how do you commie incels find this hot
How do you commie incels find this hot
I just dont understand it myself!
Could take or leave. If she keeps her mouth shut, she's a 6. If she talks, she's a 1.5. 1.5 isn't unfuckable.
if you grew up around niggers and mutts, you'd find anything half white attractive too
she's the cream of the crop of the untermensch ... still looks like garbage to actual humans, but like a queen to the subhumans
I'd fuck her. Id just make her wear plastic vampire teeth so the horsemouth doesn't give me ED
She was ok in her dancing video, but now she's post wall. She should cash in with book deal, etc. ASAP because she's dumb and has no future.
How can I not?
Yeah but the tits.
That one big toe, that's bigger than the other big toe.
Forced perspective.
Yas Forumsacks will always find any woman with tits on a screen attractive, even pic related i think she is a 7/10
she was hot in that video of her dancing at college when she was like 18
many latinas hit the wall very very early, like 23/24 - only race worse is pajeetas
occasional-cortex didn't really start hitting the wall until 25/26 which is unusual
she ahs stayed fit and ehalthy
she is very stupid and naive - those are actually not bad things for a woman - if she was girlishly giggling and hoping a boy would buy her flowers it would be cute - sadly she has been allowed in to politics because of immigrants voting for her
this is what she looks like now - not photoshop - not too bad all thigns considered for a 30 something roastie who grew up in the west but still, the glory days are long gone
She's got cushion for the pushion.
They've never touched a woman before.
correct, shadman isn't known for his realistic body shapes
I think she's a pretty hot dominant MILF
Almost every american flag poster is a beaner and that's an 11/10 beaner.
don't care what anyone says or how old she is - no question about it sex with her would be epic, imagine her grnuting like an animal and just going absolutely fucking mental!
As above, so below. She is white mixed with mutt. She is the balance of duality we all seek in our souls. She is and only somebody who spends time masturbating in the forest would understand the sublime perfection of two ends meeting in such a way.
its called boobs bro
I cant do anything about it
boobs are hot
because I am a heterosexual male.
imagine the bj she gives after you pound her into a frenzy
based bong
She has that face like she just WANTS to be pushed to the limit... and then some!
Grabbing my cock just thinking about it.
It looks like a horse fucked an inflatable doll
Oh wait EW not this white girl! I meant the beanstack!
>Oh wait EW
They also find this "normal" lol
...and thats a bad thing? 1-800 come on now..
yeah so? bixsexual and proud, hun. I'm still redpilled though.
Some people are attracted to horses
I am Nazi. I want to had fuck her but would actually take her out for a good time and bang her left right and backwards