I Solved the Climate Change Debate

Speaking in generalities here..

>The left believes..
(the climate is changing *AND* mankind is the direct cause *AND* mankind can stop/reverse it with their green policies).

>The right believes..
(the climate may be changing but mankind isn't the direct cause *OR* the climate may be changing, mankind may be a cause, but it is not possible to stop/reverse it at this point, whether technically or practically).

To shortly summarize, the left vilifies the right for not allocating capital (political and monetary) to the left's self righteous quest to stop the end of the world. The political right, is naturally pretty unmoved by this as they are not only skeptical of the science behind mankind driven climate change, but perhaps more importantly they are skeptical of the motives of the top social influencers, politicians, and "Green" energy business owners and organization heads who all stand to personally benefit if there were a large societal allocation of capital (monetary and political) toward that direction.


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>The Problem:
Those on the political right who might concede that they are actually okay with some of their country's monetary and political capital being used in an attempt to develop measures to stop/reverse climate change, are the same people who are not okay with the fact that even if those measures fail drastically (as most of them believe they will), those social influencers, politicians, and "Green" energy business owners and organization heads (who happen to be the right's political rivals on every other wedge issue as well) will still massively benefit financially and politically from the funding and political power consolidation.

>(tl;dr version of) The Problem:
The left thinks they can stop climate change, and the left wants the right's tax dollars and political capital to do so. The right is skeptical of the fact that whether the left is correct or not about being able to stop climate change, the left will benefit financially and politically for even being given a chance.

It's kind of like a madman who is threatening to kill you and your family, is also begging you for money to stop a different mystery lunatic (whom you've never met) who is (according to the madman) going to kill both of your families if he doesn't get paid. You neither trust the messenger or the message.


>The Solution
Create a contract market trading exchange (think trading stock options contracts) where "traders" can buy or sell "Climate Improvement Contracts" (feel free to come up with a better name) which allow leftists who strongly believe in a certain organization's ability (perhaps their own) to stop/reverse quantitative climate change related effects, to buy into or offer a contract to a right winger. Upon an accepted contract, the right winger will immediately give the leftist (or leftist organization) X amount of dollars (specified by the writer of the contract), but with the caveat that after Y months/years (specified by the writer of the contract) if a certain, and very specific, quantitative goal (specified by the writer of the contract) is not achieved, then the lfetist would owe Z dollars in return to the right winger who fronted them money for their self glorifying plan to save the world. (That specific quantiative goal may be carbon emission levels, recorded reforestation, air pollution measurements in a certain city, etc).

In effect, this gives the left a chance to finally put their money with their mouth is, they think they can stop/reverse climate change, then (literally) bet on it. If they're wrong, they may find themselves in generational debt to the political right.

Think of it as the left betting on their ability to stop climate change, and the right betting on the naivety, incompetence and corruptness of the left.

I'm really high on meth right now, I haven't slept since Sunday, this is usually around the point Extradimensional Entities begin communicating their wisdom with me. I wrote this out in the last 10 minutes, what do you guys think?


What debate?
Malthus is canceled.

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so basically a betting market where liberals take funding from conservatives to find their environmental projects, but when they fail, lefties become our debt slaves? based and semitic

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The debate about what to do about it as a civilization. The right doesn't want the earth to set on fire, but they're not sure it's going to happen anyway, and if it is going to happen, they're not sure it can be stopped. And they are certainly turned off by the fact their political and demographic enemies own the economic, political, and organizational infrastructure already in place which stands to benefit from allocating our civilization's capital toward improving the environment.

If my enemy is going to profit from saving the world, that's fine, I hope they save it, but I'm not going to sacrifice for them if, when they fail, I am not reimbursed.

No, this is retarded and will accomplish nothing

The real problem is our Jewish fractional reserve based economy where they need and want unlimited growth and slaves

Also part of that and another problem is technology and culture from whites has supplemented the birth rate of gooks and shitskins who have no respect for the environment and contribute less to the advancement of science and technology per capita

The solution is reducing the number of useless people if not eliminating them entirely (nonwhites) and allowing white countries to depopulate by creating financial incentives for dumb people to NOT breed instead of being the opposite, and creating some incentives for all to not breed, if needed

If you remove all the waste and Jewry (the nonwhites) we could easily afford to pay for a downsizing of our population and economy

Nothing else will amount to jack shit

Not how the world works but I like the thought you’ve put into it

Kek, skimmed it, but read the part about climat improvement contracta. Not sure of this is a meme copypsta from a political journal, but as a TA in my university's pol sci dpt, I can tell you you could probably submit this thread as your PhD thesis and graduate with honors. If I read one more paper about separation of powers, I swear to God, somebody is disappearing

>the climate may be changing but mankind isn't the direct cause *OR* the climate may be changing, mankind may be a cause, but it is not possible to stop/reverse it at this point, whether technically or practically).

Wrong. The right understands that geoengineering is cheaper than cutting emissions and therefore understands that the whole thing is a fucking scam to bring about technocracy control.

You must be fucking retar-
>high on meth and haven't slept
Yeah, this all checks out

>The debate about what to do about it as a civilization.
Do about what? Climate change is a scam.
There are literally no limits to growth.

Either way, they could make money in the market, but OP would need some think-tanks to develop an acceptable boilerplate contract pass/fail states, so the only thing traders are toggling is some numbers up or down, just like margin trading futures contracts

Alright, so tell me, why would you not want to make money off that, and shut the left down politically on the issue simultaneously?

Alright, so tell me, why would you not want to make money off that, and shut the left down politically on the issue simultaneously?

In reality it is, options contracts markets are exponentially larger than real economic markets, all it would take is a single exchange to allow CIC (Climate Improvement Contract) trading, and every other exchange will want a piece of the pie. The political left wants the right's money to fund their environmental campaigns, and the right wants to profit knowing the left is incapable of accomplishing their goal, there is already demand, the market is behind on the supply.

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Money comes from solving real problems. The panic-mode analysis provided by the world3 model is not a real problem and has been given undue attention on account of the high European caste of climate change criminals.
Go dig into the Club of Rome and sniff the bullshit.

>the worlds problems will be solved with more Jewish type schemes

Shit nigger what the fuck are you doing

>The panic-mode analysis provided by the world3 model is not a real problem and has been given undue attention on account of the high European caste of climate change criminals.

Alright, so tell me, why would you not want to make money off that and shut the left down politically on the issue simultaneously?

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>Alright, so tell me, why would you not want to make money off that, and shut the left down politically on the issue simultaneously?

Because the left isn’t entirely wrong and I’m not a full blown kike

The bigger issue is they care about this existential threat of global warming while massive quantifiable amounts of harm are being done to our ecosystem right now, because “global warming” is caused more by whites than the regular general pollution which is actually fucking everything up and jews just want to use environmentalism to tax whites and use that money to bring even more industry to nonwhites to increase their own profits which will end up damaging the environment even more

I never claimed to be solving all of the world's problems, I merely provided a fair, final solution to the long, fruitless political squabble in the West over climate change.

We need to be putting our focus on real issues, either (mankind is causing climate change AND mankind can reverse it) OR (we need to stop wasting our time and effort, and taxpayer funding acknowledging it.

This ends it, the climate cultists finally get their funding and political capital, but if it ends in massive corrupt failure like everything else they get involved in, those who were on the correct side of the issue will be collecting debts down the line.

It doesn't matter who is "entirely wrong" or not. The only thing that matters is if these leftist environmental organizations can actually do what they claim they will if they are given enough government funding (depolluting city air, reforestation etc).

The problem is if the government funds them, taxpayers are never going to see that money again, in this solution, they are held responsible if it turns out they were wrong, or frauds all along.

>The right believes...
That in order for climate science to happen, you need a control earth, which you do not have.
>The right believes...
That AGW theory has never made an accurate warming trend prediction, and it's been tried over 50 times. when the experiment invalidates the hypothesis, you don't change the data and try again. if it can't make an accurate prediction then it's not valid.

it literally has nothing to do with 'believing' or 'thinking' or 'feeling'. it's the bare bones basics of science ...

