Worthwhile investment? I'm thinking about long term survival during times of uncertainty...

Worthwhile investment? I'm thinking about long term survival during times of uncertainty. The lockdown is fucking with me mentally and the media isnt helping.

Attached: Mossberg 930 Security Combo 18.5'bbl_28_bbl Synthetic Stock - Google Chrome 2020-04-28 8_30_39 PM (3).png (1920x911, 192.15K)

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>i'm mentally losing
>a gun will solve my problems

Guncucks are fucking morons

Attached: 15f36a359a50edb5313826852119.jpg (483x376, 29.94K)

Get a shorty pump if you don't already have a shotgun.

Everyone is panic buying and I dont feel so good now.

Semi autos are always better.

A shotgun is fairly cheap, so no reason not to if you want one.

Not really, you run into things like certain shells not cycling in certain shotguns with semis, pumps are reliable with any round. I have a 935, it can only run certain shells while cycling properly.

With all the price gouging going on ATM. This price is reasonable. You should get one as well.

Getting in and out of vehicles or moving through tight spaces are going to be a lot easier with a gun that is 26" OAL.

I'm not sure how gun price would compare in Canada, but here in the state a good shotgun can be had for under $250

Let’s go halfsies on a double barrel.

Are you talking about the maverick 88?

Mossberg makes a fine shotgun. Go for it, Leafbro.

> getting the $700 semi

> not the superior $300 pump

I shiggy diggy

It's a fine shotgun. Do you have any experience with guns? No training means you just have a nice toy.

Im a newfag when it comes to guns. This will be a first time buy for me.

Eliminates the danger of short stroking it when faced with a few methd out first nations.

Not bad, but if I was a Leaf-American I would look for a Vz. 58 or chink M14+replacement parts until it runs right. Something when you can knock the pins out of.

Since it's a semi, it might be a good idea to test your ammo to make sure it cycles reliably and properly before entrusting your life to it.

Thanks burgerbro. I already have a glock field knife to go with it so hopefully I will get through these hard times.

Broadly speaking, you need to get a firearm license to own guns in Canada. This includes a firearm safety course with practical and written test (double that if you want AR's, handguns and other cool shit) and daily criminal background checks (yes, really).

Have you tried /k/? There's a few leafland friends who will be able to better help you out there.

It’s not a royal item with fine mahogany furniture... but it gets the job done for 299.00 CAD... that’s like 200bucks US

Attached: 4AF2AD67-54F3-42D1-AB0D-67D2183D9196.jpg (295x295, 12.33K)

I heard those guns will blow up your face because they come from turkey. I dont want to give money to turks.

>maverick 88

That’s bullshit. Turkey actually has a large and competent military and are very much capable of pumping out a reliable shotgun... would you trust Romania or China more? These aren’t requiring lots of complex moving parts like a semi auto rifle.

Remember leaf, 00 buck > birdshot

That's true, I'm not used to the no guns newbie factor. I've never short stroked, even in a match, except on a revolver, which was embarrassing

no, heres what you need:

Attached: jamaljammer.jpg (763x355, 17.18K)

BTW, make sure you buy domestically produced shells. Challenger and Score both make good stuff.

People say 00 buckshot isnt good for home defense because it over penetrates. After seeing videos of people getting hit with buckshot point blank I tend to agree.

Try getting an M14

Spending pretty high for a shotgun, at that high tipping point you might as well go legit premium with a vepr or something.
Otherwise get a regular tube that goes boom and get a maverick88

Unless you're within 10 feet of someone birdshot is shit at killing.

Mossberg is well known for their reliability. Im willing to pay the extra dollar for reassurance over some cheaply exported goods from turkniggers.

fuck back to Yas Forums

Those are no bueno in Canada, unfortunately.
The semi-auto box mag shotguns are basically all turkshit, these days.

If you're a cityfag worried about defense you want a semi-auto pistol. Shotguns are unwieldly and will blow your ears out if you have to shoot one indoors unprepared. And if you're out on a large piece of land you want a rifle, too.

That’s fine. If you have the coin get what you like, but the higher end models of the Canucks are fine too. From what I’ve seen they get good reviews.

Norinco is chink shit and springfield doesnt deserve my money.

M14's are kinda shit anyway, desu.

This ain’t K. anyway you live in Canada take advantage and get a legal shorty 12

not these days. 2 3/4 dove shells do just fine in autos

Nigger, how far are you planning to shoot someone with a shotgun in your house?

I’ve inherited 4 acres of land in the southeast. There is an old house, a barn, a deep well, a garden plot, and a root cellar. There are mature fruit and nut trees, as well as blackberries.

What should I be doing at this moment to prepare for the next year? Homesteading? Farmers market planting? Actual crops? Will there even be a market at harvest, in a pandemic and depression? God has given me land in a time I’d be otherwise homeless, and I have no idea how to use such a gift.

It varies by gun, my 935 will only reliably cycle 3 inchers and 2.75 is hit and miss.
