I unironically guffawed

I unironically guffawed.

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whats it say, buttbuddy


Actually, not much. The headline pretty much says it all, other than the additional detail that authorities are still looking for suspects. No police report attached either, but what would you expect from "hiphopoverload"?

>teases us with slapping video
post the video then

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hive mind

i dont use social media or go to groid websites, and i figure all the tweets and stuff from niggers posted here are either cherry-picked or from larpers

Why do we as a people feel this is ok.it not Lord help your people I believe thats why we are shut down

niggers are actually this fucking stupid. this is why we are shut down? nigger behavior ought to have shut us down a million times over by now

What the fuck is an opp mom ?

why does she stand there getting slapped by a sub-human?

>oh whoops no one told me the mom was the sister of the leader of the local latin kings chapter

shut up fag

opp = opposition.

In other words, basically, that girl slapped her enemy's mother.

>shot 15 times

OPP short or slang for opposition aka “dem ova niggas over der”

where is this written?

Lol kys jewlluminati

Absolutely amazing.

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What do you mean? Slang terms? You can find them on urbandictionary.com, for instance. Or, you know, have american frens.

thats what i was wondering, doesn't even block the 2nd and 3rd slap, when she could have easily or just shut the door after the 1st

It means niggers

no where is the proof that she was an "opp mom"
or just where is it written?


it's gang speak, so jargon. these things aren't often written, you caught a rare instance of such.

but opp is opposition, from opfor, opposition force. certainly came from veterans returning home after service and evolving the language. as all things are.

there are gangs real enough to quantify as a force multiplier outright in what they are standing alone, so in the realness of this, real jargon is naturally expressed. such groups are certainly raiding each other for the other's loots (drugs & guns), so it lends itself into being what it is

It’s in ops link

Those were some pretty solid slapperinos right there. She probably deserved to get shot.

>>nigger fucks with a spics mom

I think unironically because of this she didn't think even niggers were that dumb

another day another dead nigger

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That woman was made out of steel. Didn't even act phased. After googling that White woman up. She's italian. I'm sure cosa Nostra pinned the nigger.

Why do lesbians have "enemies"?

I have no idea. Only the video's title in that site make reference to that.

That milf took those like nothing

is this the latest in high culture america offers the world?