Attached: BTFO.png (533x762, 87.06K)

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Who? Fuck off lead

>...our founding principle that all are created equal.
that is not one of our founding principles. that's a fairly modern notion, as evidenced by the fact that George Washington owned slaves.
i don't actually care about the rest of the post.
cthulu 2020.

Why are you posting some literally who Twitter bluenoser?

Attached: EvanMcMuffin.jpg (300x171, 8.26K)

>top republican

Attached: 1582923666443.jpg (400x323, 50.94K)


McMullin is ex CIA deepstate Globohomo NeoCon.

His ilk convinced Congress Saddam had yellowcake.

He is responsible for millions of deaths in the ME.

Why do chinese like OP care?

You know, I trust, the he is C_A?

I always see "top Republican disavows Trump" thread by a foreigner And it's always a literal who. I can't tell if it's serious or the joke is just going over my head

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That CIA polygamyst nigger isn't a top Republican.

>All are created equal


interesting info


Can we just rebel and just burn Washington now

>top anything

he's not even a top in the bedroom.

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness, we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

I’m with the pro-white genocide kiddie sniffer now.

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rick wilson's failed trump replacement.

McMuffin is a CIA spook and makes me ashamed to be mormon

who is evan?

McMuffin is not a Republican, nor a top... he's more likely a bottom.

>makes me ashamed to be mormon
You should just be ashamed of that by default.

Our word for today is "leaders"....the word is "leaders"

Who is this guy?

He tried to run for POTUS in 2016. He was CIA...not sure how he makes a living now.

Former CIA. Your argument is invalid.

Lol dudes a swamp creature

>top rep
nice one leaf

Attached: 1549627768131.gif (229x176, 987.16K)

who cares

thats a long winded way to say im gay and like dudes

You're one dumb leaf to be posting this.

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McMuffin? You are such a retard leaf.

Neocons are israeli traitors

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(((Bill Kristol)))'s buttboy? THAT Evan McMullin?

Yeah, it is going to happen more and more in the coming days as well. It is going to get really bad up there in Canada as everything breaks down, Still better than here in the States. Food riots and scattered sectarian violence is how the USA is going to experience :The Opening: