You know, some sources are saying that America's major networks have been co-opted by Chinese officials...

You know, some sources are saying that America's major networks have been co-opted by Chinese officials, and are purposely sowing seeds of dissent to create chaos in America.

Some people think that Silicon Valley are owned by China, and that by trusting them we're trusting a subversive and RACIST country.

Some sources are saying it.

I've provided as much proof as many news outlets, so let's meme this into truth. If it gets big then worst case scenario, some normies get redpilled about the lugenpresse. Best case scenario, we get to violently purge (((journalists))) and (((social networking companies))) from this mortal coil.

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Other urls found in this thread:

but everything you said is actually true

Just look at Blizzard.

Then why not continue talking about it until it's impossible to ignore? We need to destroy the last bit of credibility these (((companies))) have.

Globalists always prized what is now Chinese style capitalist-communism. The WHO is Gates and the Chinese, somehow funded also by America so tell me, how does that happen?

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What we are experiencing I already told you years ago. We are going to be living isolated semi-cyber lives dictated too the same way the internet is controlled now, by forced consent via denial of service, like cookies, that’s how they will sell the chip and stop the virus from destroying civilisation.
As I said months ago America will not survive the virus because the American way of life cannot coexist with corona virus and with the anti President hysteria they are primed to tear theirselves apart.
But it’s more interesting to hear what burgers think. I should never have got mad at nothing burgers because it’s easily predictable, it’s just my weakness for ego I can’t take allowing someone to contradict me. I feel bad now because I failed to stop them fucking up. Most will end up on 9/11 type welfare for their stricken lungs and weak organs. Seems the bio weapon will as one of its functions shorten workers lifetimes significantly.
Don’t get snippy either because I’m locked in from the fucking thing too, it’s everywhere.

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The general public doesn't even have an inkling of how much influence the Chinese hold over our politicians, media, universities, social media/tech, etc. Chinksects are trying to outjew the Jew.

I say let it burn. I don't even have any illusions about surviving any chaos, engineered or organic. Just fucking do it already. Miserable glownigger faggots. I have expectation fatigue.

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i live for the day when we get to string you people from lampposts

How's it hangin', Long Island?

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>so tell me, how does that happen?
Probably has something to do with judaism.

The Jew can only be removed violently now. The Chinese may be useful to us soon.

It's not china we need to worry about. It's the Jewish bolsheviks that have seized control of our academic institutions, media, government, and finance.

That's a good point. As more states begin looking towards balkanization we'll have all of the allies we'll need. They'd be happy to help divide the country.

So who is it then? the Jew or the Chink?

same pollack subhuman shilling for the chinks in every thread. How much amphetamine do they pay you per week?

China will take over the world after they defeat the U.S in world war 3. The future is Asian.

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actually believing that jews are not playing any role simply implies that you are a crackhead

the jews are responsible for Chinas success
>‘Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history’.– David Rockefeller

> defeat US in a world war
Dumb fucks cant even make a working MRE the fuck you think they're going to fight the USA and win?

Said the chinese shill...

China isn't going to fight the US in a war.

China is going to do to the US and Europe what the US and Europe did to China: own it. The West is heavily in debt to China now. Their economies are crippled. There businesses and governments will need to be "bailed out", but really they will be bought out. Communist victory over capitalism will be through Communist planning, but capitalist action: China is quite simply going to buy the West. The CCP will own every major employer. They already control the media, now they want to own the people.

Then frame it as "Rich Chinese-backed CEOs trying to pay workers less by flooding market with illegals."

>b...b...but da jooz
Yeah I've noticed the chinks started pushing this a month or more ago. Now they respond to every complaint against the chink hive with some deflection concerning the kikes. Keep seething zipperhead.

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The enemy within is always more dangerous than a government overseas. Jews are also protected by the ruling class, removing them is going to be a problem.

This applies to you too zhou

>chinks started pushing this a month or more ago.
what a retard
why did i even bother

You do know we can have more than one enemy, right? China is obviously dangerous, but the Jews have had almost a century to take over our country from within. The Chinese have only had a few decades.

Pompeo showed us how they own our governors.

>a subversive
>and RACIST country.
Whoa whoa whoa, hold on you fucking kike, there's nothing wrong with being racist.
I'm starting to think all y'all anti-Chinkman posters are really just kikes in disguise.

America has a severe grifter problem. One event happens but there's like 50 different takes, so, grifters corner a take on an event and shill product and donations. It creates a problem of paralysis because there is so much misinformation, from every angle, from every party.

There's no easy solution to it because the mainstream are shills as well. It's not the Chinese that control the US news media. It's the Jews that do. And anybody that suggests otherwise is spreading misinformation.

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