/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3514

► Detected: 3,138,097 (+1,589) ► Died: 217,968 (+155) ► Day: 111 (-23:59:59)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 11x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 83 vaccines and 312 treatments announced —
— 3,655 strains have been sequenced —


Over 122,000 deaths went unreported in 14 countries

Almost all countries only report deaths that occur in hospitals

Hispanics and blacks account for most deaths in California

Brazilian city of Manaus digs mass graves as deaths mount

Study claims genetics explain 50% of difference in symptoms

Homemade facemasks can be made as safe as N95

Virus found in cerebrospinal fluid, affects nervous system

11.5% of cases aged 20 to 40 are severe or critical

Virus binds to GRP78, second route found

Very high excess mortality in Spain, France, Italy, UK

Brazil state had 0 official deaths but mortuaries were already collapsed

H1N1 only had 3,433 confirmed deaths in the US, rest is estimated

Spain health ministry says up to 66% of deaths not detected

▶ 336 new cases and 20 new deaths in Brazil
▶ 2 new cases in New Zealand
▶ 5 new cases in Uruguay
▶ 1223 new cases and 135 new deaths in Mexico
▶ 22 new cases in China


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Other urls found in this thread:


I enjoy being humiliated and beaten up by homeless cunts and I suck off dogs.

I want to suck you all off and taste the hot foreskin. I smoked a shitload of pot and downed a handful of painkillers about 20 minutes ago.

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I love you guys

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It's okay for her to be a bit slow if she is very steady!

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fuck this shit already.

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male or female?

Happening is over. Prove me wrong. You can't.

so is it over yet? looks like everything is opening back up now. guess it wasn't all that bad

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Eat the lava goy

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I hate china

Lmfao look at how tiny it is, no wonder it took weeks for my hole to feel it

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Every essential worker should wear a butthole mask to stop corona braps.

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I'm trying to confirm something, which if true, would be fucking major. This is something I discovered from within the national emergency services of Sweden, that is being investigated, but they will never go out with any information if it's true, because it's pretty much unthinkable.

However, I could use some help if anyone is willing, especially if you're living in a medium/small city that still has some importance for the region/country.
I need you guys to check if you've got any openings within management positions in elderlycare, or home care.
If you've got access, or can check somehow, please check if they've recently changed the top management and such.

And for major cities, if you work in elderly care recently, or have insight into it, any top management changes in the last month?

Either post here, just write my name and I'll find it through the archive, or mail it to me at [email protected].

Ciao? dipartimento con basado?

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Nobody has legitimately said that to me in years. Even my family.
ok proover
your numbers will start rising again very quickly, i just question how honest your government will be with the numbers considering their current approach with ignoring facts.

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Happening is happening. Prove me right. Can you?

I was so keen when this happening kicked off, but now it's just boring sitting around doing nothing, not the chaos in the streets I'd hoped for by now

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#1 United States 1,035,765 (59,266) #2 Spain 232,128 (23,822) #3 Italy 201,505 (27,359) #4 France 165,911 (23,660) #5 United Kingdom 161,145 (21,678) #6 Germany 159,912 (6,314) #7 Turkey 114,653 (2,992) #8 Russia 93,558 (867) #9 Iran 92,584 (5,877) #10 China 82,858 (4,633) #11 Brazil 73,235 (5,083) #12 Canada 50,026 (2,859) #13 Belgium 47,334 (7,331) #14 Netherlands 38,416 (4,566) #15 India 31,324 (1,008) #16 Peru 31,190 (854) #17 Switzerland 29,264 (1,699) #18 Portugal 24,322 (948) #19 Ecuador 24,258 (871) #20 Saudi Arabia 20,077 (152) #21 Ireland 19,877 (1,159) #22 Sweden 19,621 (2,355) #23 Mexico 16,752 (1,569) #24 Israel 15,728 (210) #25 Austria 15,357 (569) #26 Singapore 14,951 (14) #27 Pakistan 14,612 (312) #28 Chile 14,365 (207) #29 Japan 13,736 (394) #30 Poland 12,218 (596) #31 Belarus 12,208 (79) #32 Qatar 11,921 (10) #33 Romania 11,616 (663) #34 United Arab Emirates 11,380 (89) #35 South Korea 10,752 (244)…

#1 Mexico +1,223 (+135) #2 Brazil +336 (+20) #3 China +22 #4 Uruguay +5 #5 New Zealand +2 #6 Grenada +1…

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dont get pulled over because the state frowns upon sodomy

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Fine dinning

Someone link me to the cvg discord

Reminder that Wuhan travelers literally seeded the world after China knew

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Films and novels and other media that depict a tale similar to what we're living are designed to move the events forward to keep interest in a good time, real life is slower. The majority of nations worldwide are in lockdowns so it makes sense that the numbers would slow and things would get boring.
What is interesting is how even with hardcore lockdowns, numbers are STILL increasing.

