Are you a former leftist? I myself had fallen down the same brainwashed path as peter Hitchens when i was younger

Are you a former leftist? I myself had fallen down the same brainwashed path as peter Hitchens when i was younger.


But i stopped being a leftist when i saw the attack on whites during the Trayvon shooting. It was easy to see the media and the left for what they were during that event.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Same. Minus the Obungu shit.

BLMkidnapping wikipidia page is very small
"Shooting of Trayvon Martin" is ten times bigger

tell anything you need to know about what leftist care about.

I'm a former leftest and rightest. I was a liberal, then ancap, then fascist, then anarcho-communist and now Marxist-Leninist-Maoist. It will happen to you.

If you were actually a leftist, then you wouldn't change your mind based off make believe racism.

Don't know who that is, but I can tell he's British from is ugly face.

no. for example is was color-blind.
i even voted once for a left-wing party (my first time) just some years ago.
now im not anymore.

you just need a shocking story or something close to you (someone raped/robbed ecc) that you know to realize "we are all equal" propaganda is shit.

No. I went from being a marxist at the start. Marxism is Zionism.

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I was kinda but only due to social conditioning, i was always a nationalist since a small child, so it didn't take me long to wake up from the programming.

Lenin wasn’t Jewish he was some Far East nationality ethnically

orthodox jews vote republican though.

You weren't a marxist, clearly, because Marxism is anti-zionist to the core.

Yes he was Jewish. Let me guess Lev Davidovich Bronstein( leon trotsky) wasnt jewish either right?

>On the other hand the Jews of different countries have created their press and developed the Yiddish language as an instrument adapted to modern-culture. One must therefore reckon with the fact that the Jewish nation will maintain itself for an entire epoch to come. Now the nation cannot normally exist without a common territory. Zionism springs from this very idea. But the facts of every passing day demonstrate to us that Zionism is incapable of resolving the Jewish question. The conflict between the Jews and Arabs in Palestine acquires a more and more tragic and more and more menacing character. I do not at all believe that the Jewish question can be resolved within the framework of rotting capitalism and under the control of British imperialism.
Trotsky wasn't a zionist.

I had an anti-Christian, libertarian socialist phase when I was about 13. Many years later, I can thankfully say that I'm no longer a libertarian.

Most political views are predicted by genetics so if you used to be a leftists, it means you're a retarded little sheep that will regularly change his political views from one extreme to another. You might go from socialist progressive atheist to nationalist trad christian and back, just like Hunter Avallone and Christian Picciolini.

Me? I was always a nationalist every since like age 5. Strategy war games really made me realise the importance of your nation and fighting for its collective interests

I became far more moderate as I got older. When you're a kid it's easy to be passionately partisan because you have older, smarter people telling you exactly what you need to hear to be loyal. Once you start voting and seeing the way the game is played you find it hard to guy 100% partisan representation across all of your viewpoints. For instance, I'll vote red it if means unconstitutional regulation of the 2nd amendment is thwarted, but I'll vote blue if it means paying people for an honest days work.
One end you get moral subjectivism and the other you get bootlicking corporatism. Striking a balance, like all things in life, is an important paradigm to live by.

I was a leftist until I became a father to two white sons. The death threats you scumbags sent to that Covington Catholic kid pushed me over the line. The fact that not one voice on the left decried the ageism inherent in demanding a youth show automatic respect to an "elder," and nine out of ten excused the homophobic abuse of the Black Hebrew Israelite hecklers, shows that the outrage had nothing whatsoever to do with a nuanced, intersectional take on the oppressive factors in play. It was pure, unadulterated "Fuck Whitey."
Well I'm white, and I refuse to be ashamed of that or make my kids ashamed of it. The left has collectively decided that makes me their enemy, regardless of any opinions I may hold on any other matter.

Kinda similar trajectory but not in that order, but you really gotta concede that bouncing between dramatically different schools of thought repeatedly is a pretty major personal shortcoming/inconsistency. I'm mostly just apathetic now, i hate kikes and niggers but the "far right" movement is full of midwit grifters, and i also hate the transformative destruction of capitalist imperialism but the far left movement is full of trannies and indignant minorities who will never accomplish anything.

