
How does a Fascist economy work? Is it even a coherent economic system or are a bunch of different policies enacted at different times?

Please help I'm a literal economic brainlet.

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my high school social studies teachers said it was just capitalism lmao

Lurk moar you fucking reddit nigger

Trump just enacted the Defense Production Act to fight the coronavirus. In effect it allows the government to decide what corporations produce. The corporations are still privately owned but government still determines their production.

That is in effect fascism.

It's capitalism but the State heavily regulates industries in order to do what's best for the nation as a whole. Often there will be laws in place that put high tariffs on imports and subsidize domestic goods.

Unions are usually illegal because they hurt more than they help, but the State (in theory at least according to Hitler) is supposed to act as the mediator between business and worker in order to make sure that both are doing what's best for the State.

And by "doing what's best for the State" it doesn't mean exploitation of the worker or business, it means trying to maximize the ability of the worker to support their family and health in order to make them a more efficient worker and source of future labor and the business to support it's financial interests and growth in order to maximize productivity for the State as a whole.

Also, I'm not an expert nor a fascist myself (ancap actually) but I have read Mein Kampf and listened to a number of lectures on the subject.

of course the ideology of faggots would be a bundle of sticks

Would genuinely like a rundown of this. Seems all we’re taught about is two broken systems and an in-between system that everybody defines differently.
And way off by itself with no explanation other than “muh nazis did this.”

Do you honestly expect a decent discussion on the economic framework of a Fascist nation to come out of fucking nowhere? Nobody usually gives a shit about economics.

What if, say, the government only decided how much of something corporations can produce. Would th a still be fascism?

it's economically facism, not communism or capitalism you dumb fucktard ass fuck.

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>How does a Fascist economy work?
Invade neighboring country and rape it
Rinse and repeat

a fascist system would not be beholden to central banks, controlled by the international jew. why would you want to know anything about that, goy?

I don't know why the fuck I even bother anymore.


ITT: people confusing nazism with fascism

A fascist economy is based on autarchy, unions are not banned but are a way to control industries.
also, we have just a few example in history, and they all weren't good in the long run. maybe good at war production, but definitely awful for peace times.

>maybe good at war production, but definitely awful for peace times.

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The American System/National System. The Japanese economy from the beginning of the postwar period to the Plaza Accords. China is a very good example of a fascist state, both under Deng with his market reforms and under Xi with his reigning in of these forces.

>but definitely awful at peace times.

You should read the book.

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Thank you for the explanation and thanks for actually taking the initiative to say something useful unlike most of the other fags here

I'm not even a fascist but it sounds like common sense to me.

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Read this

Thanks for the material anons.

The only thing wrong is that in [Italian] Fascism is slightly different with Unions, in fascism there is Employee Unions and Employer Unions, and when their interests conflict State intervene in negotiation to reach a middle term agreement.
This avoids the Class Struggle and improves productivity.
But other user is describing NS economic model.

Honestly I'm probably a brainlet and their economy might've been unsustainable in the long run, but protectionism makes sense, non debt-based currency makes sense, regulations so that workers don't get fucked by (((the boss))) makes sense.

Fascism is not a ironclad set of principles— it is a way of arriving at them. Fascism. Face-ism. It is political ties and interests based around identity. Black Lives Matter was a fascist movement, because it centered around black identity. Fascism is not inherently liberal or conservative, it is whatever the identitarians behind it want it to be.

Educate yourself, idiot.

In the long run they would always need growing demographics and mild territorial expansions, like any other kingdom/republic since the dawn of civilization. Different from (((financial))) capitalism that is population growth and territorial expansions are almost A TABOO.

Different Fascist parties have had different economic models. Fascism isn't one narrow ideology. Its a worldview. Fascism is always genuine to its own people, so Spanish Fascists will have culturally relevant ideas and customs that Romanian Fascists may not share.

This is why statism fails. If you have a benevolent leader then things can bump along for a bit. However, once a bad person (imagine Hillary for example) or group comes into power there are no longer any checks whatsoever on the will of the "State", and being a group-think socialist culture, the plebs will be forced, using the State's overwhelming capabilities, to march towards good old fashioned totalitarianism.

The Classical Liberalism that the US was founded on is a great counter to this. A distrustful populace, armed, and in control of their own freedom of speech, is a much tougher adversary for corruption.

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Kingdoms have lasted far longer than any Democracy ever did. Go back to 2008 with your luke warm smooth brain take.

Read and Sneed this book user, the start is predicated on some older examples however the later chapters are much better and actually lay out some concrete examples

>Free PDF:

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>a fascist state is a kingdom
>the US is a democracy
You have no right to call anyone else a smooth brain.

Indeed OP, stop reading ABOUT fascisms and start to READ WHAT FASCISTS HAVE WRITTEN.

Newfags never heard of wartime economy before, it's what's happening now
>inb4 boomer
Reddit niggers too conditioned with buzzwords like fascism

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To sum it up: businesses and private property exist for the benefit of the nation and its people or they do not exist at all.

>I can't read at all
The other user made a post about statism failing, and American Liberalism being a bulwark against it.
You have to actually be mentally retarded to not understand this. Smooth brain.

It works like normal but if you see a greedy kike hoarding or doing something deleterious to the society you can report it and the gov sticks them in an oven for you.

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>in fascism there is Employee Unions and Employer Unions, and when their interests conflict State intervene in negotiation to reach a middle term agreement.
The final Luigipill: Italy still works this way.

Classic Liberalism is a slow terminal and inevitable decline. Statism is a riskier challenge, but if one ruler fucks up than his successor will have the power to fix it. Consider the Byzantine Empire. It had a string of shitty emperors, but whenever a strong capable one, such as Basil II or the Kommenois Restoration, they oversaw a new age of prosperity. You may say that this shitty emperors caused the downfall of it in the long run, but no state lasts forever and amid all the challenges Byzantium was one of the longest lasting in history. The goal of a nation is the wellbeing and safety of its inhabitants and its holding for as long as possible. Classical Liberalism failed and its corpse has offspringed the neoliberal cancer which it cannot recover, unless it is fully torn down and remolded which will require a statists and authoritarian response.

OP go to bitchute. search CULTURED THUG, time to do a little homework that's all the spoon feeding you should get.