This cunt thinks she can shut down the state of Maine INDEFINITELY! At least until September

This cunt thinks she can shut down the state of Maine INDEFINITELY! At least until September.
We have a total of 51 Corona deaths! How do we remove her from office bros?

Attached: mills.jpg (842x1147, 406.44K)

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>How do we remove her from office bros?
Do bullets not work on it?

Fuck me , merkle's hit that wall head on .

This "cunt" as you refer to her as, is one of the few leaders in your pitiful shithole of a nation that is choosing to protect the health and well being of her citizens against the chink bio weapon. You deserve to be executed for your low IQ. I unironically hope that martial law with curfews becomes implemented nationwide and moronic fucks like you that want to protest public safety measures get gunned down by FEMA officers that are tasked with your re-education (execution).

Easy for you to say leaf faggot. We are not getting 2k a month and some of us need to actually work to get food on the table.

>protect the health
A dry cough and 38 celsius fever. Yeah, let's close the economy.

land of cunts

Attached: ambassador taylor.jpg (1060x623, 117.43K)

God, I hope LePage makes good on running again next cycle. This state is nothing but restaurants and tourism, this cunt is ruining lives and families.

Attached: OOPSIE.png (1161x685, 1.33M)


This entire speech is a gem. How many democrat governors were bought by China? How many US politicians have Chinese spies as drivers?

Convince someone with money and legal support to file some kind of injunction against her?

>Unknown possible long term health complications
>Possible infertility for males
>Extremely dangerous for the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions or otherwise compromised immune systems

How fucking selfish are you that you are SO FUCKING EAGER to get back to your shitty cuckbuck job at the expense of the elderly and sick? Mentally ill goy I hope you die today.

Ohio here, we're at 800. We're opening May 1st. Finally, May 1st and the virus is over.

''Land of the free''

That's your problem right there

kek based

Looks like Maine can only do recalls for municipal level politicians. Maine has to do the articles of impeachment thing for higher offices, such as the governor.

>word salad

Fuck are you talking about? Dewine isn't allowing mundane shit like vape shops to open until the 12th, and places to get your hair cut are never going to be allowed to reopen. Dewine is a cucked faggot

>mentally ill faggot eager to blow off public health measures to make minimum wage and pad the bank accounts of his landlord and boss.

Off yourself you mentally ill submissive KEK. Unironically kys. You call Canadians faggot leaf cucks when you LITERALLY have the mindset of a cuck. You WANT to actually get back to your shitty job for shitty pay in the middle of a pandemic that has killed more people in 2 months than what the flu does in a year. Thanks for the laugh of the day, gay boy.

Attached: Average Americans.jpg (959x767, 77.41K)

thats a bait right? or are you really a retard?

Women can't be political leaders, their motherhood mentality kicks in and they become overly protective hens. They simply can't understand the concept of people having responsibility, women have raised kids with the idea of "Do what I say".

learn to read & think, trailer park trash leaf cuck

Can we start a militia movement to arrest all the communist in government? Maine would be a great place to start some shit. Welcome to the blueberry fields, motherfuckers. Yeehaw and shit.

You never know with leaf posters

Cringe and redditpilled

Kill yourself you Belgian pedo fuck

in minecraft blah blah etc.
purely satire

but srsly fuck muslims and commies

good, let's shut out massholes and cuckbecquois indefinitely too.

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Dewine is no better than Hillary. Fuck that corrupt gun grabbing Kyke loving fuck.

>Possible infertility for males
That happens due to high fever. Just take a few aspirin.