What would happen if a group of people conspired against the President of the United States of America? Or perhaps investigating anyone who was running against your replacement?
>Obama and his team, over 8 years, place people into high positions that are loyal to their cause >same group of people conspire to use information that they know is fake to initiate the launch investigations into Hillary's political opponents >this is to dig up dirt in order to help win the election >this is illegal but Hillary will win anyways (they never thought she would lose) >she loses >come up with an "insurance policy" in case Trump wins, lie and say Trump was colluding with Russia >turns up nothing even with comey wording it as strongly as possible to imply there COULD potentially have been maybe >they slowly get fired or replaced over 3 years under Trump admin >Durham probe, turned investigation, turned criminal investigation into this now wrapping up >indictments have been issued due to this entire fiasco >Trump's intel team releases pics related >Trump shares tweets saying indictments this week
These are the rumored arrest for the rumored indictments rumored to be dropping this week
MAGA FUCK THE CABAL Q is connected to Trump To what degree I trust Q is rounding up the cabal, I do not agree with Qoomers Let this be a dump of redpills and a shill containment zone
>Shilling out in full force >Typing on the internet can’t stop it >Shit posting can’t stop it
>Bump Blessed digits
>Instead of assailing Q believers as retards and Q as a complete phony, I don't know why concerned parties won't just admit that there is something to it, and then analyze what a big nothing burger that something is. Completely agree
Want to come play?
Michael Parker
making a new thread 50 post early in order to split the community and ruin any chance of future threads
shill attempt #10 to derail fails
move back to the real thread until it hits well over 300 post
So if all these chucklefucks were trying to overthrow the government for (((their))) interests and trump outs them all, what's the public gonna do? All I can imagine happening now is