Who are God's chosen?

>Are the jews still God's chosen people?
They never were. It was the Judeans originally. Not jews. The Judeans that followed Christ became Christians, the ones that didn't became the synagogue of satan. The jews of today carry the spirit of Esau. Esau had the original birthright, but he coveted the soup Jacob had made for himself. Esau believed that he could agree with Jacob to trade his birthright to Jacob for the soup and still retain his birthright. God was angry at Esau and hated him for his attempt at trickery, so He gave the birthright to Jacob. Essentially, the jews stealing of the Judean's being chosen is like Esau stealing back the birthright from Jacob. Trickery and deceit. Esau, thou art hated.

Mods this is political because this very subject is what dictates much of the world's politics. Nations all over the world give a pass to what the jews do because they believe them to be chosen when they are not.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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a must watch:


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The title Pilate placed on Jesus's cross read INRI, standing in Latin for Iesus Nazerenus Rex Iudaeorum, which means, Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Judeans.

Thanks for the bump, fren. A bit long of a video, and probably just info I already know, but you have supported my mission in delivering the Truth, and so I will at least watch it because of that.

If you haven't seen Marching to Zion, you are missing out. Excellent way to sharpen your sword in this fight.

This board is overrun with children of satan who come into threads where impressionable anons want guidance about God and the Bible. I recommend you start with the SCIENCE behind Genesis. Genesis is the foundation of the Bible. If you don't believe Genesis, then why would you believe Revelation?


After GENESIS, look to Pastor Steven Anderson for doctrine:
Bible Way To Heaven
"Jews" of Today =/= Jews of the Bible
Marching to Zion (Judaism/Zionist Christians Exposed)
Fake Spirituality
Lamb's Book of Life
Once Saved, Always Saved
Reality of Hell
Why I hate Barack Obama (God hates people)
The Truth About Hinduism
Marxist Luciferian King (Martin Luther King)
Pope Francis and His Lies
The Fascifist (Crucial Documentary on Judeo-Power)


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Catholics are the real jews

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While I can somewhat understand your generations tendency to prefer videos over reading, I dislike it when people post a bunch of video links because they are often too time consuming compared to the info and content of it that I can easily read much quicker myself. It's like the difference between anime and manga. Do you happen to have any links to something I can read that is relevant to your links? I already know about Pastor Anderson, but in general, I don't need any in-between teacher and don't want one because they all too often get some things right, but not all of it. My teacher is Iesus Christos, as is instructed by the scripture.
>still pushing the term jews as meaning to be chosen
>divide and conquer attempt and trying to stir up crap in my thread
Thou art hated Esau

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How about these?

>Family Trees: Tracing the World's Ancestors

>All Presidents are Related

fucking christcucks kill yourselves

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Nonetheless, thank you for the bump, fren.
Already debunked this, fedorafag rat. Judean. You know what's the funniest part about you fedoras? You teat science as settled and you treat your own beliefs as like a religion unto itself, when science is the ONGOING study of life and the universe. But you don't even follow through on that. If you did, you wouldn't make your basis of your claims and statements using the corrupted scripture due to jewish publishing control originating in the past, and would instead follow the guidelines of science, and go back to the much purer unmolested scripture produced in Greek and Latin.
Simply put, you made science into a religion, but you don't even follow it accurately yourselves.
Do you have any refutation to that? No, you don't.
I don't worship jews nor do i treat them as chosen. Your strawman isn't working.
Not exactly what I meant, but I'll check it out. Thanks.

No problem brother.

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You were trying to disrupt and discredit, but in doing so, you have supplied a post that I can use to bump the the thread. Does that make you upset fedorafag rat? Well, there isn't anything you can do about it. Thanks.



>supplies another post I can bump off of

But you worship Jew god?

there is no 'Jew god'; you worship a tulpa

What's the best version of the Bible?

No, I don't. How many times are you rats going to try this nonsense? The harder you push this crap, that many people can see through now, the more you expose yourselves. But of course you can't take correction because of your neurotic jewish nature, so you just keep on doing the same things. It's rather biblical how the poisons you have fed yourselves to fool the people of the world are now destroying yourselves.

None of them.

-The Masoretic is the underlying text for the OT
-The Scrivner's TR is the underlying text of the NT
-Also known as the Authorized Version
-Kikes hate it and have changed every modern Bible to remove "Palestine" from Joel 3:4

The Septuagint with the Apocrypha included translated to English or w/e your native language is. Then using Strong's Concordance to compare meanings of words(multiple words that were "translated' to English were done so incorrectly) so as not to be misled by the jewish edits that often pop up.
To an extent. KJV is great because it keeps the mystical language, but as the images I posted describe, it is still jewed by jewish edits.

None of us are gods chosen people. We live in a universe that is eating itself.

>implying i'm smart enough to script
have anyone here verify, i'll wait. also, nice dismissal tactic you got there.

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KJV was created by Freemasons


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mein kampf

By a 33rd Degree Freemason, Francis Bacon who wrote Shakespeare to be exact.

To be honest, I didnt look at them until now.
>"The KJV you habe today has spelling changes"
Yes, that is true, but to my knowledge not more than 1 or 2 letters, such as Iewes to Jews.
>"The modern KJV removes 14 entire books"
That is a bit deceptively-worded. The KJV you can buy today does not include the Apocrypha. This is the dictionary.com definition of Apocrypha:

>various religious writings of uncertain origin regarded by some as inspired, but rejected by most authorities.

>writings, statements, etc., of doubtful authorship or authenticity.

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I know you'll appreciate this, brother.

You know the verse that says God so loved the world? In the Greek, the word used to mean the world also has the meaning 'order.' In multiple parts of the bible we are instructed not to take on the ways of the world, to reject the world, Jesus condemns the world, and when he is about to be crucified, Jesus says that His Father's kingdom is not of this world.
Thus, the true translation of the verse because of that pattern of context becomes clear that it is not the world that God loves, but Order. This is further proven by how the bible says Sin released chaos and disorder into the world. Thus, Jesus Christ's sacrifice was God restoring Order by Jesus Christ taking on all Sins of the world. Once this is realized, any complaints from others about contradictions in the bible are addressed and destroyed.
>lies about what he's doing
>accuses of a dismissal tactic when his post itself was a dismissal without even qualifying his statement to begin with
I know you're a jew trying to hide.
The later version after 1769 yes. Already covered in an image posted near the top of the thread that you're of course ignoring. It amazes me how you rats and fedoras ignore the content of threads while you try to refute the content of said threads. It's so dishonest. You expect to be listened to while you won't even consider what others place in front of you. Hallmarks of a kikerat in behavior.

Dont know if i buy this, but most modern bibles are translated directly from the original languages, like arimaic.

>"The KJV was created by Freemasons"
The KJV is an accurate translation, moreso than any other English version, of the Masoretic Text and the Scrivner TR. Any Hebrew or Greek scholar will not tell you otherwise.

The translation committee was over 50 multilingual scholars (Hebrew, Greek, Arabic, Aramaic, etc) headed by Sir Lancelot Andrews who himself spoke/read/wrote around 20 languages.