Muh nothingburger


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This is complete bullshit. It implies 20,000 people died in one week in NY city, while there have only been 12,000 for the entire year.

Who gives a shit? And Don't start spewing that "Think of the Children" bullshit all over the place you fucking mong. The reality is everyone is expected to accept some reasonable risk of death every day.

The US has 1.25 traffic deaths per 100m vehicle miles driven. The average US daily commute is 16 miles. With an average workforce size of 164.6 million people, that means every day 30 people are going to die ENTIRELY because they had to drive to work.

Do you not care if those people die? I'm sorry shutting down all the roads is an inconvenience for you, you selfish fuck, but people are DYING EVERY DAY because of these traffic fatalities, we have to protect them.

This is why you are a fucking retard.

Kek you added the Y axis in real time after the last thread. Data is still off tho. Needs to include sources.

I just see a normal flu

>Kek you added the Y axis in real time after the last thread. Data is still off tho. Needs to include sources.

The problem is the 12,000 deaths are graphed in a two week period. That's not the case. Corona has been around since the beginning big the year, so it should be distributed over 20 weeks.

This, the number of deaths that occurred in April needs to be distributed since January
It's a big nothingberder


Attached: 1587932704598.jpg (680x400, 69.42K)

No one gives a shit about NYC

its jew york. this is a good thing.

Attached: coronamask.png (810x600, 155.02K)

good work

Attached: xi.jpg (1239x757, 171.78K)

Oh look it's this fucking thread again. Also it's inaccurate given that the data is per week and only has one data point implying that all 20k died in a single week.

This. Op will never address this point. Why are all the deaths from the entire year clumped into the last two weeks. That shit isn't even near exponential . New infections and deaths have been flat for the past month atleast.

ale jesli muwisz po pl(pytanie) to chiny wolalyby zeby gospodarka pierdolnela jak noworodek o sufit, inaczej nie mieliby z tego profitu
#zostanwdomu #isamu

Came to post 1 post Id and sag it


I actually looked at the data again. How is new York reporting 12,000 deaths? My entire county has 100 the next highest has 1,200, ten times less. Some serious bullshit is happening.

Think of the children, user

>we have to let people die

ok nigger tard

CDC guidelines say that anyone tested positive for or suspected of having covid19 that dies in a hospital needs to be counted as a covid death.
>Test positive
>Get shot
>Die of blood loss
>Covid death

>400lbs shit with heart failure
>Covid death
Many such cases.

that doesn't make sense. They need to be counted at the time that they died, not before that. They were still alive in January

You realize that the shutdown isn't meant to prevent people from dying of the disease. It's to prevent people from dying due to shortages in access to medicine. Everyone that would have contracted it and died is still going to. Just over a longer period of time.

deaths per week burger

I thought Yas Forums was a Christian board

Look at the graph. There are two point implying an extra 20k deaths in two weeks in April. Meanwhile New York hasn't even had 20k deaths total. It's fully bullshit.

No other county or city is counting by the guidelines then, because they have 10 times more deaths than the second highest county. This includes, LA, San Jose, San Francisco, Detroit, .... This it too much of an outlier in time and space.

Jesus christ, you can't be this stupid.

>everyone is expected to accept some reasonable risk of death every day.
Therefore we should ignore a sudden, dramatic, preventable multiplication of deaths?

>The US has 1.25 traffic deaths per 100m vehicle miles driven.
It used to be higher. Then your freedoms were infringed upon to bring it down. Or should we eliminate speed limits and licensing altogether?

>I just see a normal flu
Look at the timeframe on the bottom of the graph. Why doesn't this spike occur during any of the previous three Flu seasons?
Protip: Because it's not just a Flu.

>The problem is the 12,000 deaths are graphed in a two week period.
That's when they occurred.

>This, the number of deaths that occurred in April needs to be distributed since January
Deaths that occurred in April need to be recorded as occurring in January because... ?

>Why are all the deaths from the entire year clumped into the last two weeks.
They aren't. If that was the case, the rest of the weeks of this year would be at zero.

>How is new York reporting 12,000 deaths? My entire county has 100 the next highest has 1,200, ten times less. Some serious bullshit is happening.
What county?

The reporting so many deaths because they had so many deaths. A big dense city like that getting a big infection can cause a huge outbreak. It's not really that complicated.

