I understand the concept but isn't it better to have a guarded mind open to dialogue? Having an "open mind" seems like Trojan horse commie tomfuckery.
Is "having an open mind" communist conditioning?
Your mind d should be like a steel trap, only taking in what you choose, plus as my dad always said if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out
to add further, having an open mind is globohomo speak for “ accept what we want or be labeled a caveman idiot”
Pretty much this. Being open minded is only socially acceptable in one direction.
this game will flop so hard
“ An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded”
- someone from 40K
I wish, but it’ll underperform and probably kill Naughty Dog’s reputation Last Jedi style
Saying to have an open mind is a closed minded thing to say.
He simply couldn't openly say the game is woke she garbage, otherwise his paychecks would stop.
Kek get woke go broke
"Having an open mind" is usually the opposite of having an open mind. It's forcing you to turn off the voice inside your head that's telling you to run.
Do you mind if I save this.
My mind is open, but not my wallet.
Critical thinking is all you need. Got that down, and you'll be ahead of the curve.
You have my permission
No, its a jewish psyop to get you to loosen the restrictions on whats deemed "taboo"
>it's maam
HOLY SHIT! What the fuck? Are those trannies? Is that from the game?
Open your mind enough and your brain just might fall out your god damn head.
If you have firm beliefs then things like this shouldn't bother you.
I can't imagine playing people are still playing games made in 8th gen console era. Literally the games this gen are not made for gamers in mind, there made for journalists, memeing faggots, normal fags and streamers.
Yes. Are you that pathetic and stupid your ideals and opinions are all worthless and you need someone to come along and give you new one? Of course not.
But you don't want to be "closed minded" do you? What would your lib shit hippy cock sucker grandparents think? Share their shame with them!
Honestly ND hasn't done a game worth a shit since the original TLOU. Uncharted went down hill after 2 too.
Save it, it's all yours my friend
>The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.
the game forces you to play as a tranny in the second half
the she-hulk that you see in that video is the new player character
they invented it and shoehorned it into the story for purely SJW reasons
it also kills the white male main character from the first game
everyone is upset
LOL just when you thought it couldn't get any worse.
Came here to post this.
Honestly if you can't take other views seriously while still holding firm beliefs then you're either an idiot or you have no real beliefs. Train yourself to view things from the other side and, if you start doubting yourself because of it, then you probably never believed in those things.
No. It's just words . It's a buffer for telling people something they won't like.
>keep an "open mind" while playing our game
dead on arrival
Having an "open mind" is just taking the submissive role in a persuasion situation. It is an invitation to substitute another person's will for your own, an abandoning of your human agency.
yep this. there's a difference between listening to arguments and taking the globohomo poz
And how is that a problem? Why should anyone be "open" to bigotry and intolerance?
>open mind
You're gonna wind up with an open mind when somebody plays golf with your head.
That's disappointing, I only just played the first game a few months ago and loved it, was looking forward to more but not like this.
Damn. I thought shit was kike'd after I saw the initial trailer with the lesbian Jewess kiss but this is some next level shit. I don't even know what to say, but I suspect Jews are behind this somehow
is it really a tranny or a roid chick? anyways its pozzed shit.
this is Tumblr fan fiction made into a videogame.
I heard uncharted 4 was woke trash but don’t know much else about them, I’m only a pc gamer
>Pay 50 dollars for this, goy.
Wish I had known this back when I was "open" to "redpills", I should've known to reject that garbage outright.
Hello Naughty Dog, we know you are watching.
Farewell , pieces of shit embrassing Kike's mental illness narratives allways get what they deserve !
It's our delightful pleasure to see you fail one more time.
peak leftist pilpul. if you don't agree with the seething leftist, you're muh racist-Nazi-xenophobe-bigot word salad
>to loosen the restrictions on whats deemed "taboo"
And why is that a bad thing? Taboos that don't serve a beneficial purpose *should* be undermined.
Because fuck you, that's why. There is literally NO REASON for me to tolerate people who openly hate me. Two way street; fuck me, fuck you too.
It's literally just a girls head on a dudes body lol
imagine thinking that turning your main character into a lesbian and then having them get murdered by a tranny is good art direction
Yeah, you are in fact a Nazi, and you know it. Quit playing coy about it.