Alright so tell me, why would you not want to make money off that and shut the left down politically on the issue simultaneously?

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>why would you not want to make money off that and shut the left down politically on the issue simultaneously?
Liars get what's coming to them. Generally speaking, this takes the form of God's wrath. I'd rather not perpetrate a dangerous lie on behalf of murderous retards.

I can solve it better than you can. We don't discuss fake and gay bullshit some jew pulled out of his ass to make shekels. The end.

We don’t need to kill environmentalism, we need to guide it to the right direction, and I don’t think that means subverting it with some Jewish tier lending scheme which will end up just being a scandal and making the left and right hate each other more

Two wrongs don’t make a right. But go ahead I don’t care, it probably doesn’t matter either way.

>The Crown Temple
>What You Didn't Know About Taxes & The 'Crown'

>That AGW theory has never made an accurate warming trend prediction, and it's been tried over 50 times. when the experiment invalidates the hypothesis, you don't change the data and try again. if it can't make an accurate prediction then it's not valid.

We've been able to deduce and predict the earth is warming at a faster rate for about a century now

Sorry but this is nonsensical, you are not perpetuating a lie, you are finally shutting down the lie, and being rewarded by the market for doing so, freeing your political atmosphere from this cancer.

Don't you see how this is guiding it in the right direction? Nobody wants to lose money, leftist traders will eventually begin to only buy/sell contracts they think the organization they are funding has a shot of completing, instead of millions of taxpayer dollars disappearing into shady non profits every year to pay for meth and gay teen prostitutes.

Why? I don't see the immediate connection.

We can also discard the opinions of third world Malthusian death cultists and make money with a much more intelligent scheme. Why do you seem so hell bent on acknowledging long-debunked conspiracy theories?

There is pretty much no right direction for decreasing air pollution aside from decreasing the population

And water pollution is a bigger deal which has nothing to do with this

You can ignore it all you want but climatology is alive and well in the West and supported by many of the powers that be.

yes but you can't extrapolate a prediction from greenhouse gas theories of any kind that yields an accurate prediction. the experiment either validates the hypothesis or it doesn't. they've done over 50 trials and haven't made an accurate warming trend prediction. the fact that the planet is warming is meaningless as long as you are pretending it's from co2, when you can't prove it, and you are pretending that co2 is man's fault, when you can't. you're two more experiments away from where you think you are.

>oceans and other bodies of water have nothing to do with the climate

Imagine picking out the most minute, irrelevant example (out of several) that was given not even to support a premise, but only to prime an understanding for retards like yourself, and trying to dispute it, and being wrong.

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thats fucking scary af, muttland is truly the evil incarnate in our realm fucking nuke those fat lard retards to glass

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Wow, the first replier to this thread with a functioning brain.

It doesn't matter if the climate is changing, the issue is a political sect claiming to know, and claiming they can fix it, and demanding power to do so.

claiming to know why*

The only models that "work" are when you look back at data and see that one of the hundreds of models was closest to the data. None of them work looking to the future. If you have the magical future model that's isn't simply, the earth is warming, reveal it here and I'll send you $100k to whatever cause you prefer. I'll pay up in ten years when we have data to validate your hypothesis.

Oh i don't deny that a handful of very nasty operators may have some control over academia. Won't argue that point.
I will, however, say that it is much more fun to defuse their scam and catch the falling guiltbux, Desu ne?

the other major problem that the left pushes is that EVERYONE is EQUALLY responsible for climate change, no. This is the basic lie, this heresy of leftism that sees the ultimate goal as equality.
SOME people are far more responsible, and it's not westeners, it's those that have the power to make economic decisions, and are informed to do so. It's capital. The rich are almost exclusively responsible for the climate change, and they must pay for it.
This leftist obsession with spreading guilt equally to everyone is wrong and they use it here too.