Yas Forums is pretty misogynistic

Yas Forums is pretty misogynistic.

Just saying.

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I'm oversexed if anything.

More worried about the anti-white, zog clown world my children are going to be subjected to when they grow up.

Imagine if journos actually focused on brutal murderers like gangs, but that would mean doing actual work in the field and risking your life to uncover criminals. Its better to shit on incels who won't do anything because most are harmless and just wanna play vidya.

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No incels here, we all have waifus.

Wow, seven? That's like, 1.2 per year.

I don't own a gun and have never fired a gun, but I've seen some liberals shoot firearms before, back when I was in college. This writer is just projecting.

I don't hate women, I just don't care about them

Journalistic malpractice

Why do they always use buzzwords and insults that first appeared on this site to allude to users of this site. Until the left can come up with their own "cool" words their opinion is totally and completely nill.


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what is this I.N.C.E.L organization i hear so much about


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Wtf how do you train a cat to do this??

They only focus on them to demonize them and make their lives even harder than they already are by making them even greater social outcasts, because mainstream media outlets want to create even more 'incel' mass shooters. It's a fucked up positive feedback loop that also covers multiple bases in their divide and conquer campaigns.

Fuck you for making another incel slide thread, so in response I am going to get this message out to any soul struggling with being marred by this bullshit term and suggest you spread this also.

We need to create incel fightclubs/bootcamps.

I know that you are immediately going to think, great idea Mr. Fed, but hear me out. There are millions of disenfranchised young men living without a purpose that understand the absurdity of modern civilization and their lack of place in it. Many have already dropped out of participating in it or trying to create a better world. Imagine the potential if they were given a purpose and some real life skills, and a community that didn't treat them like shit. It would be simple, just meeting in person to work out, learn and practice martial arts, innawoods stuff, ect. Getting them out of the house and in shape to build confidence and give a purpose. It doesn't have to be about building a militia or anything like that, heck, it shouldn't even have a strict rigid definition of what it is, but it should be about disenfranchised young men bettering themselves as a community. The more decentralized, the better, and it should just pop up organically. Will it be demonized, absolutely, but any resistance to mainstream pigeonholing is. No discord, no reddit groups, none of that shit, just do all the communication old school and anolog, and meet ups irl, all organic.

Let's pick on the bleach white pigskin NEET rather than on the BLACK BVLL rapist, das rite.

This is a fed honeypot and they invested a lot into recruiting and brainwashing retarded mass shooters.

Ask your manager, Jacob Spystein.

I just want to be left alone. Let me play my video games in peace, goddamn you.

Yas Forums is Christian. We don't hate women, we love women and want to protect them in the only way possible: by not having the government take them from their fathers and husbands.
End ALL schooling.

is that a real cat

>divide and destroy society and social cohesion in every way imaginable
>blame the victims
>oh but just the white males and everything wrong with everyone else is a problem with them too

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Have sex

Women earned that hatred. They have, unironically, used up all their pussy passes.

How the fuck can something involuntary be an ideology? Wouldn’t it, by literal definition, be a “condition”?

wtf, is that real???

You expect women not to spew verbal shit?

the media doesn't have to investigate beyond their own observation if they call it an ideology. it's self imposed so they aren't victimizing them again by painting them into an outcast corner. what fun.

Ghey, bruh. Like really ghey.

Most mass shooters have lots of sex and are total cucks. That article is retarded.

Is Incel an ‘ideology’. It’s people who want to get laid, but can’t.

If you want to combat this ‘ideology’ just fuck these guys. It’s pretty simple really.

>Akshay Pai, Top Sex Getter

A based leaf? Wtf?
I love leaves now?

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>economic disparity creates tensions that derive into violence. That's why wealth distribution through taxes exist (of witch, btw, women benefit the most)
>copulation disparity creates tensions that derive into violence. That's why copulation distribution through government funded gfs should exist
You can't refute this.
The real problem is public gfs would be abominations, like everything the government does

Incel isn't an ideology, it's an insult.

Haven't you guys gotten the memo? Women define what manhood is now. Now #GiveYourMoneyToWomen shitlords.