Coronavirus has 0.1% death rate or even less.

Previous threads:


--- RESEARCH ---

>Death rate 28-55 times LOWER than previously thought

>Infection rate 50x higher; making CFR much, much lower

>ALL Human coronaviruses are seasonal
>Common cold is a Coronavirus

>Iceland CFR between 0.01 and 0.19%; Smaller population = Ability to test everyone = Real CFR revealed

--- VIDEOS ---
>Doctor destroys Coronavirus narrative [REMOVED BY YOUTUBE]


>Corona BTFO by USC

>Illinois gov. confirms that ANYONE who dies while infected is considered a COVID death

--- REMINDER ---

Sweden: No lockdown, No collapse!

>208K Dead from Coronavirus after 5 months
>The world is ending!!! Society will collapse!!! We can't sustain this!!! Panic!!!

Friendly reminder:
• 151,600 people die every day
• 50,900,000 people die every year
• 360,000 people born every day
• 130,000,000 people born every year

>but muhh exponential broooo
Been growing linearly for what, 22 days now?

>noooooo but that's only because we locked ourselves inside!!!
We did nothing for months to stop the virus which spreads faster than the Flu, can spread undetected in its incubation and has a multitude of transmission vectors, yet it was only the recent lockdowns which saved us from those millions dead that was raved about? I highly doubt it.

Pastebin: pastebin.com/WDyxECJi

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Other urls found in this thread:



are you "contact tracing" frens?

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>gov. says he's not opening until june

Just fucking shoot me I can't take any more of this

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Yo niggas lmao

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Trying to keep it useful. 200 plus files of misc data and older lies that I'm trying to keep going. Could serve as a dump for useful info, I'll try to start adding good stuff I see in the general too.

If somebody hacks the address of the argentinian jew that created the /cvg/ hoax central #INFINITY I'll gladly go kill him myself

Look at euromomo. Norway and finland have a strangely 0 visible impact on death rate from corona. Now compare sweden to UK with intense lockdown and what do you notice. Similar climate and all.

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Fellow nothingburgerinos!
When do you think they will finally let us back to our joberino, to earn zogbuckos to buy producterinos and capeshiterino action figurinos?
I really hope they open up soon, I really need to get my g*sh d*ng H*CKing haircuterino.

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Good article. Statnews has been decent.

>0.1% death rate
I did the math in the U.S 0.3% of the population is confirmed to have coronavirus of which approxmently 5.9-6.0% have died. So no go die pleboid.

>U.S 0.3% of the population is confirmed to have coronavirus of which approxmently 5.9-6.0% have died.

its a bot on a vpn

I've been following this for a while. Reading every source I could, talking to nurses in Germany and soldiers in Italy, etc. I initially was a happening gag, but as time wears on I'm slowly becoming a nothingburger. What frightens me is the idea that it will plausibly cause permanent lung, immune, or testicular damage, but no official source has confirmed that. I don't solely believe in the gay-stream media (though they seem to be hyping this) but at the same time, I'm not seeing enough evidence to think this is real. I think this might be a real virus, the effects of which are overhyped, that the system is using to test out martial law. My state just extended the lockdown and I am pissed.

>be a worthless boomer for whom we're shutting down the economy for
>go outside despite being high risk
>get mad at all the younger healthy people trying to get exercise

Fuck this cunt. I hope she drowns in her own fluid

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he is probably a proxy nigger but you never know

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>Norway and finland have a strangely 0 visible impact on death rate from coron
Denmark isn't much worse either. The takeaway is that not locking down in that region caused the death rate to rise 3 to 6 times. Imagine if England hadn't locked down, although part of their issue is probably that they waited too long, which made it less effective than it should have been.

>confirmed to have coronavirus
Keyword: confirmed. The antibody studies estimate the infections are off by an order of magnitude or more.

Let's suckerino the doorknobbers to ownerino the /cvg/chadderinos, fellow nothingniggerinos!

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>no fun allowed to ease off the emotional stress and overwork, you need to work to death
Yas Forums in a nutshell

>I think this might be a real virus, the effects of which are overhyped
That's what most of us are saying burger. Sure, there are the 5g people and the fringe non virus folks, but the vast majority of us just don't think we should surrender all our freedom to eternal rolling lockdowns so muh boomerinos don't die a month early.