Obviously New York it's going to be a lot more likely to have a huge outbreak than your small county that you live in that nobody visits

If there haven't been 20k deaths then the first implication is wrong. The second is that all of those occurred in just two weeks. But there haven't even been that many deaths and they're spread out over a few months primarily in March and early April.

>Deaths that occurred in April need to be recorded as occurring in January because... ?
Because fuck you kike

Sick argument.

He's right faggot.
Official wrod from Dr. Brix even uif you haven't tested positive for Covid that's what you died of.

If SARS2 deaths were merely a mis-classification of normal deaths, there wouldn't be a corpse storage problem. There wouldn't be 5 digit excess deaths.

Something is dropping bodies and it's reasonable to believe that the novel coronavirus closely related to SARS is involved.

New York is incredibly dense and their test positivity rating is something like 50% which implies that the infection is actually way higher than the numbers they have. I'm not saying people aren't dying. I'm saying the chart is misleading by putting all of the deaths into a 2 week window and further adding an extra 3k deaths that didn't even happen.

No. This just isn't possible. Look at Los Angeles. Same population same density but one tenth the number of deaths. They are either counting wrong, or they have a magic strain of the virus, disparities like this simply aren't possible.

I would like to thank the hacker Yas Forums for helping me get elected. Thank you all for convincing boomers, who overwhelmingly are conservative, to vote democrat by dying before the election.

Great job.

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An increase in death doesn't mean the stats aren't still inaccurate. The two can be true at the same time.

>thats not the case

Attached: Pneumoniaus.png (869x606, 181.48K)

>New York is incredibly dense

So is LA. They have one tenth the number of deaths

They also had their lockdown a lot sooner

That's 10x higher than anywhere else. They are counting wrong

Here we go with the hoax bullshit.
Get the tinfoils lad

>Meanwhile New York hasn't even had 20k deaths total.

You want deaths that occurred in April to be recorded as occurring in January. How does lying help anybody, Goldblat?

>If you die with SARS2, you're recorded as dying of SARS2
>Therefore no one is actually dying of SARS2 and we should put these excess death numbers out of mind.
He's right that your position is retarded. There are surely non-SARS2 deaths being classified as SARS2 deaths, and yet the SARS2 deathcount still doesn't cover the massive spike in fatalities. The rational conclusion here is that the undercounting of SARS2 deaths outweighs the overcounting of SARS2 deaths.

Only 1000 deaths a week with a city of 8.5 million people.

LA is different from new York in that people have cars more than not. People are to this day still riding the train in NYC as their only means to get around. The train is the major method of transmission I bet. Something most other cities don't have.

Most people who died from corona are in New York and they also have the most infected. Meanwhile theres probably a lot of counties that have none

They're dying from 5G

>Here we go with the hoax bullshit.
>Get the tinfoils lad

Then you explain how LA has only one tenth the number of deaths.

You’re mentally ill

The units are in weeks but the x-axis isn’t divided into anything but a year. So i’m going to assume that the 4 dots at the end of the grey line are data points?
so this graph uses 4 data points to show the impact of a Novel virus? In densely populated NYC? Then they add huge number at the top which is easily confused for the value of the top data point?
I’m not so hot with math but i’m beginning to think there is evidence of a conscious effort to mislead the readers.

Why are people dieing? Because they are being killed

>all those dead Jew York Urbanites
You're right, it's not a nothingburger it's based.

Let's just say you are correct and there's something very peculiar to new York that makes diseases transmission more dangerous there. Even if that is the case, Covid-19 is still a nothing burger, since it's not the virus per se but the city itself.

Coronavirus isn't going to disappear. It's in the population. We can't run from it.

It's mostly harmless to the vast majority of the world population and we know who's in danger.

The curve has been flattened, we know strategies to prevent and reduce infection. But we're still locking down despite all of this. We may never reopen with the standards they're setting.

New York data posted by Google is sourced by an article from Wikipedia.
17k deaths total with the flimsy CDC guidelines that say anyone positive or assumed positive is a covid death.

You have that in every other western european city as well.

Attached: England16.png (1349x260, 17.02K)

These stats were pulled from the New York Times which is completely fabricated BY THEM.
Here is the actual deaths. This took me 10 seconds on google search to debunk this lying bullshit.

>nyc burns
>rest of the country is ok

Yeah that's my point. The virus or really any pathogen will spread easily in a city as dense and dependant on public transit as NYC.