How could America turn into a dictatorship?
How could America turn into a dictatorship?
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It's already a dictatorship, retard. The problem is the levers of power are in the hands of our enemies.
Its too late.
Dictatorship has never once been on the table for Americans, even the most deranged in this country abhor the very concept of having a king or power housed in single ruler. Oligarchy on the other hand is something that is ephemeral and hard to see so that is what has taken root in this country. They cannot rig the mechanisms of elections so they rig who can be put forward to be elected. Do this on a large enough scale and you have the same amount of control as a dictatorship but with the ability of blaming the democratic functions of state for whenever you piss the population off. Didn't get xyz bill done in 20 years? Its the other teams fault.
The constitution and its amendments have a great deal of checks and balances in place specifically designed to make it as hard as possible to make the government into an autocracy. You'd have to push an amendment for each and every article and amendment that stands in your way, and to do that not only do you need a majority vote in both house and senate, but a 2/3 ratification among the states.
Not impossible, but damned close to it.
um if by dictatorship you mean it doesn't matter what the public wants
Any major reforms would result in a civil war. US is the only country that you cannot fix peacefully. It's too powerful and the power is scattered. I would give up on this country you have no reason to be patriots anyway
it can still look like a democracy
look at the people bragging about their patriotism
Rod Blagojevich strokes Trump ego
Uh, user.
That's antisemitic.
My plan would be this
>run for either democrat or Republican Party
>use charisma and great policies to make a name for myself
>whether I win or lose the primaries, I drop out of the party and make my own party, and fill it with close friends only
>open up party branches everywhere in the country and recruit trustworthy people
>hopefully I win, and my party dominates the majority of congress and senate
>fire all judges and replace them with only party members
>fires heads of CIA and FBI and replace them with my party members
>make up excuses to nationalize mass media
>steal money from all the big bankers, real estate moguls, and hated celebrities and give it to my base (mostly inner city niggers and white trash)
And there ya go
It can't and woulnt.
id that you donald
Very simple. You see one dictator is an easy target and that could never happen but TPTB are smart, so they've made millions of little dictators. People who call the cops on you for your lawn being an inch high. People who try to get you fired for saying no no words on the internet. It's that simple. You create a network of small dictators.
more dictation
or you can be president lincoln and just suspend various parts of the law and government at will
It all started with an assault weapons ban back in 1994
But the POTUS can do whatever he wants with executive orders.
>How could America turn into a dictatorship?
Oligarchy you mean, and it ain't Americans running the show. I'm kinda amazed of what this elected cycle has done considering that the entire goddamn world seemed against it.
>25% of the adult american population is right-wing authoritarian, and will march america into a dictatorship
somehow 25% more are okay with that because they win 1/2 of the elections
1/2 the population doesn't give a shit about democracy
By giving up your guns and right to food that you grow yourself, the right to freedom of speech, assembly, public gatherings of what-the-fuck-ever sizes we want to gather in? Coronavirus is a fucking psyop for social conditioning next step is checkpoints at the borders to scan your shit, they already got FEMA and dept of the fatherland set up, we just need king of zion don and company to ascend to the fucking throne already. They might even try to make Israel the 51st state.