Red pill me on eye floaters
Red pill me on eye floaters
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almost everyone has them
Less screentime = more blinking = less floaters. Also, get out more.
Eye floaters aren't real, you're seeing angels in heaven just really far away. The Jews just don't want to admit that God is real and heaven exists.
/pol - Opthalmological Science And Advice
You can get surgery to remove the dead liquids and get it replaced.
impurities in the vitreous humor
99% or more of people have them
clorox eye drops
burn/damage spots from high light.
also dust and bugs on your eyeball.
that clear spec?
yeah, that is a dead cellular centipede of your eyeball.
just kidding its alive and it is eating your eyeball making black splotches.
febreeze your eyes.
I see static in my eyes whenever I look at a homogenous light background. To be more precise, I see little specs of light all over my field of vision making small little orbits. Somebody help me plz.
haha, drunkposting in the afternoon
cure when?
astaxanthin helps get rid of eye floaters and also gets rid of coronavirus
Eye floaters are a common optical phenomenon. People will often say this is dust on the ocular surface but in reality it is caused by OP being a rampant homosexual.
You should be president
You got fucked in the genetic pool but science can help you remove them
If you see them then you are close to escaping the simulation
Wear your glasses/contact lenses more faggot
They just come and go, i miss my floaty frens
Result of inflammation from stress and too much computer time.
I’ve had them for almost 6 years now.
Got one annoying black floater clearly visible in my otherwise perfect left eye.
Particles from smoking or air pollution make their way from your lung into your blood then into your aqueos humor
Its actually protean in the eye water, but op is still a fag
100 percent or more have them.
This happens because you propably have a lack of sleep. You might have tried some drugs in your past, drink too much and smoked the mary-jane.
I see that too, especially if I look at the blue sky. It looks like tiny balls of light flying in every direction.
Visual snow.
CoQ10 and vitamin b2 has been recommended by some VS forums. I just started it.
True, but there's only about a 20% chance of that.
You think that's bad, try diabetic retinopathy.
I got them really bad after growing weed for awhile for fun. I figured i damaged my eyes; had bad light sensitivity for awhile but that went away.
I dont drink. They replace the vitreous with a solution. This completely removes eye floaters. They are usually caused by looking at the sun. Or also moving optical illusions.
They're actually a manifestation from the space within space. The infinite microcosm contained within an atom, spiraling inward eternally.
Forgot pic
only those of jewish descent have them
wtf is wrong with you dummy lol
or they could be long strain proteins sluffing off from the back of your eye. you might be a moron i would look into that.
There's a non-zero chance Rand Paul or one of his staffers comes here so yes.
Sometimes when dizzy, I'll see a whole connected matrix of light shifting triangles throughout my entire vision. Sometimes the light will wrap around the edges of the triangles and form extremely complex patterns of "stars".
That's deep.
That can happen with low blood pressure and standing up quickly. Just pay attention next time it happens; lots of coffee also has the same effect in some people.
Means you going blind chief
I don't have them but I used to a long time ago.
Everyone gets them, and they're supposed to go away on their own, but some people's floaters don't dissolve quick enough and they just accumulate.
Lowering inflammation(excercise eating healthier, drinking water) usually helps to clear them up.
Pineapple is supposedly really good
There's an enzyme from Japanese silk worms which dissolves dead protein called serrapeptase. It's the enzyme which dissolves their cacoons.
It's a really good anti-imflamattory-- like REALLY GOOD. I
If they bother you a lot, you can have the vitreous fluid in your eye replaced with saline or have them broken up with a YAG laser. Either way, if you go the doctor route, you really need to do your research on the doctor and make sure you're not getting a Tijuana special.
When I was in 6th grade I spent most of my class time pushing on my eyes to force this kind of thing.
Macromolecules in your eye fluid
just a result of our imperfect bodies like random pain you get with no rhyme or reason
Those are 4 D niggers.
I can see my own tiny blood vessels on my vision now my blood flows. Is that normal wtf
Drink more water and stop rubbing your eyes. Give it a week and they're gone
Light eyes much more susceptible especially if wear glasses. Wear sunglasses slows it down.
t. green eyes once looked at eclipse
I miss not being able to look at the clear blue sky without these floating turds in the way
Yes boys! Been seeing this shit for months now, them motherfuckers love to wizz around. What id imagine atomic particles look like flying around
Look at the sun in short bursts. You can melt them away.