Because America is at heart, a raceless nation founded upon mere liberal ideals, it will have to be divided into several racially pure ethnostates states after the Jews have been overthrown, and I believe this is the best way to do it.
The Ideal America
This is a fair arrangement because I won't have to move.
yeah niggers get missipipi thats it.
>Giving the majority of the continent to a mostly wiped-out people
Shit man, it'd have a population density of like .00001 per acre
why would you give a couple thousand people 75% of the land?
>Giving up any land at all
Fuck you
Mongoloids go back to China.
Why in the fuck would we give 2/3 of the continent to a few million drunk prairie niggers?
As always OP is a faggot.
id support this except guaranteed niggers would fail and beg us to save them
That’d be a good thing. West coast is a liberal shithaven anyways, it needs to fall down and be overtaken by nature.
most of that land is already very sparsely populated
>hurrr Americans have no race or culture
Public school did a number on you people.
Natives own the whole thing.
First nation, first world. Be polite guests please.
Fuck off and die, spic
>black ethnostate surrenders to cuba
>woo woo ethnostate dies out from alcoholism and the chinese walk in and take over
>whiteys rejoin with bits of europe and keep running the world as usual
>The Southern US provides majority of food for the Eastern US.
>80% of the military is the Southern US
>Give the Southern US to black people
kys TRS faggot.
imagine this plus canada and greenland
Pic related is what you will have to work with.
I would love this, as I could trade a fifth of Old Crow and some shitty beads for Idaho.
Great Lakes region would be poised for the greatest success
Absolutely microscopic IQ partitioning. Kys
North America was originally made up of indigenous Asiatic people from Asia and white Caucasians from Siberia. Yes, there was a place in Siberia full of whites who eventually went across Beringia into North America. They wound up on the East Coast and intermarried into white colonial society.
South America is strictly Polynesian ancestry. Central America is both Asiatic and Polynesian ancestry.
Everyone else can go fuck off back to whatever shithole they crawled out of. OP's map is fine except for the black nation.
Why should Injuns get anything? They lost and they didn't develop anything there.
naw whites get all of canada and alaska along with oregan, anything on that line
>trying to steal my great state for your cringe nazi larp
fuck off nerd, you can have South Carolina, and West Virginia
retard. South Americans have less polynesian blood than ameriniggers have white blood.
>we give the non-whites more land so they think they got a better deal but they mismanage and collapse regardless so we end up scooping up their territory later
>Niggers getting more land when they have the entirety of Africa and will just ruin it anyways
I'm fine with that map, though blacks should have less land.
Looks great where do we sign
I think OP is counting Mexicans as natives.
Only reason Africans in Africa still exist is because of foreign intervention. Whites feed, clothe , and house them as well as provide life-saving medicine.
They're already extinct in the wild, their current population size is completely ballooned and will collapse fantastically if we let it.
This. The "native" Americans are long dead and they were killed off by those red chinks after they crossed the land bridge.
No, the red part is Chinese lands.