Jews try to normalize cuckoldry among all men, yet only whites fall for it. Why is this? What does this say about wh*toid "men?"
Jews try to normalize cuckoldry among all men, yet only whites fall for it. Why is this...
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Based Miguel, why do gringos let their women do this shit. We would beat them till they passed out for such whoreness
White people let everyone smash they girl as long as she doesnt stay the night LMAO
Bumping epic bread
More white whores
wtf is wrong with you gringos if my girls had an only fans I would beat her with the frying pan
What a cuck. Lol
Así se habla hermano. Los gringos urbanos se an efeminado gracias a Hollywood y el estrogeno en su agua
Pic unrelated? If your wife only fucks you but makes money from retarded simps by whoring it out for some videos and pics, that’s absolutely disgusting and degenerate but not cuckoldry.
But you’re just a ching chong kike mong with yet another demoralizing slide thread so why am I even am replying...
Sage and kys
>cuckoldry among all men,
They only target white men and women with this shit though. You dont see media and porn punish some latino cuck enjoying his beaner wife get railed by some gringo or nigger
When did you realize that everything boils down to race? I mean, I respect more spics and niggers who are open about their hostility toward whites than those who say they don't have anything against whites. It's bullshit. I realized that races naturally hate each other when I saw prison segregation. Those men are the most primitive individuals you can find in society, but they represent exactly that aspect of our nature. No wonder race gangs exist. It is a race war, but a hidden one. It will always be like that, but people must wake up.
>among all men
White men only, it's a targeted genocide.
Whites are the only ones tricked into feeling bad for just existing. They get into it because they're told they owe every other race something. It's really sad, actually, from the perspective of a non-white. I don't want white people to go extinct because of some jew trick, that shit is weak. For Europe specifically it hurts to see the most because I don't want the qt pure Euro girls to go extinct or to be owned by Schlomostein and Tyrone Niggarapperton.
I don't wanna take a trip to the US 10 years from now only to see a bunch of Jews in rich areas and the rest is hispanic and black. I don't wanna visit anywhere in Europe and think to myself that I accidentally took the trip to Africa Muslimcity. Get your shit together, gringos and eurofucks.
>yet only whites fall for it
Because white men need to oven all the jews.
Chance of raising kids? Not on the list.
Chance of black eyes increased
this PR campaign by Only fans is fucking massive
>yet only whites fall for it. Why is this? What does this say about wh*toid "men?"
>He believe this
The white MAN is the most manly being on existance all other races and mutts just COPE
And here we see the wh*Te cuck trying to defend it LMAO
Trying, but we are utterly infested with Judaism
lol beaners are so jelly of White dudes, its so interesting. Always looking for a reason to talk shit.
>Trying, but we are utterly infested with Judaism
Self-inflicted. Christians believe their dead prophet will spring back to life and appear in the sky on a flying horse, waving a sword.
Jews are more than happy to keep pushing the 2nd coming myth even though they don't believe it themselves.
As a result, these christian-jewish fellowshop groups maintain that 3 billion shekels per year taxpayer dollars going to israel (rub rub)
Dude what the fuck I downloaded the app and it’s full of trannies and dudes trying to blow me. Wtf is this bullshit
I feel so bleak about the future, I actually might rope myself.
the jews get high off their own supply though
jewish women are notorious sluts, and all the most fucked up cuck shit I've seen has involved Jewish women
LOL yeah depending where you're at MeetMe is peak degeneracy
What the fuck is up with you only fans shills. Gtfo off my board you degenerate kikes.
The darker yiu are the imature and unablento cope with shit and they just respond with agression and blind egotistical gangster attitude. Niggers are so insecure they have to confirm to popular personality style and big man persona. They are NPCs that have to follow popular culture.
I like how these stats are made up cope but the ones against you guys are straight from scientific journals.
thats clearly a homo she keeps around to tell losers she has a bf so they leave her alone
Imagine your inferior race being reduced to fetishism. Yikes.
Also kill niggers, kill Jews, kill jannies
Whites are the sexiest race on the planet
Even to other races
Everybody wants white women
White women are so attractive weak white men dream of being white women
Especially in a society that gives so much privilege to white woman and hatred towards white men
I would divorce her if she didn’t get rid of it. If you truly care about somebody, then you won’t need or want outside validation. 99.9999999% of women are whores
If they were made up you wouldnt seethe over it
Clearly you can see the white guy in the OP happily being a cuck
Jelly? This isn’t the 1950’s dude, nobody wants to be white anymore.nobody fears white males, you’re emasculated and the definition of a cuck, you’re a laughing stock that is rejected by your own woman. Being a white male in 2020 is amongst the worst things you can be.
Guys I'm fucking scared, my wife keeps making hints and half jokes that she wants to bring a third person into our relationship but I think she's going to try to get a bull to fuck me and her at the same time. I love her and want her to be happy but this is scaring me in case she falls in love with the other dude since I'm not a Chad.
That’ a jew, mutto.
who again falls for this? retards?
natural selection bud
>jewish women are notorious sluts
Abby is not a slut.
nice, literally no downside. do it.
divorce her before she cheats on you(if she isn't already)
Yeah it sucks but whites hate you, I can’t say I feel bad for them, I’m not a cuck that’s going to feel bad for a group of people that hate me, so I can’t find any sympathy towards how hard they’re getting jewed.
>lesbian tattoo
>under tits tattoo
Just say no
I pimp my gf out on the internet and don't let her leave the room. She hasn't cheated on me, I control all her communication, she let's me live out my wildest fetish fantasies and I don't have to do a lick of work to live comfortably. All because of mid range chadness.
I am a bad man.
you gotta love the branding of men not wanting their girlfriends to be capital L Literal Prostitutes as "insecure."
leave her, you're welcome
>implying she doesn't know about her fans.