What can be done about the southwest in america?
Is there anyway to prevent white genocide or is the southwest done for
State of the Southwest
A very important subject though Im not 100% sure. Maybe curb immigration ASAP.
On the other hand it might be long gone, too late to save.
It's practically done for, no hope
i guess so
i don’t really see any solution
and “just kill the non whites bro” is unrealistic
trump isn’t gonna do anything about it
i don’t even know if deportation would do anything
Its either war and mass deportation, or aggressive assimilation & kicking out illegals.
Doubt either will happen
I agree that it is important since it is about white genocide
Mass deportations arent too far out of the question, war is though
seems so
Cali as a big blue state is done for.
I think its possible to get tehse people voting republican, but Im not sure if well ever reverse the demographics
America is just going to have to become brazil, and hey whats the problem with that? Brazil has a based leader and population, so can we!
i really don’t know what we could do about demographics
not sure about getting them to vote republican
On the other hand balkanization can occur.. a white ethnostate in montana! lol
what do you know then? youve just been asking questions with no input of your own...
if we had a national socialist group to rise up and take presidency something could happen
or maybe i am just being a little white pilled
Fuck off Chris
Fuck it shameless bump
sorry i just wanted to spread awareness about the situation and postmaxx but you know i should try to think deeper about it
theres no saving this thread
it’s over
I am a Mexibro doing my job impregnating many chicas throughout the Southwest with my seed and letting the State/gringoys taxpayers pay for them and raise them. SNAP, TANF, Public housing, Section 8, Medicaid, food banks, circuit breaker programs like free phone, internet, and LIHEAP, public schools, roads, infrastructure, etc. We will take back our land, and you will help us do it. Pay your taxes gringoytoys.
I like how it collapses right around the 1970s. Good job, boomers.
I like coffee too
bruh moment
fuck boomers
If only you knew. I don't mind fucking any of my women. No matter how ugly they are or their past. I am a soldier and my MOS is stud/inseminator. I don't care shit about them, so as long as they don't have stds or go after me for child support.
older white boy you have you force to marry white and have 7 kids, the youngest you put to marry a hispanic and have 1 kid
if you have three its 1st son white second white and third latina
if 4 its 1st through 3rd white 4th latina and so on
thank the Lord blacks there arent increasing and asians are decreasing
bleach the latinas and cut their fertility rates therefore having white husbands with 1 child policy should help
also white woman for white man only
this or just fucking genocide but we cant have genocide yet
orrr you go for balkanization maybe the only real practical solution
continental countries only benefit the jews anyways its not like white americans are winning anything with the USA #1 INDIVISIBLE meme
Fuck off. The other kinds, mixed, niggers, spic scum are the real problem. Pablo just wants to return to Cuba. Tyron on the other hand.......
bleaching latinas still makes mutts though
>pablo wants to turn to cuba
bruh moment
he probably wants to stay in the US
If only we kicked out the others and we imprison/execute the niggers/mixed non-castizo spic scum then whites have an opportunity to grow to 60%