saw this comment on a flynn post. do you agree that most people will never "wake up" to the reality around them?
Saw this comment on a flynn post. do you agree that most people will never "wake up" to the reality around them?
Yeah I'm not gonna get sick cause some fucker thought his "rights" were more important than keeping everybody healthy during a pandemic.
Go take the trash out with your mask on faggot
and yes i agree, living the lie is easy and everyone wants an easy life
I've managed to get together a group of ppl pretty easily locally that know it's either fake outright or they at least think somethings up
Of course! If it were otherwise, there would be revolts every week.
People generally brush things off with "how does this affect my life?" Now they have something that is definitely affecting their life and they have the time and motivation to get to the bottom of it. Best time we'll ever get to redpill anyone.
>indifferent about his civil liberties
checks out
100% correct, in all aspects
>most people will never "wake up"
worse ...
Most people are very resistant to being woken up.
They are stuck in their day to day motions and changing that causes them discomfort and fear.
To make people pay attention you either have to shock them in just the right way or slowly introduce them to a different reality.
>Media churning out constant panic reports 24/7
Yes this post is very true. Well maybe they wake up. But by then they are dying in the camps so its too late. And even if they werent they can go elsewhere but people there wont believe or care. So. Just run when things get bad. Fuck country. Fuck honor. Nobody else will be honorable. Just take your family and run run run.
Omg so perfect haha
The whole strategy of
>waking everyone up
then changing things is bullshit anyway. All you need is a small fraction of the population that is willing to fight and die for their beliefs and the NPCs will do nothing to stop them anyway. They're irrelevant.
It saddens me no martial spirit of the civilian is left. Professional psychopaths and infants are trained to kill.
The citizen is punished for looking too violent.
I'd say high profile people being taken off to jail would be a good shocker for the public.
Depends if that ever happens, and to what degree they expose the Swamp in the process.
Epstein was a pretty big deal. I'm optimistic.
Any news (not opinion article) like that published since March?
>a leaf
>a cuck
No way
My dad refuses to wear a mask because Hannity is still saying Corona-chan isn't real
Cool anecdote namefaggot.
A lot cooler than yours
Do people in Canada even have rights?
Freedom to assemble/protest? Free speech? etc.
i'd agree most people are NPCs. they just follow the leader.
watching people's reactions to the virus was pretty enlightening. First it was "contained to china". then it's "contained to liberal areas". then its "not very deadly". then it will be "deadly" but we couldn't do anything about it.
Then finally "we could have done something about it but X".
then there's the NPCs on the other side of the spectrum who think they're special for calling it a conspiracy.
i don't agree there was a massive conspiracy behind 9-11 besides some sandniggers being sandniggers.
Listen here buddy this shit ain't fake. That being said there is no doubt its being used as an excuse to accelerate shit, and there is no doubt everything being written by any governing body right now has a whole lot of evil I'm between the lines that isn't going to go away when this shit is over. Now could this shit have been released on purpose? Certainly possible, maybe even likely.