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More people died in US in the past 30 days than 20 years at war with Vietnam while 90% of the population was on lockdown. We're about the open back up

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1) no bruh botnet
2) add a source to that bitch
3) im starting to get back pains. that's from not masturbating

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Are you thinking they management was changed by spooks who will keep their mouths shut when SHTF?








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>entire world going back to work next week
Time for round 2

Can you give us a bit more to work with? I'd like to help, just need more

Student designer here. If it's infographics and nicely organized data what you need, I can help, and I can get in contact with friends and people already on the industry if necessary. I offer my humble grain of sand to /cvg/'s cause against the chink and its war against our civilization.

>Corona Chan is activating a dormant virus called Epstein in peoples bodies

Now tell me that our meme’s aren’t transcending reality


> EBV acute infection was found in COVID-19 patients. EBV seropositivity was associated with fever and increased inflammation. EBV reactivation may affected the treatment of COVID-19.

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Yeah that is some bear and eagle nazi shit. I don't believe that for a second.
The chinks would just lock them in one of their temporary "hospitals" and let them die

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Are you talking about Trudeau or Trump?

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Is trump desperate to open up because he knows people will riot soon without 2nd batch of trumpbux?

climate change and covid is what we deserve

>6,398 new cases today
>520 new deaths
>Growing every day
Time to open up bros!

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Covid-19 will not be eradicated and will return become a seasonal virus, Chinese scientists predict

Well, lads?

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We need you to man the restaurant.

Yeah a spade is really only good for gathering roots or digging holes for posts, it'll work if its all you have though, glad you got a shovel. Should speed things up a ton.

Kek, apparently it's just mono though

government wants old people to die because they don't work/pay taxes anymore and drain the system? is that your theory?

Source on opening back up? Most of the large states are staying shut down indefinitely.

We're all going to die!!!

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▶ 9 new cases and 2 new deaths in South Korea
▶ 9 new cases in Paraguay

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That's obvious, it always happens like that. Just like H1N1 became a seasonal virus.

why not both?

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did you see blumenau? from 1 new case/day to 30/day after opening up.


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They're retards from both ends of the spectrum. Both are doing a shit job. At least we're not from Belgium though

That's because we aren't having any china style hardcore lockdowns. Especially not in Murica. Every other day we get a video of a nig houseparty and random normies fucking about in the grocery store without a mask. The continuing rise in numbers isn't all that unexpected. I do expect it to get much worse now that we are opening things back up though

why US is so bad at healthcare compared to china even when higher population by like 10x

flight path of travelers from wuhan during chinese new year

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Blumenau did a completely retarded move and they will pay the price soon.

Fair point.
Pic unrelated

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This is not actually corona is it?

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WHO is still lead by a nigger though

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Coronachan /ss/ when

To actually do shit with "flattenning the curve" and whatnot, we would need to wield people inside their houses or shoot them on sight when seen partying like niggers.

You've already reported another 336 cases and 20 deaths after the day officially ended.

That's right sir. We are Kings

Have to save the economy. Have to keep the investors happy. Doesnt want to get JFKd

Because 70% of our healthcare costs come from welfare dwellers that had no intention of paying their bills to begin with. Thusly, we happy few must shoulder the burden

She's already in space

>Ground control to major rona

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allowing plebs to travel was a mistake

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Hes talking about this most likely.

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Discord is monitored the same as Yas Forums tho science.sciencemag.org/content/368/6489/395 I think this is source

kek is with me

Thing is, I doubt the common person will find anything more about this than management being replaced, or the previous quitting/dying suddenly.
But without saying too much, it seems there is a trend in places with new management that the workers are being instructed to contact people who have elderly at the centers, not officially, but like "I'm not supposed to do this but" and arrange, amongst others, for the relatives to be able to visit despite it, like here in Sweden, is forbidden. Pretty much, despite in some cases not even wanting to do it but being ordered by the new management, to do things that won't raise suspicitions because it's under the table, but will ensure the disease keeps spreading in the elderly care centers.

I wrote a bit above, don't really want to say more (and at the same time, I want to scream this from the rooftops, but I need more info)

Not to keep their mouths shut.

