Check out their videos. They are unironically one of the best sources for quality 1488 political content.... Not even joking.
If you like their videos, spread them around too!
Check out their videos. They are unironically one of the best sources for quality 1488 political content.... Not even joking.
If you like their videos, spread them around too!
Other urls found in this thread:
Are you new here leaf? Ill bump anyways
why do you care?
Murdoch chan was in my thread last night
Feels pretty good
Because we've all seem murdoch murdoch kek
Haven't watched them in years but I can't imagine them somehow still making great content. Have they burned out yet?
They're still pretty good
I just watched the newest one and it kind of sucked. But i remember watching a couple of ones last year that were still funny. I cant blame them for not reaching the peaks of 2016/early 2017 when it felt like shit was actually going to change
I love MM but please don't make too many threads if there isn't a new episode you fucking newfag. I know you been spammin
I like them. They produce good and useful content.
Everything that spreads our beliefs or reinforces them is a help to the cause.
Who can say what does and doesn't suck while you don't pull your own weight. They are actually doing something, while you aren't.
Fuck you are uppity man who says im not. And im not hating on mm either they have some classic episodes that gave me the chills when i watched them i just said the newest one was weak which it was
Maybe you may think something negative about their content, however. You are like the person sitting in the middle of a sinking boat, and bitching that the people around you aren't bailing water fast enough...
You are a loser who does not grasp the basic concepts presented in MM videos, but - to be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Murdoch Murdoch.
stop spending all day on Yas Forums u pleb. Go outside.
There won't be an episode for a while, because DM is a dad - pic related, from last night.
But overall I agree with the sentiment, that we shouldn't test the jannies' and mods' patience with too many threads at once. Once before that happened, and they started just shutting them all down.
... you wonder, though - does this mean that DM is an 'essential worker'? I thought he was a high-class office goy, and thus had all the time in the world to help make episodes. Maybe he really is a doctor.
Good recent ones:
Yellow Dawn (funny - Asians take over and life improves)
"Face the Strange" - figuring out what to think of Brenton Tarrant
Rabbit Hole - Murdoch digs into a catacomb of books, emphasizing Might is Right, and, Central Banking. There is a connection.
Coniugator - a weird one, MM intoning a fantasy of a future 'Coniugator', a uniter of Europe, over European artwork. A prayer, almost.
MYTHOS - A tale of losing, and re-finding, the idea of National Socialism, in the style of the Lord of the Rings.
>nazi side isnt the slavery side
If I didnt know about Yas Forums I'd have assumed OP's pic was a joke.
Isn't yellow dawn from 2018? I wouldn't call that recent
No, 2019 (I just looked). But he said 'in years', so, I figured I could reach back a ways.
I'd love to know how she actually looks. Not for doxxing purposes, just to get a face to the voice. She surely sounds like trad wifey material.
I think it would ruin it if we knew what they looked like
Why is the flaming star of david a blown up 50x50 GIF frame? The layout and everything is great, and totally ruined by that blemish.
At least I think it was her
Who cares. You are thinking is based on a material worldview... A spiritual person only sees the soul behind the work, not the material body occupied by the soul.
As much as a "muh intellectual" I hate to sound like RN. Clearly a large percentage of the MM userbase doesn't understand the deeper meanings to their videos.
Here, imagine this (it's not her, but it had /me/ going for a while).
There've been several others, including one hapa.
.. proposed as MC: More pairs, too.
Thats amazing
Don't test the jannies?
Sounds like pretty cucky dialogue... The faster we get banned the faster we can move on to greener pastures. Yas Forums is pretty much a shitstain and I was here in 2007.
How do you know that isn't her?
Ha ha ha ha ha yeah, it'd be nice if it was, huh? Well, when I saw it it was posted in a Murdoch thread, in context that made it look like an apology for not having come out with a new episode (fits the picture almost perfectly). But if you image search for it on 4plebs:
it's first posted here:
, in a completely non-MM context. Whoever thought to apply it to MM was clever though - it was the same day!
she is not christian. probably a pagan larper
Murdoch Murdoch's post didn't help either