Akira (1988) the sign in the movie says the 2020 Tokio olympics got cancelled 147 days before they could start.
Tokyo only been nominated host in 2012.
How did they know? Is Akira about to wake up?
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I dont believe it. I demand proof
Watch Akira
Because the movie is set in the future, and 2020 is a futuristic number to use if you were writing from the 80s, the same way 2001 was if you were writing from the 60s. And it's set in Tokyo. It wouldn't be relevant if the story was set in Japan, as it's written by a Japanese person, and the 'habbening' of the book was overseas given that it has to engulf the whole story.
I want those portable laser rifles they had in Akira.
you faggot weebs are barely a step above niggers and kikes
>How did they know? Is Akira about to wake up?
maybe, leaning more toward yes.
remember that singing psychic machine the doctor kept looking at? we're past that.
>2020 is a futuristic number
Based game ever coming through. Just remember that the First Edition was set in 2014.
The machines are in charge. They plan things way in advance. All this stuff comes from them. They don't even hide it:
Actually the 30th olympics game was hosted in London, but in the same year Tokyo has been nominated host for the 2020. Neo-Tokyo was the name given to what was left of the original city, now destroyed and from which Akira raised. Coincidences, 147 days is spot on...
I'll see your little techno-future, and raise you one Gamma World.
Freemasons know all the planned jewshit before it happens.
every number is the same
words are seemingly making them different from each other
2020 is a number
seven is a word
Any redpills on Japanese freemasons? I always thought they were fairly divorced from this shit, though I always imagined them definitely having some esoteric secret societies of their own.
Gamma World had a great setting but fairly complicated mechanics. CP2020 had slick enough mechanics that my group has played it off and on since publication.
more like someone on the ioc is a weeb
Pls expand on this
Since it's just comparison anyway, why not combine both? And hell, throw Spelljammer and Battletech in there too. The futures is ours anyway, there's no reason not to be spoiled for choice.
>Serious shit
TL;DR we're on the verge of at least 3 big happenings. Alien Disclosure, Quantum internet, and what can be construed as 'Spiritual Ascension'; which is basically just moving from 3D to 4D, or at least 3.5D. Things have been going on for a LONG time, and the people still in charge saw it fit to fuck us over for just as long. That's changing, as in right now; and it's fucking glorious.
Akira predicted the Rods of God with the SOL
read akira.
Are you stupid? The sign says 147 days until the opening ceremony starts.
Why would they mention the days when they cancel it? The white graffiti says, just cancel it, but that doesn't mean anything.
I think people on Yas Forums are literally retarded.
Cyberpunk-Battletech-GammaWorld with some magic would be intense.
>3 happenings
Indeed interesting times.
t. never watched it on laserdisc b2b with heavy metal on good lsd with the lads
drink bleach leaf
America: How many times do we have to teach you a lesson old man?
So we are slowly but surely being transformed into synthetic beings, micro nanomachines and electromagnetic fields influencing our minds already, i can feel it these past weeks tho, i'm fighting it, weird tinnitus in the ear, feeling anormally better some days, and sometimes pain in the chest.
Fuck being transformed into a nanocellular synthetic being, they fucked our timeline simulation and they are transforming the whole planet into a cybernetized spaceship. We are merging but not the right way, they hacked our great awakening... Fuck...
The stadium was abandoned mid construction
They abandoned it
Checked and absolutely based. I fucking miss high school sometimes.
I, too, would interpret this as "it's canceled" rather than a suggestion that it should be canceled. Maybe expand on your interpretation?
Considering SDI was a thing during the 80s, it wasn't much of a prediction.
>riots will likely soon breakout
>just like akira
Cause the fucking world is ending in the movie, and it just implies it is not going to happen, 147 days to go to something that did not happen (aborted, the white graffiti) then, not in today's world. You'll end up like pic related once akira comes and fuck you in the arse
thnx user, those were good times
some years later had a friend borrow me the graphic novels and decades later found them on .pdf
not a weeb but love me some akira
>“Twin ceramic rotor drives on each wheel! ...
The graffiti is just random vandalism and doesn't announce a cancelation.
I don't know, the only images I found looked like they were still building it with lights on and stuff, didn't look abandoned.
Akira is a beautiful movie but god damn the plot is a chore. It makes sense tho. The manga was midway through when the author jumped ship to work on the film and then returned to work on the manga where a lot of elements of the film are explained and explored.
>nooooo you can't just actually read the claims just believe what I say aaaaaaaaaaa
classic schizo thread.
No, it doesn't say anything that it's aborted.
Can't post images because of jew admins ip range ban.