Vacuum panel insulation combined with spray foam provides R-60 insulation value (high enough even for arctic climates)

>Vacuum panel insulation combined with spray foam provides R-60 insulation value (high enough even for arctic climates)
>All of that within a thin 2x4 wall space
>Sheathed with OSB board treated with hydrophobic but vapor permeable coating (allowing a water tight seal for rain but still letting humidity vapor escape your house to prevent wood rot, mildew, and mold)
>Entire roof is literally solar panels spaced so close together they are water tight
>Generates 4 kilowatts at peak so much electricity that you can sell some back to the grid and make money
>Massive battery storage system allows the house to run autonomously without connection to grid power for several days
>After that simply flip a switch to convert to grid power
>Atmospheric water recovery system literally pulls water from humid air, far more consistent, clean, and less hassle than dirty rain water collection
>900 liters of water storage on the interior of the tiny home under the floor insures it will not freeze during frigid winters
>Heat recovery ventilation allows fresh air to entire the home and stale air to leave without heat loss saving you money on heating and cooling costs and preventing humidity build up that could damage wood
>Energy star appliances sip energy allowing saving you on electric bills
>Triple pane argon gas filled windows stop air leakage and reduce energy lost to outside air
>Tight and sturdy build quality also prevents air leakage and energy loss
>Split profile heat pump with condenser and evaporator in separate places for increased efficiency
>Composting toilet insures never having to deal with black water waste again and creates usable compost for a garden
>Built in electric vehicle charger to give you even more energy and travel freedom
>Entire house is lit by high efficiency led lights

Attached: EHa2GPDWkAAcZCs.jpg (800x600, 115.39K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>House is fully automated interior allows you to turn light on or off and change their color simply by using your voice thermostat is also fully automated and smart adapting itself to your routines to save you on heating and cooling costs
>House is net-zero energy meaning at the end of the year the house has generated exactly as much as it used costing you nothing on your energy bill ever
>Will costs you less than 100k
Still going into a 30 year usury mortgage to purchase an inefficient McMansion while feeding power to the jews when you could be living rent free with zero energy cost.

Fuck with the money saved on a tiny house plus not having an energy bill you could invest in stocks that appreciate faster than land value.


Trailers for big city niggers

You got memed newfag.

There is no solar panel on the market that can generate enough energy to pay for itself let alone save you money on electricity.
It's not physically possible.
Best efficiency on solar panels and this is the most expensive of all possible models is only 22%.

Fuck off newfag.

cuckshed on wheels

Attached: nothankyou.jpg (540x359, 37.81K)

>Live in a cuck shed goy!

Attached: 1587977138021.jpg (1080x648, 95.78K)

>small house rigged up to a self-driving truck
>go to bed in Cali and wake up in Montana Canyon

This is the future

Attached: 1586061655643.png (427x533, 161.86K)

Except that you live in a fucking trailer.
>haha dumb rednecks living in trailer homes!
>my meme shed on wheels is totally different!

s.o.y.b.o.y. sarcophagus, good goy

>only 22%.
That pays for itself in 5 years?

>trapped in a snow bank and not able to shift enough snow into the house in order to tunnel out
>hopes he suffocates before the food runs out or he has to eat his wife and kids

in most places that house is against the law.

The 22% efficiency and the 5-years payment plan are numbers that have nothing to do with one another.

>Triple pane argon gas filled windows stop air leakage and reduce energy lost to outside air
That's not how it works. Triple pane and argon (weaker) or xenon (stronger) has to do with solar heat coming through the windows and heating of the panes themselves. Air leakage depends on how it's sealed to the wall and if double hung, how the seals are between the panes. triple weather seal is ok, but then there's gimmicks like magnetic seals, compression bulbs, etc.

what? sure there is. Typically the recoup in solar is 3 fold. 1) energy you use instead of pay 2) energy you sell back to the grid 3) Solar
credits which you can sell to energy companies.
Most systems will pay for themselves in 7-15 years. The lifespan of the entire system is 25-50 years.

It is so ugly though.

I think if you have the intention of buuilding a tiny house you should still lay the foundations and try and create a passiv haus environment with high insulation, window quality, orientation and efficiently sealed building. You can buy a plot of land work on it and make it your own while building a family you can add more space to your building on the foundation..

I am not Roma nor Bedouin so fuck houses on wheeels.


Juyipsys, tramps, and teves

But costs are costs and you can find an equilibirum for costs of one thing and another therefore finding the economic trade off. Maybe not direct correlation but their is relationship with the active participant finding the funds to pay a house and saving money on consumption to find funds to pay off the intitial cost. You're retarded. Really, you are.

kek. Apparently anything with a higher efficiency than 20% is classified and buried.

so i'm supposed to wait in there while my wife is BLACKED.COM? i think i'll pass!

Mutts law.such a sad existence.

Wow, cuck sheds just went up another level! How do they do it?! These mad men are true artistic geniuses

Attached: 1516245978670s.jpg (103x125, 3.09K)

Needs more Tyson Fury.

>Massive battery storage system
What will that cost to replace and how often?
>Will costs you less than 100k
I bought my 1400 square foot log home with a 4 car two story garage on 10 acres for 54,000. What precisely is the price tag for that cuck shed on wheels?
>The lifespan of the entire system is 25-50 years.
Show me your 25-50 year battery bank.

>solar panels on the shady side of the roof

Guiz it's just perfect

Attached: 1361079699051.png (458x402, 151.69K)

That is not the point of the comment you dumb asshole. A bullshit comment is bullshit. Don't try to white knight it into not being stupid.

Real estate kikes seething. Look into stats of who are the landlords in America.

>Show me your 25-50 year battery bank.
I was talking about the solar panel system and inverter. batteries? fuck no. Anyone that says batteries are ready and economical are blowing smoke up your ass. Replacement of lead acid in 3-7 years (year right, weight costs and space are too high. Replacement of lipo in 10-15 years. Stack them in parallel and you could get away with replacing the few of them when they go bad, but it's still costly.

>two story garage
awesome I'd like to see the ramp to get up to the second level. is it open on top or covered?