Can we get a Smuggies Thread going?

Can we get a Smuggies Thread going?

Went on kikebook for the first time in a long time. Nothing but self-aggrandizing, regurgitated leftist talking points and stale 3 paragraph memes. It's amazing how smug they are as they parrot the latest off CNN... These people are smuggies personified its so painful to interact with. Pic related is quite literally the smuggie left.

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>not wanting to destroy the jewish economy
Stay in /ptg/

Attached: 5342a0e.jpg (663x376, 44.43K)

>in pic related
>two useless puppets do nothing of value

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god bless

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((lefties)) talking about trans "kids" and ""child" rapefugees often use this one
nice dissection fren

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Not all of us are neets, retard. Many of us need jobs to pay our bills and survive.

I'm not a neet either you retard but if you aren't willing to endure some short term pain to not be slaves to jews you don't deserve to survive.

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Only one has a massive superiority complex

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Rises using capitalism...

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>communism only doesn't work because of sanctions
So communism can only work if it's being propped up by capitalism? Fantastic insight.

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I don't work for Jews..I work for a small family business that my boss built up from nothing over the course of decades. Not everyone works for malevolent corporations; in fact, small local businesses like my boss's are more likely to fail because of the unnecessary lockdown.

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Not even remotely subtle.

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Not subtle about what?

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This one is pretty good

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I removed the bottom and saved it

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But but but but but but but but it wasn’t real communism!

Is this actually the proto-smuggie? It should predate actual smuggies by around four years.

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