Using The Last of Us 2 Controversy In Order To Redpill More People On Jewish Subversion?

The sequel to one of the most beloved video games on the PlayStation has recently been leaked in terms of the game’s plot. The story basically boils down to Ellie and her Jewish girlfriend attempting to survive from a group of homophobic Christian cultists, who simply want to kill them because of their sexuality.

Many fans are incredibly upset by these “changes” in order to diversify the game to the extreme. However, the leak itself apparently comes from an angry employee, who is mad about the anti-Christian, anti-male messages throughout the whole game.

Yas Forums, considering the main writer whom decided to make these changes is Jewish (Israeli) himself... I propose that we make a hashtag or meme that highlights the hypocrisy of these hateful messages by exposing that the main writer is someone from a country that literally blows up innocent Muslim children for “security reasons”.

>Pic related:

Attached: D7BAA1D6-E23F-4B26-95D4-E9727DE6ACEB.png (1716x2632, 2.94M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Neil Druckmann

>homophobic Christian cultists
FYI, they also hate non-whites and kill them on sight.

This as well.

I'm being serious here, that fucking nose is real and not edited, the one on the dyke?

If it makes straight males seek a useful, stimulating hobby/interests/activity; maybe it's worth the poz to incidentally deter them from wasting hours.

>Last of Us 2 Controversy
links to the leaked footage?

Isn't the big spoiler that the main characters are killed by a gorilla tranny?

The first game features a father and daughter like relationship btwn the main characters.
The second game features degeneracy: the girl suddenly is a lesbian, her GF is a jewish girl, and a HULK of a transwoman kills the main character of the first game.
yes, see pic, on the left

Attached: those are women.png (489x593, 279.62K)

It's going to flop

More like it's going to do a flip

Attached: 1588050319646.jpg (640x660, 54.34K)

Finally found it. Watch it before it gets taken down again.

>Israely writer
like pottery, the memes write themselves

Attached: wtf.jpg (1024x740, 110.62K)

>More like it's going to do a flip.

Like this? Kek.

Attached: DF994589-78A2-4173-9ECA-2F3D03A8075F.gif (275x208, 1.43M)

Remember Hatred? Remember all the SJW game journalists who got it pulled from Steam for being too violent?

I can't wait for The Last of Us 2, a hyper violent power fantasy to debut, and those exact same journalists to turn a blind eye because it's LGBTQ characters doing all the murdering.

Attached: gawker agenda kill all video games.jpg (1982x2286, 578.55K)


Attached: 1557445494237.jpg (540x960, 85.5K)

japan doesn't have kikes.

Is that image real?

Attached: C475421F-CC84-42F6-85E9-E47142EEA247.gif (330x297, 1.58M)

Super based

Attached: 242EFD31-D848-455C-9B00-1A1D653DA865.png (1124x559, 410.16K)

>bad guy
whoa pretty progressive if you ask me

(((They))) have also minimized the breasts on all ‘female’ characters.

Attached: 4AAB4441-2C14-44EA-8A48-D8FE79312171.jpg (1197x642, 157.93K)

On this image thats been circulating on Yas Forums is what seems to be the spoiler of the second game, be advised

Attached: 1588097853350.png (1235x612, 71.83K)


Attached: 8DD676DD-74D2-4841-8AC3-F2C012780956.jpg (750x1098, 187.13K)

Literally pic related.

Attached: 1539115958343.png (1000x1000, 244.26K)

Didnt minimize that jew nose

no shit I talked to a tranny who told me people love this LGBT Jew nonsense.... I was so blasted away by these creatures and their upside down world.

Wait I thought the last of us was about shooting zombies? What happened?


Attached: 2546624-133451218783.png (400x300, 189.74K)

With so many story driven movie games having come out they were worried that alone wouldnt be enough of a selling point and decided to drum up controversy and free publicity from the people here on the chans who want to talk about how much they hate it and liberals virtue signaling.

That was from a customer messing around with the signs.

>Wait I thought the last of us was about shooting zombies? What happened?

Jewish subversion, apparently.

I'll wait for the game to release and see if the "leak" is true before getting triggered about it. This seems like a marketing campaign to drum up fake controversy to help market the game.

Based. Only in America...

Attached: D47AAD8A-31EC-4D53-98CE-259F9707A5D0.gif (450x252, 1.31M)

Are you trying to be ignorant or that just the Leaf nature? The leaked footage has been posted in here -

Ahh this advertising campaign of leaking the plot and alienating 10s of 1000s of PlayStation users is working well.