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Other urls found in this thread:

is this image supposed to resemble something bad?

wtf based capitalism

You don't need to defend capitalism to oppose communism.

>You ARE a Christian who opposes unbridled capitalism, right, user?

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The Shah and Pinochet killed a few thousands at best. The Congo is so bad the few elderly Congolese are nostalgic for Belgian rule. Killing union labor doesn't even rate. Frankly, your image only shows how soggy and weak we are compared to the stronger ideologies.

Literally no people died. Change my mind.

No matter how many times its posted, this will always be the dumbest image on Yas Forums at any given time.

in this case I would also defend capitalism

all communiggers will hang

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So...comunism doesn't work. Every time it's been tried it ends in a horrible dictatorship and suffering.
Capitalism doesn't work either. It's created wealth, but at the same time it's premise of infinite growth has trashed the planet.
What works?

Eat shit neetsoc. special snowflake "muh third pozzition!!" is gay.
Jesus: Giving charity to the poor is a good thing
The faggot who made this image: "So you're saying, I should murder rich people and steal from them to redistribute their wealth?"


I fail to see an issue with this image. Its just killing commies, goat fuckers and niggers and thats a good thing.

How about an autarkist regulated market faggot? Where do you put that?

Its just a copy of this image, as the left cant meme they just try to steal from other effective propaganda.

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Autarky is fine, but regulations are gay and almost always just exacerbate the problems they were intended to solve, or even create new problems.

Based pic OP. Fuck the red/poo/black shitstains

There is nothing wrong with killing communists.

Nobody cares about dead niggers or communists.

communism would be cool if you stopped killing preists. Until commies stop and until your excommunication is revoked, they will be my enemy.

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I sense you're more interested in the practical and material application of the system (specifically economic system) than in the ideological, political and philosophical foundations of a political system, so let's go ahead. History has proven that fascism and national socialism work, and that both systems have better solved classical political problems like unemployment, crime, workers rights and the like, and has also raised the living standards of the populations upon which these political models were imposed as well. I leave you a couple infographics I have made regarding the national socialist economic system, I have tried to give a concise, short and systemic explanation to the knowledge gathered through reading the original national socialist works (Specifically "Abolition of the slavery and serfdom of money and interest" and "The german state on a national socialist foundation, both works written by Gottfried Feder detailing the political and economic foundations of the NSDAP). I've been thinking about doing infographics on fascist corporatism/national syndicalism, and also about doing infographics on the political and ideological foundations of both ideologies but I'll have to organize my thoughts in order to make a coherent set of infographics. Feel free to read Gottfried Feder's works as well as the works of other important figures of national socialism and you will see that I'm factual in my descriptions.

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>posting this shit at this very moment where people are dying for muh economy

>Unironically believing a flu variant that occasionally kills the elderly and already sick people justifies quarantining the nation and suspending the constitution
Its always fun to see a Communist once again marching in lockstep with the neoliberal establishment. I guess Biden's dress shoes must taste almost as good as Stalin's boots.

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>Implying a quarantine wouldn't effectively kill half of the population under a "scientific socialist" economic model

While I like the idea of killing commies, I do not support the idea of killing union members.
Unions aren't even communism, as communism is the abolishment of private property while Unions are basically moving negotiations for compensation, benefits, responsibilities, etc. from
>the individual employee vs. conglomerate of shekel hoarding bosses and upper management
>conglomerate of employees vs conglomerate of shekel hoarding bosses and upper management.

The basic idea of a union even fits perfectly into the idea of a free market, the only difference is individual negotiations vs negotiating as a whole
Even non-union employees benefit from unions because unions negotiating for better working conditions, pay, benefits, etc. means that companies have to pay individuals even better to keep them from joining a union.

It seems to me Yas Forums would be happy with the idea of a world with a slave class of mixed mutt subhumans and giga-kike ultra gazillionaires so long as the giga-kikes consolidated their power and subjugated mankind according to the "rules of the free market".
That said I'm disgusted by unions that are themselves basically corporations that don't actually give a shit about their members.

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Most of what unions do is misguided or counterproductive. Example: Say a union gets the company to pay its employees a higher wage. The company has to compensate for the money it's spending, so they increase prices. This puts the laborers back were they started.
Additionally, many of the achievements that labor unions take credit for, such as the weekend, were actually created by capitalists like Henry Ford.

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this image is actually retarded you bootlicker

Actually it just cuts into their profit margins. If they increase their price there's a good chance less people will buy the product and that in turn results in less profits. There's a delicate balancing act between the company correctly pricing the product for the market, and the union not unioning themselves out of a job.
People have the right to bargain for their time, labor and effort, including deferring those negotiations to someone else.
Besides, the idea of having the weekend off at pretty much any place I've ever worked has had a big fat asterisk next to it, at least with a union being off for the weekend can be made into a guarantee and be better enforced.

Great argument. I can see that you're using all 1.5 of your brain cells today!

this one is great

Communism has killed over 100 million though.

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