Q Avalanche

Its Happening
Delta delta avalanche

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so when are we going to win and all shills on Yas Forums hang from lampposts? I'm sick of seeing their posts.

if the people directly effecting me don't ever get hanged, what's the point of all this theater?

When do the squeals for delayed election ramp up?

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Oh wow! Retards are still expecting some superman to come save us all as a rationalization for not doing anything at all themselves?
Good on ya for sticking with "the plan" while never being told it.

Who have you hanged lately?

>an android video game is closing down
this is not news, what the fuck is wrong with you people

that's your big excuse?
>har har Yas Forums should go out and hang their shills themselves.

why not have the law enforcement constantly watching the boards arrest these people? they have salaries from political superpacs.

faggot nigger.

>uses shame, approval or abuse as social capital instead of being based in agency
>based in agency
what did God mean by this?

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Ahhaha, dontch ya'll think it's a bit funny that Q is talking about vidya?

Q is definitely one of us!!


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Glow harder nigger

>Delta delta avalanche
Can confirm Boomers are suiciding themselves in massive numbers. The cope of having to come to terms with larp bullshit was just too much.

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your thread is hidden. bye.

>I can't meme
>hang the shills now!
>I can't turn away (from the theater)

Wake da fuk up (or go back to rddtt)

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>How does China comm [secure] w/ DNC leaders?
this is the only news there. i assume they only meet in person, and while apart follow a strict process that can adapt while the teams are segregated. of course that means the operation narrative was premeditated. the state governors and senators and congressmen know what to do and where to go, what to say and how to act, if they 'miss' a meeting with a chinese agent. every position is a potential deep cover position. a DNC operative might not get new orders for a year or more, but they know to hate trump and protect china.
>that'll do, pig. that'll do.

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No dipshit they talk thru vidya

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What is Q saying about Star Wars Commander? Is it being used for communication for the deep state?

I’ve read some post and seem some videos. Don’t really follow with a passion. That being said, is obvious that something is going on. So be straight with me guys. You can be faggots among yourselfs but be straight with me. Will there really be justice? Because it only seems that Trump gets attacked. Like if they have everything, why don’t they just end this shit and expose “them”?

>Will there really be justice?
>Because it only seems that Trump gets attacked.
All part of political theater.
>Like if they have everything, why don’t they just end this shit and expose “them”?
Life's not a Hollywood movie user. It's not just citizens and politicians - the hierarchy is far more intricate and complex. Elections are a sham to keep the public happy every 4 years.

Q specifically said Trump was going to send the military to fight lizard people in caves to save kids that the lizard people eat to get high, and you still think he's real?

I couldn't believe it, I turned on the news and everyone was getting arrested, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Holder, Yates, Ohr, etc etc etc

They're all in jail, thank allah!!!

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imagine running a psyop like Q, and getting people to sign away their rights because of "muh plan"

You absolute nutters realize that you aren't getting those rights back right? That's the real (((plan)))

>to fight lizard people in caves to save kids that the lizard people eat to get high, and you still think he's real?
Don't be sooooooooooo sure that lizard people don't exist user.
>Pic related
We have no idea what's gone on this planet for the past million years.

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Its all psyop theatre, you stupid Qoomer. This is why Q never says anything concrete or drops incriminating dox on the pedo elite.

Its just bullshit to keep you guys fagging like the hardly boys, which i hate because the world is ran by pedo satanists kikes and their minions, but Q just keeps you dipshits on wild goose chases.

>President Trump ordered all United States citizens to inject bleach

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why you gotta bring Matt and Jeff into this?

So how many times has the Q happening begun now? 100,000?

Yes, they were using the game for communication. Star Wars Commander is now shutting down.

I've got a clue. A BIG ONE. Better keep digging...

Is there any pics of the conversations?

They were using Gmail drafts too.