>When Thursday's initial claims report is published at 830am on Thursday, the Dept of Labor will confirm that the current depression unlike any seen before, with approximately 30 million Americans losing their jobs in the past 6 weeks alone. That number, however, may be underestimating the full number of of Americans who have lost their jobs by as much as 50%.

>According to an online poll by the left-wing Economic Policy Institute, millions of Americans who have been thrown out of work during the coronavirus pandemic have been unable to register for unemployment benefits. The poll found that for every 10 people who have successfully filed unemployment claims, three or four people have been unable to register and another two people have not tried to apply at a time of acute economic crisis.

>However, EPI’s survey indicates that an additional 8.9 million to 13.9 million people have been shut out of the system, said Ben Zipperer, the study’s lead author, which means that as of this week, just shy of 50 million American have lost their job since the start of March. "This study validates the anecdotes and news reports we’re seeing about people having trouble filing for benefits they need and deserve," Zipperer said.

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>having a job to lose
shiggy diggy doo

How can you take a small pool of people and claim it represents the entire nation

It's amazing how many people aren't required to take any form of statistics in school. Same thing with basic economics and civics.

So, what are the chances of riots and anarchy happening? Between 1-100%?

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>nigger gibberish


>shiggy diggy doo
Scooby dooby do

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Well, happening in cities and crowded urbans areas. But rural probably will not see hardly any rioting or anarchy. Rural country people survive just fine.



objectively 100%. the wonky feeling around the idea of riots is the phenomenon of nobody actually knowing how we'll get there, what it'll take to get there, and why exactly it'll happen. but the fact remains the riots are inevitable, and they won't be mom and pop riots, either.

these will be some thug nigger riots, at least as bad as Euromaidan, and aimed at the corrupt offices and unauthorized law enforcement as it squirms around the lawful camps in government that will still be around then.

it'll be so bad, that nothing could face them, and a civil war will project itself from out the acts and beliefs of all interpreters of the riots to happen.

I have heard anarchy may happen, which would be fucking crazy. even with honest government surviving, I could see feudal balkanization therefrom, which would certainly be anarchic. then global war, as the nations try to carve spheres of influence into our demographics. etc etc but no big deal

so a giant fucking powder keg

fucking mentally retarded children.

Where exactly does the US military find itself if this does happen?

Well, in concept of thought. I hope it happens. Why? Well, given how the government has been overreached by imposing upon peoples' rights, privacy, freedoms to a degree, then the onslaught of censorship from tech giants catering towards a small percentage of self-centered morons who are overly pampered by SJWism, overly easily to tip over emotions, ego-built pedestals, sheltered from reality. It will eventual lead to violence, death and chaos. I urge and praise the concept of chaos. I believe (In my own thought and belief construct.) that if we just get the urge of our primal urges/instincts and just let loose the rage, the anger, the violence. It will get it out of our systems, it will get the pent-up urges out, though it will cost lives, destruction and just other things, but we go back to being our old selves.

Someone post the Zero Hedge pasta!

Half revolting, half boot-licking.

>50 million evicted, on the streets, and starving -- no problem
The Dow and S&P agree, lol. Things will be fine

Civil War II: "The Electric Boogaloo" is never getting made. Sorry guys, but if the natives get restless Congress will just pass another 1,200 dollar bribe to shut ya'll up for a few weeks and it'll be business as usual. That AR15 I have hanging on my wall? It's a bigger threat to coyotes at my parents' ranch than it'll ever be to our politicians, and even if we shoot the politicians, so fucking what? They'll get new ones that are twice as dirty.
Until the 1% and the (((1.4%))) dangle on ropes, shit has no chance of improving for us; and THAT will never happen.
Might as well kick back and enjoy the ride, it's a pretty steep drop to Hell.

let's roll

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I'd say about 2%. After all the stock market is doing pretty well.

>He doesn't know about the fed pumping/bouncing the dead cat.

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Boomers love to larp about 2A and the coming revolution but it will NEVER happen because that would require effort and discomfort. That's why they love Q so much. It lets them feel like they're making some big difference without them having to get off the couch.

Lot of people are returning to work though

It's priced in.

You have no idea what's coming.

1%, and thats mostly for the high democrat population density states when chimpouts start because of democrat mishandling of gibbs handouts

You're right about everything. And it's because the primal anger is so justified that it would feel right and well to express it violently.

Our society is so selfish, that it took from multiple generations salaries, wives, traditions, lifestyles, emotional wellness, proper childhoods, and all in the name of advancing the agenda of a few over all. That is so much violence against the disenfranchise, because they literally orchestrated thru hivethink oppression. They narrated the lives of millions, enticed them with loans to enslave them to debt, and then woe unto you for accepting a debt. For feeling exploited and saying something, you will be attacked. And it's because the hivethink will attack you for talking of what it did to you (i.e. thru a debt racket to then disparage you for speaking of the debt racket plainly). This is outrageous, and the death of demographics. But still the hivethink will order you to behave, and expect you to, because if you don't behave you may become 'violent.'

Violence is not just punching or kicking. Violence is also influencing ulterior circumstance on strangers thru financial and societal levers. And they do it all the time. Violence is literally anything that harms, it's just physical violence is the most sonic of violence's forms.

That being said, the scales will adjust, and since they left people with no catharsis but to attack kicking and screaming, that will occur. It will be a purge, it will suck for some (not most) but they deserve it. It's simply time, time's up. Let the dominoes fall because they've only been held up unnaturally since we all realized it's a racket.

>says increasingly desperate man

101% +- 1%

What's coming user?

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Think like a small business owner. Do you have flash cash to bring everyone back easy peasy? Or are you thinking of going with less employees? Maybe cull the weak performers while you can get away with it.

Just telling you the numbers, friend

I just shat on your comment
FAQ What does this mean? The amount of shit on your computer has increased by one (or multiple ones, depends on my diet) Why did you do this? There are several reasons I may deem a comment to be worthy of feces. These include, but are not limited to: • Being gay Am I going to shit on you too? No - not yet. But you should refrain from shitposting like this in the future. Otherwise I will be forced to shit again, which may put your shitting and cumming privileges in jeopardy. I don't believe my comment deserved being shat at. Can you un-shit it? Sure, mistakes happen. But only in exceedingly rare circumstances will I put shit back into my butt. If you would like to issue an appeal, shoot me a message explaining what I got wrong. I tend to respond within several minutes. Do note, however, that 99.9% of posts i shit on had it coming, and probably is no different. How can I prevent this from happening in the future? Accept the goopy brown substance and move on. But learn from this mistake: your behavior will not be tolerated in here. I will continue to shit until you improve your conduct. Remember: my shit is privilege, not a right.

And it won't even be fought over any sort of high ideal. It will just be hungry people killing those that still have food.

Americans are dumb enough to fight each other rather than the ruling class holding them hostage. Let it all burn.

Most of the jobs will come back. You'll see, it's sunny days ahead in clown world.

the fortune 500 company?

>we won't do anything will we, fellow goys?
too obvious

>Not knowing ISHYGDDT

Get out new fags

The only statistic they need you to know is 6 gorillion, and they sure as hell hammer that one home.

I hate kikes.

assuming this is sarcasm, but in the off chance it's not, the unemployed don't have much in stocks, and what little they might have, they'll be pulling out

>being such a newfag he doesnt know what ishygddt is.

what exactly is a mom and pop riot?

Only thing coming is the day of the wok

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>don't overthrow the jews in control of your government
>fight and die in a war against other goys across the ocean
Shut the fuck up kike.

Not nearly enough to matter. More people are getting laid off daily then going back to work.