>I'm mostly just apathetic now, i hate kikes and niggers but the "far right" movement is full of midwit grifters, and i also hate the transformative destruction of capitalist imperialism but the far left movement is full of trannies and indignant minorities who will never accomplish anything.
Based take.


He literally spouted Jewish ideology. The jews soul purpose is to rebel against order which is what they did when they killed christ. This is why Marxism has led to pure degeneracy just as corporatism which are one in the same.

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Christopher Hichens' based brother.

Well we live in a capitalist racist system. If you're a white person, generally you're going to be a apathetic liberal. But your first contact with politics is probably going to make you a libertarian. Libertarianism is white supremacist and capitalist but its heavily disguised, wrapped up in things like the NAP. You know enough to know Hitler and fascism are bad, but you're getting pushed into the right wing. Then its more and more and more until eventually you say fuck it, I'm fascist white supremacist. After that, you either rot and rot under fascism and capitalism until you become a deranged person with no regard for human life at all, or something pours freezing water over your head, snaps you out of it and you become left wing. But usually, people who are drawn to the far-right are drawn to the far-left. No-one who is a right wing extremist goes back to liberalism. "Things turn into their opposites" as Mao said, the thing that turned you into a far-rightest is going to turn into the far-left. You don't go from fascist to liberal, you go from fascist to ancom or marxist-leninist.

Lenin was a mix of mainly far east ethnic groups, with about 25% Russian. He had one jewish ancestor but even he didn't know about that until after the October Revolution. Many of the original Sovnarkom were jewish though, that much is true.

He was anti-zionist, its there in plain text, in his words. Obviously he died a decade before Israel was created, but he didn't support it even back then. And I'm not even a trot, I don't like Trotskyism.

Other poster is being overly simplistic about it, but its disingenuous to say there's no link between marxism and jewishness. The very nature of jews as an alienated and therefore revolutionary social group pushes them to form and propogate these ideologies. All of which are distinctly hostile to the white christian social order. The top leadership of the Sovnarkom contained, proportionally, a tiny amount of Russians. It was made up of Jews, mixed people (Lenin), or ethnic minorities within the Russian Empire.

Zinoviev (Jew), Kamenev (Jew), Trotsky (Jew), Radek (Jew), Isaac Steinberg (Jew)

It is a jewish ideology that seeks to direct a revolution against society.

I went to a predominantly black school. I won every award, every year, without trying. When I aced the standardized test in 5th grade, representatives from Duke University flew down to meet me, thinking I was black. Duke placed me in the Talent Identification Program and gave my elementary school funding for my own "classroom" to fuck off in, pursuing whatever interested me. The school added 6 retards to the room after parents complained. I skipped grades and graduated high school at 15. I couldn't understand how everything came so easily to me, while others struggled to grasp the basics. I became a militant atheist at 16 and was introduced to Marxism, shortly after. The more I learned about it, though, the gayer it seemed. I was surrounded by losers and grew to hate them. Life experience taught me that most people deserve their lot in life. Now, I'm somewhat of a Minarchist and just want to be left alone.

I will share my school, if interested. To say that it was predominantly black is an understatement.

>I will share my school, if interested
You've already given a motivated investigator enough info to doxx you, might as well.

Alright well we're mostly on the same page, i haven't read much Mao other than the red book and some letters to Stalin and Khrushchev but the people in the west going around calling themselves maoist revolutionaries are as gay as Richard Spencer and mike Enoch. I do at least appreciate how much butthurt MLM causes to democratic socialists but still ppl like avakian are just sleazy

You're definitely right that one being drawn to a revolutionary ideology is not going to honestly revert to a normal liberal paradigm. I never really had a libertarian phase, i was fascinated with Ron Paul in 06-08 but the more i learned about the underlying ideology the less i was drawn to it. Anyway good luck bro

>he didnt know about it

Everyone he was surrounded by was Jewish. 80% of the first soviet government was Jewish. I highly doubt that he didnt know.