Is this true?

is this true?
is america the good guy?

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Nice 33 dodge
Almost a mason thread

He's here with us already

Mutts gon keep protesting against quarantine measures and keep on dying, just as China wants it to be. Well done!

America was always the good guy
We even had to bail out the world in WW1 and WW2 when the evil people got out of control

Poor American pawns of the evil deep state cabal
Good thing Trump is saving us

Yeah we're based
What about it?

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Idk, not for those slaughtered cows I'm guessing

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>solving world wars

What can't we do
Are we the strongest race on earth

I wonder how long the food's been resting there. After 15 minutes maccers is pretty much inedible already

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Theoretically if this Q thing or NWO thing comes true then it was some ancient cabal that's not even European
Europe and America were both just host nations to the parasite due to them being the healthiest host

America is innocent

They're the good goy.

It's special chef made mc d
It's fresh and with highest quality ingredients

That's probably the best McD ever

America was always the bad guy. Founded by masons and fought on the side of evil in both world wars. kys.

As long as jews control it, no.

No. We're the guy that everybody points their fucking fingers at and says "That's the bad guy!".
They need us, without us, they'd look at each other and the centuries old bitter rivalries will start boiling again, which is why when America is gone, someone else will take our place, and we'll hate them just as much as everyone else hates us now, and they're going to be much MUCH worse.
Enjoy Americans while you can, you'll be begging for them to rule again when the time comes.

We save the world for the third time
We get 600 trillion in gold from defeating the elite
We become innocent of all crimes due to it not even being our fault for all the bad things we ever did
We go back to space
1000 years of peace and prosperity
New currency
Insane economy with free money for all Americans

This whole thing is looking great for us

We were always the good guy

I haven’t eaten meat in 14 years but I’d unironically love a Big Mac right now

No. Democracy, Liberty, and Americana classic culture was a mistake.

why not
meat is good for you

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that was when the gubment was shutdown and that includes the chef.
it was regular fast food.
Im sure they kept it warm.

>I haven’t eaten meat in 14 years
Bet that doesn't include dicks.

Imagine being invited to the White House and having to eat either cold nasty fast food or ready-meal salads.

Sadly, such is the way of history.

I pity my children.

/ptg/ would be okay with it because they're simpletons who are okay with mediocre or low-end shit.

Yes, and the world won't realise it until you're gone.

See how inorganic these shills are
The entire board loves him not one general

You think no one notices but we all do
>pretend like it's only /ptg/ likes him to sway board culture
Pathetic weak attempt dumb shill tranny

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>Not wanting to eat a Big Mac with Donald Trump
Low test faggots.

pretty based but I would ask for pizza