Redpill me on Injuns. Who are these people? Are they some kind of ancient Mongolian/in do European/snownigger mix...

Redpill me on Injuns. Who are these people? Are they some kind of ancient Mongolian/in do European/snownigger mix? They seem like the most mystical people on the planet, no one knows who they truly are. The more I try to learn about them the more confusing it gets.

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They're Siberians. And they're all alcoholics.

Low IQ red niggers that didn't figure out the wheel or written language. They deserved everything they got.

We should’ve finished the job and wiped them from existence. I hate these fags so much .

They said their ghosts will always roam the land.

Do you believe them?

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I know about the alcoholism but I am going to need sources on the Siberian thing. Siberia sounds like a sound theory due to what Siberia has historically and unhistorically been and is.

he wide

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Not a fan of modern Mexicans but you have to respect the accomplishments of the Aztecs and Mayans.

I actually do because I live in the PNW and there is some spoopy ass shit that happens in these woods, also people out here are NUTS and I seriously think these injun spirits and demons are fucking with people. The retardation and degeneracy is too common.

History is not honest about the Americans. They were a lot more advanced than we were taught in schools

they are just inuits and other northern natives that spent longer time in warmer climates

Indjuns are protoasians, chinks are protoasian+denovisian rapebabies.
Also as being protoasians they have so.e features not present in average chink like
Higher nose bridge, bigger milkers, elongated skulls,not necessarily all at the same time.

Lost Tribe of Manasseh...

The myth of the noble savage is just a myth

I never trust history, I made this thread for a reason. All peoples are being lied to. I truly want to know who these people are but lies are touted as truth. We may never know but I will be damned if I do not try to understand.

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They are worse than niggers if you live near them. Movies glorify them as sacred but they are literally the dumbest people on Earth, abbo tier.

It makes a lot of sense, look up the Bering Land Bridge.

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Every European Caucasian Australian and Tasmanian man I have ever met was a based chill Chad. Godspeed Bruce. Thank you.

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We may have our differences but you know when the next bug infestation hits the Pacific Ocean there's nobody else we'd rather be island hopping with, burgerbro.

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he flat
he wide
40% transgenders suicide

Did you start the other injun thread as well? From what ive read, the human population of the "new world" is an extreme example of the founder effect. Supposedly, from genetic studies, there was a 5000 year Berengian holdover period, and the founding population of the new world was a total of 1500 breeding individuals from Berengia, that entered about 15000 years ago, meaning that Native americans from Alaska to the tip of Terra del Fuego are descended from a very small, very inbred founding population. Polynesians also suffer from extensive inbreeding because of the founder effect.

Most are niggers and some are okay. I wouldn’t mind if Yas Forums killed every savage injun nigger on the Rez
>t. Injun faggot

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Thats because you australians got fucking wrecked without the americans.

To clarify (i'm totally tanked) the Berengian population was originally seeded by siberian peoples, but they were genetically isolated for 5000 years, and a subset of this Berengian isolate population was the original founding population of the new world at the end of the last ice age.

Not all of us are on reservations, either literally or figuratively. And some of us are way smarter than you, fucking nigger.

The reservations aren't that bad, are they?

Of fucking course I know that you nigger. Fuck off back to your tribe faggot

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Have you ever heard of a single good reservation?

Seems like all of them are fucking shitholes.

My old physics teachers from the late 2000s used to tell us that the "native americans" killed off all of the mound builders, the prior group to live here.

Those same teachers in that school also went into great detail on China ripping us off in all kinds of ways and both of those are saying something considering it was in Illinois, though it was a Catholic school.

Things sure have changed. Very ironic too considering how they rant and rave about how education is the most important thing in the world but my education is now "invalidated" by theirs in some manner because of reasons or something.

They are fucking bad. They are literal 3rd world tier. Avoid them and injuns that come from the rez, other feather niggers that didn’t grow up on the Rez are okay

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Well i've heard that some are doing well, some are just happy to get the new gas station up and running to bring more income into the rez, and some are dying horibly. I've heard stories about the bad ones, but not about the good ones. There has to be at least one good rez.

Sounds like a seething nip who’s family got ganged bang by mutts and abbos

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Very few can adjust to civilized society.

Buy me some beer and I'll tell you the story of my people.

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There is none. Almost every Rez receives gibs and lives off the government yet they have the guts to act proud who they are and their people

well, technically i'm a recovering alcoholic

a'good rez' would somewhere like, say, tahlequah or other towns on tribal land - not technically a reservation, tho

I'll look them up.

They had a writing system.

>Are they some kind of ancient Mongolian/in do European/snownigger mix

The Indians which reside within our 48-state borders are racially different than their smaller cousins to the north and south of us. It has been genetically proven that the "Silvid" subrace aka American Indian posesses European DNA prior Columbus

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Source? on Silvid