Arab here, arabs are never racists, but why are americans so racist against blacks? And how are you guys planning to solve the racism problem?
Why are people racist against blacks in america?
Arabs here are totally racist against ONLY blacks
Bullshit, there’s no racist arab, we are multicultural with diverse genetics.
Time never heals the wounds that you can milk for eternal gibs.
Bro come to Los Angeles for a 3 day weekend and chill in an Arab owned 7/11 then tell me that
Arabs stopped converting sub-Saharan Africa because they were more valuable as slaves
>Racis racis racis
>aww shiet standardized testing is
>Bank accounts racis
>Education that prioritizes learning over sports.. racisss
Then fuck off to Africa dumb sand monkey.
Let's see how long your love for niggers lasts outside your borders paid by oil moneys.
Legalize the shit load of illegal aliens you faggots have in such a case. It would do no harm, Indians, arabs, africans, they must all be equal in such a case.
The first Islamic online forum I went to was a bunch of Arab women bitching about white women.
Americans are racist to blacks because they lack empathy and suppress their ability to treat others with love and compassion. They see black people, specifically poor blacks, they see their run-down shithole communities and toxic culture of gangs, violence, and rap music which promotes it, they see crime statistics and sometimes they see black people acting loud and obnoxious in public. Instead of a desire to improve the black community they choose the easy way out and give into their worst most destructive emotions. they choose to hate black people and convince themselves that black people deserve the condition that they are in. Whites hate them for being the way that they are, and because of the way that they are whites do nothing to help their condition, and even contribute to the degeneration of the community by denying them respect and dignity.
Arabs are the MOST racist.
>Arab here, arabs are never racists
wut? Stop making up stories racist.
Living in the same neighborhood as niggers for more than a week is enough to make anyone a racist.
Living around niggers will make anyone racist
>t. ex nonracist
you're silly
if the colors were reversed you wouldn’t say such bullshit
Whoa, hivemind.
Funny. Arabs took more Africans as slaves than the US did. So, you may ask yourself, why is there no niggers in Arab lands? Because you cut off their balls to fix that very potential problem. Now, the Arabs don't have a nigger problem while the US does.
>convince themselves that black people deserve the condition that they are in
they do
They are the way they are because they're niggers.
Why do you enslave Bangladeshis and force them to build soccer stadiums for you?
People who live worse than you need your help, not your disdain. If you were born a black child in a black community you would be the 'nigger' that you are talking about. Exercise your empathy muscles brother, otherwise you poison your soul and the world's soul.
>If you were born a black child in a black community you would be the 'nigger' that you are talking about
If I was a nigger then I would be a nigger? oh wow really?
Because niggers refuse to engage in any form of self control and expect everyone else to pay for everything they want.
Wtf are you talking about, we have a lot of black arabs
>pic related
As someone who has gone to iraq I can tell you that OP is a faggot retard trolling on vpn. They’re racist as shit
Zimmerman was hispanic, not white.
Don't worry about what we're doing over here you worthless, monkey-brained, sand-nigger.
I almost forgot that I was on a board where people genuinely believe that a population who were owned as slaves for generations, and then when freed were vilified and segregated for a hundred years, live the way that they do simply because that's who they are, and that no external factors have any responsibility. I feel sorry for you if your IQ is low enough to believe this. Textbook cognitive dissonance. You will always look for an excuse to justify your hatred. Your soul is sick and it needs healing.
>arabs are never racists
Nice bait, goatfucker
Speaking of trayvon - Zimmerman aka Mexijew is suing the martin family for 50 million
Weak Larp.