>Coronavirus has 0.1% death rate or even less.
So I guess it's okay to contract it, get sick, and weaken your immune system, so you can catch the flu or pneumonia on top of it and then get REALLY sick and rack up medical bills at Dr. Shekelstein's? No thanks. Stop being a retard.

>What frightens me is the idea that it will plausibly cause permanent lung, immune, or testicular damage, but no official source has confirmed that.
They can't. "Permanent" needs to be examined over the course of years, not months. However, if you end up with pulmonary fibrosis, it's not going away, so you can essentially call that permanent until it becomes a treatable condition.


Go out and lick a doorknob then tough guy.

>you have to lockdown
>we didn't lockdown early enough that's why it didn't work
>now we're terrified of the inevitable second wave when we all go outside again
>or the resurgence in the winter
>meanwhile Sweden is almost halfway to herd immunity.

Come on user.

Imagine your plot for world domination was spoiled by a bunch of attention-craving thots with social media addiction and FOMO

>there are people on Yas Forums who hyped up a false flag for months just for the sake of happenings
don't do that please

Posting that clearly fake hot mic discredits this entire "general"

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>So I guess it's okay to contract it
50 percent of people don't get symptoms at all.
Anyone below 60 laughs it off.
Why are you like this? Your immune system is SUPPOSED to be strengthened by infection. Unless you have AIDS. You don't have AIDS do you? You're not a faggot right user?

Threadly reminder to smoke 3 packs a day.

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Welcome to /nupol/ friendo

I'm still not convinced about the accuracy of the antibody tests, which were verified by comparison to the results of PCR tests, which are also questionable. One of the antibody tests used even lists the possibility that past exposure to other coronaviruses may cause false positives, and there's been concern that the PCR tests have the same issue. We're routinely exposed to several endemic coronaviruses, that's a lot of potential false positives, and that could be dangerous if the antibodies conferred from those infections aren't effective against SARS-CoV-2.

Iraq and Afghanistan wars were a myth. Soldiers were dancing:

And don't forget our first responders (fires, crime, and medical emergencies debunked!):

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>Go out and lick a doorknob then tough guy.

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Based joggers

>meanwhile Sweden is almost halfway to herd immunity.
That's what they're hoping. We'll see.

There are a bunch of oddballs in europe, like austria death rate went down. I don't have an explanation for that since most of them locked down, but it should tell you something is odd here. Sweden is doing better than most of the locked down countries.

Anyway, the point I was making with that graph was not the height of the peak, but the width of the gaussian distribution of covid deaths, which was the whole aim of "flattening the curve". They went from just a few deaths to peak in about 25 days in both cases.

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you dissapoint me stupid fucking goy, this is a literal vacation for me getting paid to listen to music, sleep when ever the fuck i want, eat half decent food and play vidya

What's with the clear rise in shill threads?
The same UFO thread pops up multiple times a day, together with a bunch of other shill threads.
Are we being jewed again?

>be me
>state releases county-by-county new case target numbers to reopen
>immediately after, for the first time thus far, long term care facilities and prison population are counted in our county daily new case number
>test whole prison
>182 new cases today, and 132 of them in nursing homes or prison, meaning general population was only 52 new cases
>county says numbers are rising because people aren’t social distancing
Tired of this shit.

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>Your immune system is SUPPOSED to be strengthened by infection.
A stronger immune system isn't going to help if you get lung fibrosis, which sets you up for future cases of pneumonia for the rest of your life. Even asymptomatic cases are showing scar tissue on lung scans.

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Also, it's 4 in the morning and I can't sleep again. I've been on this shit nonstop since December.

That's why all the governors are pushing more testing as if that's going to do anything. They want to increase the number of cases to have a reason why they need to extend the lockdown

You reply with a meme image because you're concerned I could be right.

>50 percent of people don't get symptoms at all.
Okay? That means 50% do. Any symptoms at all means your immune system can be weakened.

>Why are you like this? Your immune system is SUPPOSED to be strengthened by infection.
Why are YOU like this? Don't you have any family at all? The immune system doesn't get reinforced that quickly. If you or a family member gets very sick, and then you contract the flu in a month or two after, you or your family could get fucked. In the US even a 3 day hospital bill will be several thousand dollars out of pocket with good insurance.

we are always being jewed

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