I'm a libertarian and all, but is it really alright to let brands do things like this? Obviously these days they do different things, like trans kids or gay kissing. Same shit though
Subversive Advertisement
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This is a fake ad that's probably older than most people on Yas Forums...
Please tell me this isn't real. Lie to me if necessary.
Thank you!
This, but others like what OP described have made their way to the public before. Calvin Klein had child models in sexual poses back in the 70s/80s including the infamous "what comes between me and my Calvins" ad.
except it actually isn't. whatever makes you feel better though. it's also not the only example of this type of ad
Post pics or didn't happen
oh god I'm rock hard.. I've raped young white girls before...
We believe you, you filthy, scumfuck subhuman jew.
Isn't this CP?
>I'm a libertarian
stopped reading right there
I dont really care if the ad is fake, I care about the photo the ad uses. Wtf
It is fake. Also probably a permaban offense if you just click on the nice little "report" button you see on your screen.
>Calvin Klein had child models in sexual poses back in the 70s/80s including the infamous "what comes between me and my Calvins" ad
She was 16 you lying nigger
google it you lazy faggot
keep seething and cracking that whip, while my big cock penetrates 14 year old tender pussy flesh.
New mission sexualize all corporate products and spread it like wild fire.
creamy popsicle?
Obvious shoop. Look carefully at the 'creamcicle' or whatever boxes, especially the bases; they are 'floating' over the floor.
However, someone took these photographs. That shit is real enough.... Sorry.
How is this possible
here's an example of an ad in the same vein. obviously not as explicit since it's from before that sort of thing was accepted in adverts. same spirit though
even if one is fake, many similar ads exist. you haven't proven anything
Sure chang.
You’re a fucking moron. This is fake, and so pathetic to use FAKE ads to prove your point when there are REAL examples for your argument. Fuck you
niggers are subhuman, inferior, uncivilized savages. fucking monkeys.
way to be a nigger you fucking nigger.
Calm down, calm down. We’re all friends here.
Do you have more images like this?
Even in fakeness is it slide, gaslight, and satanic ritual abuse social engineering.
There have been many Besta Pizza tier ads, and even more children provided for the new world order by the Catholic church. And you realize, it's kiketanic.
Is that fucking real?
calm down, here's one I know is real.
I want to lick their cunnies!!
Aren't you retarded?
That Rothbard quote is being delivered grossly out of context. He says they should be unleashed as part of a transitional stage to a fully voluntary society, not such behavior would be part of said society.
And that's 20 years in the slammer for you, report to your nearest vankila.
How's live in Israel user?
goddamnit Heather
Magazines from the 1970s and early 1980s fashion era are full of ads like this, as well as fashion spreads, featuring young girls and boys in adult apparel, situations, and poses.
poor shmuck, imagine being so sheltered that you start doubting your meme ideology because of an ad, not actual people and society that enable such things to happen
that pic is older than shit lmao
very true. it's really the media's fault. they normalized things like this and then also pretend that they care about protecting children. truly doublespeak
>2005 olympic team
>fake and gay
Something about Loli cunny makes me tunnel vision and lose all control. I turn into an absolute savage when in its presence.
They tried to mainstream pedophilia in the 70s. Mens magazines openly carried ads for child porn.
No way that's a real book cover
Wasn't there an underage girl in Play Boy in the 70s?
This is an antique, be careful with it.
where's the report button, honestly, ty
digits don't lie
Calm down user, no need to get upset.
Yeah, the 1970s was a pretty weird time. A lot of pedo shit just plain out in the open. Theres an old video of Anthony kiedis as a kid on some 1970s TV show talking to his teacher about her pussy. Even in the 80s, you had hair metal bands writing songs about banging young girls.
>He says they should be unleashed as part of a transitional stage to a fully voluntary society, not such behavior would be part of said society.
a fully voluntary society doesn't last unless such behavior is a part of said society, there'll always be 'but muh freedumb' idiots once things get too comfy
yes. Brooke Shields. the photos are legal but mods always ban for them so I won't post them. here's something related to it though
Don't be a faggot leaf, the user is bringing attention to some serious shit.
i don't want to report, i jus wanna know where the button is real talk
>They tried to mainstream pedophilia in the 70s
pedophilia was "normal" for up until fairly recently you know
>inb4 kys pedo
I'm not a pedo
>a fully voluntary society doesn’t last unless an involuntary force with a monopoly on violence is allowed to run rampant
Interesting conclusion.
>busting their sweet asses
the triangle next to the post number will show the "report post" option newfag
This is some serious neck beard tier trolling. Your IP address has been traced and you will soon be shark food.
Post nigger meat, jewmutt.
ty user
On behalf of all the degenerates here, I demand you post the rest of the spread.
You know, for "research purposes."
How are they legal?
cute feet :3
Holy crap all posts on Yas Forums have their own Jew nose
licking and sucking popsicles is gay. bite and chew like a man