I think we should groom Dan for Presidency

Think about it burgerbros
>cool pirate navy seal boi
We do have to redpill him on the Jewish menace first tho

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Other urls found in this thread:


>expelled 1,030 times
Full list with sources: chuckmaultsby.net/id154.html

Fun fact: Norway had it WRITTEN INTO THEIR CONSTITUTION until the late 1800's that jews were literally banned from their country


>The truth about the jews, the holocaust and the world wars:
>The truth about jews and slavery:

Attached: crenshaw.jpg (758x1162, 208.29K)

>Jon McCain 2.0

Given that he's a military man, the USS Liberty incident should be a good one.

>but Dan, if Israel is America's greatest ally, why did they attack the US? Australia has never attacked Americans and they have fought alongside Americans in many wars. If anything, Australia is America's greatest ally and Israel is anything but an ally

I for one would like to Governor of Alaska Mike Dunleavy groomed for the role.

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Dan is a fucking bootlicking faggot

You couldn't engineer a better good goy.

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You sir are a gentleman and a scholar, and certainly my nigga
We never even got Jon McCain original
Based chink hating nam pow papi president would’ve been tits

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Fucking groypers have been on his ass for years now. He just keeps doubling down on supporting Israel.

My guess is they got some serious blackmail on him when they flew him out there. He's already a lost cause.

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Biggest fraud in politics

>George Sears

dude's such a fucking shabbos goynose

you'd think missing an eye he'd have some goddam introspection, but he's out there balls out licking windows for big money

By the time anyone has reached the age of 21, if they don’t know about the Jews they’re either uninterested in learning, a legitimate idiot, or a liar. No matter what the case they’re not fit to lead.

Are those 2 ducks helping their bro rape a girl duck?

Vote Dan Crenshaw
He'll keep an eye out for any trouble.

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He said boycotting and criticizsim isn't protected by the first amendment

You might be right but that’s why we’re gonna redpill him
He’s also a navy seal so
The governor of where?
I like this but I feel like you want me to shill for your prison colony/December vacation hub

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Dan "Israel First" Crenshaw? Fuck off

Only faggots say groom.
Get the fuck off Yas Forums you sick fuck.

He's overly zionist

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It's not uncommon for female ducks to be raped to death by male ducks.

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fuck off kike

literally no one likes this faggot

>Don't you criticize Israel, goy! I've got my eye on you

fuck this cycloptic crypto-kike

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Yeah, that's not what I'm fascinated by. It's the other 2 ducks helping the middle one do it.

Imagine having fucking Big Boss as our president. It's a shame he's such a bootlicking Zionist faggot as it stands, though.

They take turns, but yeah, they're helping their bros get some.


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he's a sellout. It's sad to see him turning into Mitt Romney 2.0.

the biggest zionist out there, probably believes in Israel more than any Israeli

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Wow he’s sooo cool :^) he loves Israel and multiculturalism AND he has eye patch!!!1 WWG1WGA MAGA

Bad idea. He would have bad optics as well as an inability to see and understand important issues in depth. He would be caught blindsided if a sudden issue arose.

This faggot already swallowed all the kosher redpilled in the bottle.

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Supports red flag laws..hard pass