No, not the government, more of an external force, and not because of taxes or draining the system..

Chinks really deserve their own level in hell.

Read the filename

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Ask some drawfag to make a corona edit of this maybe?

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The heme hypothesis is wrong. No further evidence was found and the theory was based on an in silico simulation.
It is causing clotting but not by that mechanism

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y-you too

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Jennifer Zang is part of a cult though

This failure to take proper control at a critical moment will be our undoing.

I'll still blame the jews.
>kikes write articles about how wacist it is to shut down travel
>kikes still go out even after told to stay in place
fucking kikes

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Economylet here, can someone tell me if there are any downsides to the economy shrinking if you're not a consoomer? (as long the food supply chain doesn't collapses, but why would it?)

Can you explain. I havent been here in a few days after some jannie banned me on /k/

You wouldn't if you knew me.

I'm in a state that was "closed" for like 3 weeks and already reopened. I think something like 13 states are reopening and even NJ said they're gonna reopen soon. It's all on Google

I wholeheartedly believe the only reason China did measures that extreme was a perfect showcase of how hopeless the situation got over there. They had this thing much longer but kept it really quiet I think.

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We are now #5 and still the cnut government believe the xperts so no masks

Unemployment will rise, harder to get jobs, companies will lose money/go bankrupt.

not being able to have a job

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quick rundown?

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No need saying that twice. We had between 3 weeks and a full 2 months, seeing corona ravaging china and Italy. 3 weeks to 3 months. We saw it all, and no one did shit until it was too late, man...

Why isn't India one massive graveyard? Why are there fewer deaths in Tokyo than New York? Why hasn't China had a second wave?
This happening fucking sucks. Where's my civil war? Where's my second great depression?

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Those are two separate groups of Jews who don't even like each other.



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>anons actually want a China-style lockdown
Why contain it? Let it spill over into the schools and churches, let the bodies pile up in the streets.

nice bullshit fearmongering you got there

this is a normal blood sample

the vials sometimes have other shit in them for whatever reason

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Explains the mouse ears

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Is this a larp or is there more

also our money gets more and more worthless, prepare for Real 2: Tokyo Drift

How would look a man that could survive all the coronavirus strains without having his lifespan shortened?

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> Erwin, Tennessee

Did the Rona reach there?

Look up NYC whistleblower nurse on YouTube. She said that family members weren't allowed in pts rooms so doctors could do procedures that would result in death without pts consent. This is a culling

I've never seen a leaf this based before

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>As long the food supply chain doesnt collapse

archive.is/wip/Ax8Lo (being processedfor archival)

>there's a CO2 shortage happening, CO2 is essential for regulating ph levels for water purification procedures
>Meat packing and processing workers, plus inspectors are getting sick with the WuFlu, deaths are now being recorded
>Nuclear power plant workers are starting to test positive for the WuFlu
>Key military top brass have been evacuated to nuclear fallout bunkers such as the Cheyenne Mountains
>Secret service military forces have been activated in case whitehouse personnel have to be evacuated from DC
>This virus can infect to a mild degree vital cattle herd animals such as cows

>SIGNIFICANT RAMIFICATIONS’: Meat Shortage Fears Deepen As Tyson Foods Closes Its Largest Pork Plant Indefinitely


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It’s a matter of old people are good incubators for the disease to generate high viral loads.
And their dead bodies are good vectors as well.

I have long theorized that the virus - same virus - can become a worse or less bad disease based purely on epidemiological characteristics. The nursing homes are like a kind of kindling.

I think they put something in it to seperate the plasma or it does that naturally, thats the yellow shit

What's the deal with the aussie poster that laid out how some china lady doctor used dry ice to spread this in the market? He said it was caught on cctv. Is any of that legit or just a larp too

Stop this shit.

I hope it's turn out to be nothing because doing that to a bunch of old folks is a whole new level of fucked up.

Doubt it. That whole plan is really dumb. Who in their right mind would release a virus with potential to cause an EE just to force some people/governments to pay debt? Dead people don't pay bills and any debt means jack if the economy goes down the drain.

You will be number 4 by the end of the week, and if the UK included all of its territories in it's total, like the US, it'd be a day sooner.

Falun Gong is a cult that is persecuted by CCP. Their main objective is the destruction of CCP so have to take news with a grain of salt otherwise chinks can say hey look fake news

Update: Its fucking nothing

Burgers cheered her on when China and Europe were affected but once America became the epicenter they showed their true cowardly ways

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more poverty
t. Economy PhD

only 2 years to go

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