We wuz pegasuses n shit

We wuz pegasuses n shit
U mad wh*teboi??

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please grow wings again, and fly away
all of you

ha ha ha ha
>the locusts
based and Hotep pilled

let them fly

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Yaw nigga. As you haften do is stop finna down dat greasy shit dem fassin beats give out. Then jump off a bridge.

But Pegasus is white.

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ayo hol' up
before da whyt pypol came along, we wuz egyptian kangz, we were insect flyers, we wuz kang arthur, we wuz samurai, we wuz america! we wuz also jews, even doe dem egyptians (who wuz us!) enslaved us (da jews!) its da whyt pypl invented da slavery. N e wayz, like imma sayin, we wuz also like dinosaurs, and then we wuz da people who invented like BOATS and sheit. dey dont teach u dis shit eh, cuz its all da white man tellin u dat we wuz not dis stuff, but like I seen it, I went back in time n saw like, flyin shit wif like us egyptian-jewish-samurai-kings floatin on dem n sheit.
Holy fuck just shut the fuck up already.

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Black people were legendary, we fucking created all you faggots we were the building block for everything you better fucking bow down

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Why havent you evolved passed the stone age then nigger?


>niggas could fly
>didnt fly away from slavers
you know you really cant bitch if you get caught by pasty white bois when you wuz flyin kangs

The fallen thinking they are fallen angels.
Top kek.

That's not a shitpost, is it
I don't know what is real anymore

I d'*nt k*ow yo* j*st *ucki*g t**l me! P*id*shi*l

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Take away niggers ebt and the food we donate to Africa and say we're helping them regrow their wings


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Black people were the greatest inventors in America you dog fucking inbred, we the sole reason you white trash hillbillies even have the thing you have today

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pegasI you mutt retard

Keep in mind a lot of these could be just different design patents of already existing products

this is funny and all, but it's also frightening to think of what this means for the future. the whole 'fake news' controversy was just a slice of the pie in terms of the misinformation problems we're going to be seeing in the coming years. all it takes is a targeted bot program to convince millions of people of absurd conspiracy theories, or plant false news to sway people politically. we're headed into a future where no one will know reality from the information plagues

if niggers could have invented stuff at such a prolific rate as in your picture, why aren't there any pre 1800 inventions in africa besides sticks, cannibalism, and mud huts?

i mean, you are capable of comprehending time and the basic cronology of facts, right? you understand what i am saying and implying, no?

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>What's the difference between a hard-working nigger and Sasquatch?
>People have actually seen Sasquatch.

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For example
Garrett moron invented a tube that lets you breath out of your ankle

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>starving = magical diet
>not starving = white man poor diet

But it was John Scott Haldane (pic related) who invented the first true gas mask

Attached: haldane_in_his_laboratory_at_oxford_1911crop.jpg (420x240, 22.47K)

not could be are, most are also just parts of a design that are no longer in use because better parts for said designs came about.

Some niggers actually believe this. It makes it even more funny.

they are! the guitar have you seen a vihuela, oh and the guitar was around before that date.....Fernando Sor…..guitarist and composer 1778-1839, unless they created time travel...….oh shit they waz Doc Brown muthafucka

but, why?

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The oldest lock in the world belongs to the Egyptians
Who were white
This whole list is a pathetic display

It's funny because in French fly and steal are pronounced the same.

The tumbler lock was invented by Yale Linus snr
>pic related
Shall I debunk the rest of that list?

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somewhere deep inside i hope to god these retarded threads are done intentionally to mentally stimulate you autistic fucks and provide some kind of opposition and critical thinking

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>but, why?
you ever just look at the floor & wonder what it'd be like to suck in that sweet sweet ground air ? huh ?

Early gas mask for walking out of flaming house
Smoke from fire rises and the idea is to breath from low to the ground
Seems pretty obvious but there's your spoon feeding BR

Oh i see it now. Makes sense.

It's actually pretty entertaining to debunk it
I think we should make an image reply to that image with all the white original inventions or superior inventions

You're wrong, nigger.

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>when you're so self-loathing and insecure about your importance in history that you damn yourself by projecting your ego onto the fallen angels and their offspring that became demons when wiped out by the flood
This is a new level of WE WUZ they have sunk to. Wew

black people fly! they cant stop flying! everywhere they go, they fly.

Didnt know white people were dumb as brick, no wonder theu just steal and claim shit from hardworking minorities like the rat they are

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thats the face of a man who doesnt put up with any malarkey

that's the spirit ! now you're getting it

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why are black men so gay? every nigger posting here has fantasies about dominating white men sexually. you are all a bunch of faggots

>lost magical power (?) due to western diet
So what was the original diet? Buffalo's shit?

>Egyptian artifacts
>No mentioning of where the person might've come from (the ghetto part of Egypt perhaps)
>No mentioning of who they were or what their role/caste in society was (kang or dickwasher?)
>No mentioning of which dynasty of egypt it was from
you guys know egyptians werent the same race throughout its history right?