How can white empires even compete?

How can white empires even compete?

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as much as i admire the mongols aggressive expansion, it was doomed to fall apart the moment the khan died because he didn't set up enough infrastructure or any lines of succession

Fuck chinks.

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By actually lasting a few centuries.

By having bigger dicks and being taller . Keep coping tho

a fucking horse archer

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Impressive, but contiguous empires are easy mode.

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Lol Anglos proud of the fact that they conquered primitive savages stuck in the Stone Age lmao

desu half of the empire were empty steppes

>Half the empire is empty steppelands
>No sea power
>Depends on indigenous population to administrate territories
The Mongol Empire was impressive for what it was, but you're a fucking retard.

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Reminder that genghis was so self serving. So inclined to the service to self path that he harvested 4th density negative upon his physical death and is currently serving as a glorified shipping clerk for the Orion empire. Way to go genghis have fun climbing that ever shifting power ladder that is negative density. I'm sure your masters will give you some crumbs left of the pie.


Literacy and running water?

At least the Anglos didn't go native after conquering those territories.

Well, at least not until recently.

Same as the mongols, numbnuts

You're wrong. We never conquered the French.

Lol no ,the mongols were more primitive than the civilizations they conquered


Never existed

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God damn I'm actually agreeing with leafs

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Tell me more about this Khan of your's.

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Mongols were badasses. They spared no one, they ass raped Muslims, chinks Russians and poles alike lol.

No one else in history made all those people their bitches at the same time

Turns out monogls were the real colonisers. Mongolia must pay reparations now
>1 post by this ID

>Canada, Australia, Africa
>Anything but empty worthless shit

Lol the Spaniards cucked you the hardest you shouldn’t be talking manlet

mongols never conquered india you nigger


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>I'm actually agreeing with leafs
On the outside we might act like cucks and globohomo but we're still part of the commonwealth and for some of us that shit runs deep.

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What the fuck?

Thats your "baste" gooks, Pajeet

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why you quote me we had almost all of America, Italy, Netherlands-Belgium, Morocco, Philippines and lasted 300 years

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they were masters of warfare and diplomacy

Yes the arabs , Persians , and Chinese were developed civilizations and had the same level of technology for warfare . The playing field was the same and mongols had better warriors and tactics. Anglos had guns firing against savages with sticks. Big fucking difference

Do you ever hear people talk about Mongol Architecture, or Mongol Art, or Mongol Music?

No, because they were a maruading race of chink eyed savages who were good at shooting arrows off of horses.

Ah the leaf faggots, how are you enjoying Filipino and Pakistani cock?

Your leader and people are the most cucked in the word and you dare to talk about manlets lmao

The Mongols were cool but there were greater empires since. A lot of Mongolians today are pretty based.

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As a history fan and an autist, I'd like to complain about your map and it's poor understanding of the difference between the Mongols and the Mughals. To seperate empires of steppe nomads seperated by hundreds of years. The Mongols never conquered India.


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We conquered India and prized strategic trade locations. The Mongols conquered useless steppe land (they never had India, OP's map is wrong).

the capitania general de valparaiso was a lot better back then, now its just a pond of piss and rats

Mongol throat singing is badass. There's plenty of Mongol culture, unlike your faggot bitchboy country and it's deep throating culture

The Mongols razed the two largest cities on earth at the time.

yeah...mudshit ones lol

when it comes down to it,the anglo conquered the world its why this board speaks english

god save the bloody queen lads

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I’m enjoying flip pussy as well as Latina Pussy. Lmao whites here don’t race mix it’s only in the cities . Can’t say the same about your women .