level up.

If it ain’t Delta Chi I don’t give a fuuuuuck

how much cock did you suck bro

>90% of our clients are from frats
I buy it. We lost our frat house because the treasurer was using all our rent money for cocaine

You don’t call your country a cunt

Is that the style bender?

>No Fraternity man calls his Fraternity a "frat"

KEK zoomers started that silly shit. It is perfectly acceptable to call your fraternity your frat for the same reason it's acceptable to call your family your senpai.

senpai = f a m, obvi.

>You don’t call your country a cunt

Cunt is not an abbreviation of country. Frat is an abbreviation of fraternity.

>You swallowed the lie
at least I don't swallow my bros cum you faggot

Kek all the angry normies replying to you

bitch on the left is MAD jealous look at that fish lipped dead-eye stare god damn

Is there anything more cucked? Having your girl show her asscheeks to the world. Bastions of degeneracy more like it.

holy kek this nigger had to pay to make friends and still has to C O P E for it years later

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I did, I made frats rise and fall, I agree that they are the last bastions of white male society, besides some rising groups on here, however in the end they are still so many booze, and smoke addicted mediocre fellows there, I hated it but I was better off without them and I already had my ethnic community for support and networking. Would recomned though, fuck the rules, go top house, and simply take control, one of the only places where literally jungle laws rule. - Best party school in the usa voted 2016

>going to Dartmouth.
I'm sorry, user. Universities are now no different than for-profit colleges.

just noticed that lol, pure envy

>tfw socially awkward
>tfw weak
>tfw ugly
>tfw not very bright

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There was no wining the game, just doing a little better each time.

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>jungle laws rule
That's the problem with frats.

Your envy is showing