He'd give himself a 10/10
Rate his first term
3/10, and only that high because he's hilarious
Checked and fpbp
2/10 for efficacy
999/10 for making the mainstream media throw a 4 year tantrum
Worth it. Hope he wins again.
America is great again. I every aspect. Prove me wrong.
checked and based
I’m a lefty fuck and I’d agree. 3/10 for being hilarious and scaring the fuck out of the entire world.
I think he is a huge embarrassment and brings to light that America is filled with uneducated shitheads. I think Nixon is probably a 1/10 on modern scales, and Trump is slightly better than that, so maybe a 2 or 3 out of 10.
stfu you wooden shoe sone of a bitch
Not an argument.
>Nixon is a 1/10
Kill yourself faggot Nixon is easily one of the best presidents since WW2.
I give it a point for every white person he helped. So a 0/10
Not but, I don't think you're looking for an argument, and are obviously a fuckwit troll.
5/10 not great but better than most of the shit we've had over the last 50 years.
mf his only tangible achievement was allowing Israel to annex some territory
oh wait...
Against so much headwind, MSM etc I give him a 20 out of 10. Quite entertaining as well. MAGA.
Absolutely not, that title is easily awarded to Eisenhower. Nixon started the war of drugs while also being one of the few Presidents to almost be successfully impeached.
3/10 and he is still your best option in 2020 election. What an absolute state of American decay.
Teddy Roosevelt literally saved the US from Monopolist tyranny. Granted it was temporary and now we're starting to see the Monopolists gain power again but it would have happened much faster without Teddy. That's why he's the best.
6/10, will elect him again.
>Putting criminal blacks in jail
I did say one of the best, I admit Eisenhower is above him.
>Ended Vietnam
>Started the EPA
>Last president to have any awareness of the Jewish problem
>The American people loved him while scumfuck media hated him
He was what Trump was supposed to be.
To be fair I said post WW2.
Never knew much about him but always seemed to me that he was based. Any reference to some redpills on him, sir?
This is all because the DNC can't accept change
>inb4 never vote for a commie Jew
I'd rather vote for a Jew that wants to take money away from Jews than an orange shabbos goy that wants to give it to em, or Biden who will just do nothing.
>I think Nixon is probably a 1/10 on modern scales
The dude literally saved the US from losing all her gold due to Bretton Woods. The solution (full fiat reserve) wasn't ideal but it prevented a worldwide meltdown. He was also notoriously uncompliant and found the secret societies running the world to be extremely fake and gay.
Gotta give the dude some credit. I'm not going to fault him for wiretapping since everyone did it. It's the nature of politics.
3/10 generic zog puppet that is no better or worse than hillary would have been
failed countless campaign promises
threw his supporters and the people who got him into the office under the bus
basically hes a backstabbing jew without the pedigree
I give him the 3 points because he somehow managed to predict and criticize his future actions as president years before.
He's another one of the great presidents Republicans like to claim even though he basically had policy similar to a modern Democrat (since the parties switched platforms in the 20th century). He was never supposed to become President but McKinley (A monopolist sellout President) got assassinated by a Socialist and Teddy was VP so he became President. Long story short Teddy broke up the Monopolies and (temporarily) saved America from the rich.
Solid 8/10.
Would reelect.
>Putting criminal blacks in jail
Aside from the racism there, the war of drugs doesn't work and costs us billions of dollars. It isn't fiscally responsible.
>Ended Vietnam
After years of public backlash.
>Started the EPA
Okay, he did something good.
You like a Alex Jones?
Trump - 5/10
Obama - 2/10
Bush - 1/10
Clinton - 5/10
He still allows Jews to run amock in his cabinet and even among his family.
The victory of donald trump was cultural, it will not be long now before we can have a real fascist in office.
OVER 9000!!!!!
4/10. Pinned by Russiagate shenanigans. No mind for bureaucracy.
I see what you do there.
Totally failed to deliver and embarrassing baby / 10
However, 10/10 for keks, but mostly laughing at him not with him, or laughing at the people he triggers. But that doesn't make him not a retard.
Very kosher
>Pinned by Russiagate
I don't know, no one else has had the balls to disagree with the CIA and State Department (except JFK), so it's hard to say how bad he failed here.
>wall going up
>25000 Mexican troops babysitting our border while it happens.
>Mexico building a wall on their southern border
>Repurposed trade deal replaced NAFTA puts more pesos in US coffers.
>no wall
>didn’t lock her up
>Illegal immigration at highest levels since Dubya
>No repeal and replace Obamacare
>Trump couldn't stop the caravan
>Trump couldn't end DACA
>Trump couldn't end Birthright Citizenship
>Trump couldn't make E-Verify a law
>Trump couldn't defund Planned Parenthood
>Trump couldn't invest $1 trillion to improve national infrastucture
>Trump couldn't pass the travel ban
>Trump couldn't close the Wall Street special interest loopholes
>Trump couldn't put price controls on prescription drugs
>Trump couldn't stop foreign lobbyists from raising money for American election
>Trump couldn't resist bombing Syria
>Gave israel 38 billion
>Amnesty bill
>Prison 'reform' bill
>No voter fraud investigation
>Pedogate has vanished
>Hired a bunch of neocons
>Continued middle eastern wars
>Ramping up for even more wars
Anything I missed?
Schumer told him what he was in for, in case he didn't know. And failure is failure. Their move was effective and his counters weren't. That's just how it was.
Oh another lame duck. That figures. Thanks.
>and his counters weren't
Just curious, what would you have done that wouldn't end up in you being assassinated?
>Rate his first term
Seriously, I would rate him virus / 10.
Nothing more and nothing less.
Yeah. Congress on about 70% of that
>You like a Alex Jones?
Aside from memes, not too familiar. I just like to read up a little. Whenever I'm told something, I can't shake the thought that I'm not being told the whole story. No one's perfect, and some bad things in hindsight only look bad because the much worse alternative was never mentioned. Lot of things in life are like that.
Looks like Orango the Clown managed to make America about as great as it was in 2009, in the middle of the Great Recession.
Depends on your definition of great I guess. 1 out of 10 just to be generous.
IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER what I would have done. Effective or ineffective. Just admit they won that round and your guy lost, because that's what happened.
He got elected for two terms so not really chief
So 58k deaths is right in range of common flu. Looks like he was right.