"having an open mind" is communist talk for "c'mon baby, just the tip".
Neil Druckmann is an Israeli-American writer, creative director, and programmer, and Vice President of Naughty Dog, known for his work in the video games The Last of Us and Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
I'd say not placating peoples gender dysphoria by making an entire society capitulate to their delusion is a "beneficial purpose"
Now go away Jew
>There is literally NO REASON for me to tolerate people who openly hate me.
Same to you. Why should LGBTQ people tolerate your bigotry against them? Why should other marginalized groups?
Druckmann, you kike piece of shit.
But communism is based frens
The glorious revolutions is gonna be fun
not an argument
>watch tv, see tranny propoganda
>read the new, see tranny propoganda
>go online, see tranny propoganda
>play vidya, see tranny propoganda
They won't leave us alone!
WHEN WILL IT END!?!?!?!?!?
>I suspect Jews are behind this somehow
of course
the game director and studio VP was born in israel
he specifically said that he teamed up with feminists to write the script for this game
since he's both VP and director, no one could stop him from turning this sequel into a tranny homo SJW love letter
he went too far, though, and everyone see this for what it is: a disappointing mess
>It is better to reject the truth than receive it
Fuck off.
Holy Fuck the level of video game violence escalation is so ridiculous
Games and media are so fucking over the top violent these days. You don't see this in Japanese media.
I remember saying games were too violent and people would always respond "lol u a pussy wuss lol"
How can anyone justify this? These games are played by children. This shit rots their brains and conditions them to such shocking content.
Just like tr*ns IRL lmao
Are you fucking serious? That tranny kills Joel? Wow, what a fucking slap in the face. Like whatever have your sjw character, but the majority of people are always going to be straight and Joel was the one we all identified with.
>anyone to the right of stalin is a nazi
Not the other poster, but I'm a liberal and if calling out your slimy tranny agenda makes me a nazi, then I wear the label proudly.
Eat shit.
Muslims were right about trannys
Why in the fuck would there still be trannies 20 years after mushrooms killed the world? Who's performing dick-split surgery in that environment?
>another current year game
So, to answer OP, yes.
>And there it is
>pol is always right
>Every Single Time
Pretty funny how once you adopt the Nazi worldview you suddenly and spontaneously develop powers of clairvoyance
No, it isn't beneficial in the least. Being gay or trans is not harmful to other humans beings, while your bigotry against gay and trans people is.
You *should* capitulate, *all* of you. It would literally make the world a better place for everyone.
You can open your mind to the limit (((they))) allow.
Exactly my point. There is no love lost on either side. You don't tolerate me, I don't tolerate you. Go fuck yourself. Die badly, die poor, die soon. Just do it somewhere else.
The girls turns out to be trans and kills joel
Why the fuck are any of you bothering to reply at a memeflaggot, just ignore it.
>Not the other poster, but I'm a liberal and if calling out your slimy tranny agenda makes me a nazi, then I wear the label proudly.
Libs are worse than both us commies and the Nazies, fuck you centrist cuck
Nah, kill yourself.
And as the cherry on top he describes himself as an ‘abuser of characters’ on his Twitter bio.
that's what the age rating is for, old man.
>muh right of Stalin
Meaningless meme phrase, we're just asking you not to be a bigoted dipshit, which is clearly too much for you.
And no, you're not a fucking liberal lmfao. Liberals don't go off about "tranny agenda".
Yes, an open mind is like an unlocked fortress. People will barge in and fill your head full of shit.
I genuinely have no problem with diversity in game, especially if it's racial because America is racially diverse, but forcing the .5%, mentally ill, retards to be our stand in while killing the main character from the last game is just fucked up.
I'll play as a black person, i'll play as a girl, i'll play as a faggot, but fucking making me play as a tranny is too far.
>Globohomo shit
>Demanding people to "capitulate" to your retarded nonsense
Please do everyone a favor and run onto the highway.
It's almost as if all of the media is produced by Eli Roth, or someone tangentially related to him
Goddamn you commies are so easy to bait. I'll screen cap this, thanks.
Yeah, we’re not doin that