/NSG/ + /SIG/

ᛋᛋ Welcome to /nsg/+/sig/: National Socialism General + Self-Improvement General. ᛋᛋ

BE INSPRIRED: bitchute.com/video/aBBsBVZ6hLg9/

This is your one-stop-shop for every redpill known to Yas Forums.

This thread covers the discussion of topics such as:
·NatSoc Ideology
·Active Movements
·NatSoc History
·Physical and Mental Improvements
·General Plans

What are you waiting for? Take the pledge!
> For the good of my people:
> I must IMPROVE my will, body, and mind
> I must BUILD our culture and communities
> I must STRUGGLE for the future of my race
> We will endure forever!

>But what really is National Socialism?
National Socialism is NOT about killing blacks, blowing up buildings, or hating other races as Siege-fags would have you believe but rather is about bettering your own folk.

National Socialism also does NOT d&c based on religion. Be wary of those who try and ostracize potential allies with needless gatekeeping.

Would you like to know more? Check out the Pastebin & learn the truth!

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These are your allies. They fight for your freedom:
- gab.com/ProjectWhite
- bitchute.com/channel/projectwhite/
- t.me/project_white
- gab.com/Der_Sieg
- NEW WEBSITE IS UP: projectwhite.org
- NEW MANIFESTO IS WRITTEN: projectwhite.org/our-struggle

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Not even once.

faggot thread for Jews


I doubt any of the Yas Forums nerds are actually using the advice, we're all degenerates here

Aren't you getting tired of this?

slide thread

slide thread

nazis = leftists

schlomos and meme flags are out in full force tonight

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lol no.
Eat Shit Kike.

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>nsg beens a thing since pol existed
>nsg is a slide thread

ok lol

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everyone here should be working towards bettering themselves and their community. you cannot expect help from anyone if you do not first help yourself.

it's important you guys spread the message. be considerate, polite, and factual.
Use proper statistics to back up your statements and claims, spreading dishonest information or propaganda will help nobody and only serve to undermine the movement.

I'll start with something people can fact check, albeit a bit dated, but helps redpill people on immigration.


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lol don't be coy Moshe. We all know your secret.


comfy natsoc server come shitpost fuck niggers


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Long/Short Term solution for the Creation of a National Socialist Movement in North America
National Socialist Food Banks
The Rust belt is dotted with herione filled shit holes where millions of our people live in little better then well maintained slums, the decaying concrete carcasses of factories crumbling around them.
These people have nothing and no one helping them, left friendless with the rise of the cosmopolitan left and the death of evangelical Christianity.
It is here we have the greatest opportunity to increase our numbers.
>When we deliver food to white families?
Swastika Arm bands on the the arms of the men carying the boxes
>When they come to the holl to pick up food?
Swastika on the wall.
>When they sit down for a meal?
A speech about exactly (((who))) is responsible for where they are.
In this we can turn the midwest and a great deal of the american south rural north east national socialist.
And from this we begin a legitimate Nat Soc movement in this country, shapping both elections and demographics in the process.

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>Immigration with gum balls
Based and old Yas Forums pilled.

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fuckoff glownigger

some inspo before i hit the hay


But they could use that, get everyone to hate teh nazis.
Form a less aggressive but none the less ethnocentric faith, and instead form a coalition with the other races.
Redpill Blacks on who ran the slave trade
Redpill Asians on the origins of Communism.
Show the Indians how the Jew is Satanic and seeks the destruction of the Aryan spirit.
Show the Muslims how the House of Saud is Jewish, and how Israel pinned the blame on them for 9/11.

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A Squire's Trial by Alexander Slavros
>Mein Kampf (Ford Translation)
>Hitler's Revolution by Richard Tedor
>The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
>Faith and Action: Hitler Youth Booklet
>Where Black Rules White: A journey across and about Haiti by H.H. Prichard
>The International Jew by Henry Ford
>You Gentiles! by Maurice Samuel
>Jews Must Live by Samuel Roth
>Zero Tolerance by Alexander Slavros
>SIEGE by James Mason
>The Manson File: The Writings of Charles Manson
>IRA Greenbook

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I guess you're right, that did scare us. That's why we destroyed his reputation permanently


its important we demonstrate that everyone should have a homeland and be proud of their homeland. every group of peoples has a homeland, a culture, and an identity they can and should be proud of. they can advance themselves and create a sense of pride for themselves, there is no need to demean them. simply educate them. they are in the process of overrunning our homeland and our twisting our culture out of sheer ignorance being manipulated by the jew and those who also act out of ignorance

far too long have people been stripped of their culture and identity to advance a cruel, failing, and perverted system pushed by corrupt people with twisted intentions out of self interest.

everyone deserves to be proud of their people, the white identity has yet been stripped from the majority by the jew but it still exists and they need to be made aware of it as well.

pic related, arguably one of the most depressing videos you will ever see.

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>Racial Colloberation and not being "Explicit"
While im fine with redpilling other races to aid us in our battle against the jew (assuming the assumption from the get go is that we are fighting for our OWN homelands for our OWN peoples, not some gay faggy kiked "multicultural-riech")
I think being explicit is kinda necessary in order for a succesful National Socialist movement to trive
We are going to be called "nazis" no matter what we do.
All we can do is rebrand the meaning of that.
That is why i say we should ACCEPT the symbol, then force people into seing an alternative meaning to it by providing food to the poor and homeless.
Its going to be more and more hard for the (((media)))) to say "Nazis are Evil) when in every day lives legitimate open "Nazis" are feeding starving children and helping to better poor communities.

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I had a conversation and real time realization with my wife that I was probably one of the causes of Fortune" being chocked full of lies than high I Q posts as, lethality, the pattern that has followed me my entire life was in play. What pattern, you ask. The pattern that, if I could figure some shot out, probably a bunch of normies and less than norms IQs would soon follow. Not saying I personally brought Rutter all here and they wouldn't have arrived had I pretended stealing that flag and etc wasn't clever and been enticed to arrive and see what other hilarious hijinx you all were up to but... Yeah. Sorry.

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>These people have nothing and no one helping them, left friendless with the rise of the cosmopolitan left and the death of evangelical Christianity.
>It is here we have the greatest opportunity to increase our numbers.
Haha WOW that's shameless. You just admit to using cult methods
Really shoddy ones at that, you'll get shanked instantly. Even homeless people hate nazis

> That's why we destroyed his reputation permanently
lol Dream more kike
Fucker litterally has more viewers now then ever and keep dropping the same sublte shit he always has.
Face it dude
the swede stuck his dick down your throat and you werent able to do shit about

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>>nsg beens a thing since pol existed
...No, they haven't.

why are neo-Nazis such degenerate filth? literally what the Jews want, and all they have to do is point a finger and say "see..."


Well we did destroy his homeland, so we only made him depressed for a while. No need to be too cruel.

Better to have normies to be redpilled (even if they are annoying) then no one to spread this shit to.
>Haha WOW that's shameless. You just admit to using cult methods
Or you know the methods that litterally every other revolutionary polical ideology has addopted throughout time from the communists to the fucking papalists.
>Even homeless people hate nazis
Only people homless people in the US hate our rich elietes whites who claim to be "liberal" and call them "privileged"
the fuck do you think happens when they realize most of said "whites" are jews my dude?
The fuck cope is strong with this one.
Because any non-degenerates dont get fucking Press time
The reason the Jewish press constantly talks about David Duke but hardly ever mentioned william pierce is because Duke was a degenerate FBI nigger who was litterally there just to meme peopel towards a controlled OP like the modern clan over legitimate white organizing.

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