Self defense is illegal in swedistan

>farmowner comes home to find his tenant abused and threatened with a knife by other guy living in the neighborhood
>hears guy coming back
>loads hunting rifle
>guy comes back
>enters his home in the hallway
>threatens to kill farmowner and his brother
>farmowner tells guy to leave
>guy is also suffering from paranoid delusions and is on drugs btw
>guy approaches farmowner
>guy tries to grab rifle by pie from farmowner
>gun goes off "not on purpose"
>guy gets hit in the chest and dies on the spot
>farmowner gets 18 months in prison and has to pay $10k in damages

some funny quotes by the court to not justify him having a gun as he heard him arriving:
"he could just have arrived as a suprise"
"he had not even started an attack"

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Other urls found in this thread: color eyes albinism color har albinism is leucism

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lmao at the jealous bitch in the back

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>guy tries to grab rifle by pie from farmowner
What did he mean by this?

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even funnier today is also a rape charge being dismissed because the victim 'didn't look the offender in the eyes in court'. wtf?

So do white incels get away with shit in Sweden?

pipe* a fucking POIP* sorry. the barrel of the gun.


If the day of the rope ever happens in Sweden more than half the country will be strung up.


and nothing of value was lost. everyone who lives in sweden at this point deserve this shit. just leave.

It's shitty, tragic, outrageous, etc. but you can take some consolation in the fact that the west is dying and that violent rebirth will come sooner than later.

After you string them up we'll shart them down.

Beyond belief, judges get the rope

18 months for murder ain’t bad

Why doesnt sweden just cut the BS and make it illegal to be ethnically Swedish?

this is they mind of a woman. When a guy sees a jacked dude he is inspired. Women are jealous petty anc childish. One only needs to see how they act amongst themselves to understand their lack of character. They talk behind each others back, put each other down, and when they fight, they seek to mentally wound each other. Men dick swing sure but our bull headedness is honest. Women are a potemkin village. Silly clown apes with painted faces, why do we love them so. The biological urge of our cells to procreate no doubt. If men could produce among themselves and found each other attractive, women would likely be obsolete.

What causes this vast inferiority of the female mind to a mans? Surely it have been developed over millions of years of social dynamics in ape tribes. color eyes albinism color har albinism is leucism

They hate their own ancestors. Let that sink in.

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Self defence is murder now?

OP is the Faggot saying Sweden thinks self defense is murder, and I’m the one saying if Sweden thinks self defense is murder 18 months for murder isn’t bad faggot

Its getting like that everywhere

>"he could just have arrived as a suprise"
"SURPRISE! I'm a random drugged out stranger in your house!!! Teehee!"

I was angry that sweden was shit during the ramadan bombathan. Now I just laugh and enjoy clown world

he didn't get charged as murder that would be 6-10 years
he got charged as causing another persons death 1-2 years

not any random drugged stranger a guy living in his neighborhood that had acted violent against him and his tenant before and also been admitted to psycheward kek

Its called "manslaughter" here but the guy was obviously justified if the idiot grabbed his gun.

Was Sweden this tyrannical when you had actual Kings and nobility in charge?

He may have just been curious about the workmanship of the gun


Why not just shoot your attacker, then claim another criminal did it?

Doubt it, we didn't have any jews back then.

Not sure why you guys don't suicide rush your government at this point. What kind of life do you have there?


Oh Sweden, how far have you fallen.

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sounds like something court would say

people are too comfy, even when getting cucked by the poelice state I think

>then his friend took my gun and shot him and ran away
something tells me this would fly in a Swedish court

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>gun goes off "not on purpose"
Yeah, that’s an easy manslaughter case to argue. Dude had to have a shit lawyer too.

tldr if you pull a gun on someone use it on PURPOSE!

>gay tv show

Yes, coffee is good for you. In moderation, of course.

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