This is a piggy. It is cute and smart...

This is a piggy. It is cute and smart. Piggies can often outsmart even the smartest dogs and are roughly on the level of intelligence of a chimpanzee. Piggies are also very social animals and are capable of empathy - one of the defining characteristics of being human. piggies have very good long-term memories, can comprehend simple symbolic language and learn complex combinations of symbols for actions and objects. Though it's still unknown whether piggies actually recognize themselves in the mirror, they can use mirrors as tools (i.e. for finding hidden food), which proves that they realize they're looking at a reflection.

Knowing all that, tell me: how can you justify keeping these cute, intelligent and empathetic creatures in literal death camps where they are cramped one on top of another and are living in a constant state of stress? How can you justify killing these animals just sate your gluttony? Hate the Muslims all you want, but they got at least one thing right: eating the oinkerinos is bad and should be banned.

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because bacon is amazing.

pigs do suck to slaughter though, they know what's up. cows are retarded and sheep are stupid.
t. field butcher in high school

Based piggy.

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good piggy

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pigs were made to be consumed

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Jews and muslims might disagree.

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Don't worry Hans, Jews won't stop till no one eats meat, or at least not the goyim. It's part of their plan for Re-Genesis. We're gonna be pressured to living how the world was before the fall for humanity to transcend the 3D realm.

This kills the chosen man and his sandnigger ally.

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Yum yum pork ham
Yum yum yay

Yum yum pork ham
OP is gay

Pigs and other animals should never be harmed. They deserve life and happiness more than many humans.

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is it worth dying at 40 to eat that plate?

Pigs are not that smart. A smart pig is probably at the level of a dumb dog. I have raised pigs on a farm as well as as pets. Please provide a source for your claims.

Even my vegan girlfriend loves bacon

>toasted bread
hell yeah

Thanks op I'll go slaughter a boar just for you

Not true. Pigs are smarter. They are also sassier in my experience, good to keep a thin light rod to give them a whack in their Hind, just for the autistic reeeeing. Pigs are awesome.

It is also fucking delicious.

Literally the first hit on google:

Anyone who denies the proven fact that piggies are intelligent creatures is just dishonest.

Also, the sad part about pig farming is that their meat isn't even an exceptional source of protein. There are healthier alternatives like eggs, cheese and even fish. One does not have to be vegan to oppose piggiecide, simply have some respect for life.

Based and lifepilled.

this kind of speech let niggers out of slavery

you forgot to mention tasting great thing

>workout regularly
>otherwise have good diet
>get to eat meals like that a couple of times a week
It's not a problem for any healthy person

Intensive farming of the sort you described is scummy no matter how dumb or smart the animal.
Feel free to eat meat, but just don't treat animals with cruelty.

Did that tiger swallow a giant watermelon? Is he going to be OK?

I have no eaten pork in months (years?) and feel guilty of eating meat. I have no arguments for meat. Anyone defending the practice on any grounds besides plain addiction is a spiritual chink

Take your meds

It is easy to differentiate between competitors/enemies on one hand and individals who will never do you any harm on the other hand

>how can you justify
Bacon and sausage

I'm not saying I don't like them, and they are definitely sassier, but I have seen no evidence that they are smarter.

An unsourced vegan blog?

Because they're tasty and it makes pro-science environmentalist twits like you mad

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if we didn't eat them who would keep domesticated pigs alive?

they're not even milkable

as if the meat cucks care
> MuH bAcOn thOuGh
> MuH PupPer mAns BeST FriEnDs

You arouse genocidal thoughts with that kind of speech.

and that's an issue because?

turkey bacon is way better my dude.

Turkey bacon tastes like ham to me. I like it but it can't beat the crunchy deliciousness or regular bacon. That and kikes and mudslimes don't generally eat pork


yeah i like regular bacon but theres way too much fat for me

My sustenance is more important than your morality, swinehund.

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What points do you disagree on? Here's a review paper describing pig intelligence and cognition in detail:

>Complex object discrimination has been demonstrated in pigs in a range of situations requiring a robust memory. In one study in which the spontaneous response of pigs to novel and familiar objects was assessed, after exposure to a sample object for two days, pigs remembered the object for at least five days and showed a preference for novel objects over familiar ones demonstrating their capacity for long-term memory.

>Some of the most compelling studies on object discrimination with pigs were designed to parallel the symbolic language comprehension research with dolphins and sea lions. These marine mammals can utilize visual (gestural) and auditory stimuli to successfully process semantic (meaning) and syntactic (sequential) components of an artificial language.When given a similar task, two Vietnamese potbellied pigs demonstrated comprehension of gestural and verbal symbols representing objects (frisbee, ball, dumbbell) and actions (sit, fetch, jump). They were also able to distinguish these items from one another. Moreover, they learned to comprehend a combination of symbols for actions and objects (e.g., fetch the frisbee), discriminating among three objects, and, like dolphins and sea lions, performed the action-object task presented to them.