Illinois bro get in here

Is this fucking SPIC really trying to extend stay at home orders another month?? I’m going to go fucking mad if I have to spend another month without the gym. Fuck this shit dude

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he has to go back

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He's a jew

>Pritzker was born and raised in Atherton, California, a member of the Pritzker family, a Jewish family prominent in business and philanthropy during the late 20th century.[4][5] The Pritzkers are consistently named near the top of the Forbes "America's Richest Families" list since its 1982 inception.

Dude only won because of legal weed it's sad. Illinois is the worst we gotta get out senpai.

The shutdown ends whenever the Illinoisans decide.
Unconstitutional stay at home orders can't be enforced, and if anyone gives you shit, there are a fleet of lawyers who would love to dig around in Pritzker's asshole.

how does black person even get to this point?

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Wtf I said senpai not senpai

Gyms are a fucking scam. You can workout at home for free. Only a chump would spend money on something you can get for free.

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F A M not senpai wtf is this shit ???

Reporting this shit

Who cares? It's not like anyone listened to the stay-at-home order anyways. Hell, even my local police departments said they aren't enforcing anything because it's unconstitutional.

Imagine my shock. What the FUCK is his problem

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low quality anons itt

Nice try, Rabbi! We know he's part of your tribe.

announcing reports is a reportable offense

u a newfag senpai?

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Implying most lawyers could compete with his team if (((lawyers))). Why do you think the constitution even matters dude? How many rights and freedoms do you enjoy compared to Americans in say, 1830?

Slava Ukraini!

Ukraine needs volunteers and help wherever they can find it -- even among their Nazis.

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he's 0% hispanic

Power corrupts weak minds, and rots the soul from within. If Illinois, like every other state, abided by Constitutional laws, and state laws that don't interfere; it would be just another shining example of how awesome America can be.

But nope, jews.

Ask for evidence that 'corona virus' exist or shut a fuck up and move with your life stupid.

It is jew hoax .

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>people working out in tight spaces while huffing, sweating, touching the equipment, then taking a shower
Just accept that gyms won't reopen until there's a vaccine.

Question I’ve been lingering on for days. Why are minorities so ok with staying quarantined for an indefinite period of time? Why are white people the ones fighting for the right to go back to a productive lifestyle, while blue check mark twitter is so happy to happily abide by a 2 year quarantine order?

Huge kike. One of the richest americans. Hyatt hotels.

I just moved from Indiana so I didn’t know this dude was a legit kike. This state is a joke and if it meant me going down with it I’d agree to glassing it

Jews cluster with Italians. So the middle eastern, turkic, gypsy and Slav mixing with the Italian genetic base creates a Spic like aesthetic.

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Why would you move to Illinois from Indiana? You're retarded

Thanks for info.

Reported for announcing users get reported for announcing users being reported. Nice try there slick your goin to the pen, pal

Took a really solid job offer in chicago out of college. I knew Illinois was cucked but didn’t realize I would regret it this bad.

>Why do you think the constitution even matters dude?
You post like a chicongo ape, how many points nigger, five or six?

Oh okay, job offer is worth it I guess. Chicago isn't really bad aslong as you stay out of outskirts. I think it's better than NYC imo. Atleast it's a cleaner/nicer downtown.

Live in the suburbs, visit Wrigleyville, North Milwaukee Ave bars

And that's it. That's how you avoid the worst of Chicago while overpaying in drinks from taxes

Fred Flintstone is a god . Here is one of his commandments.

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Yeah I plan on moving back to Indiana because my company has a facility in Indy. I just couldn’t go there at the time because no positions were open. Chicago is a cool city. I live in Schaumburg so out in the suburbs I don’t have to deal with niggers just pajeets which I’m fine with I guess

yeah "dude" we totally believe this post is somehow not a political weapon to encourage civilians to rise up again the govt. crafty as usual

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Senpai here. I know you wrote senpai, but you said senpai.

Also, YouTube is now doing this same kind of word switch with "retard".

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Take your meds retard

Theyre already on welfare so it doesnt matter to them

just do situps bro lmao
just jump in place lol