How do I actually "wake up"?

How do I actually "wake up"?
Give me the no bullshit answer. I don't mean celebrities eating people, I mean the "final truth".

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Nighers tongue my anus

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Common knowledge

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There's a link between consciousness and material reality

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Meditate every day twice a day between 30 minutes to 1 hour keep it up for at least a year before giving up on it

you gotta grow your own food, amend the soil with your own shit composted by your own worms, buy a truck, and lobby for the use of nuclear energy

You will never look upon the face of God.

Who are the people with the puppets?

The final truth: you suffer from collective dementia, almost everything you do is pure jewish bullshit and there's no way to fix this.


I've been doing this and have gotten a few "glimpses beyond the trees", But I still feel as though, I am a part of the paradigm of space/time.

"Have you reckon'd a thousand acres much? have you reckon'd the earth much?
Have you practis'd so long to learn to read?
Have you felt so proud to get at the meaning of poems?
Stop this day and night with me and you shall possess the origin of all poems,
You shall possess the good of the earth and sun, (there are millions of suns left,)
You shall no longer take things at second or third hand, nor look
through the eyes of the dead, nor feed on the spectres in books,
You shall not look through my eyes either, nor take things from me,
You shall listen to all sides and filter them from your self."

-Walt Whitman

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if you have to ask, then you won't wake up, because you will fight to hold on to the dream. Not joking. you have to earn it.

Good question

So hedonism/offing yourself is the final answer then

Turtles all the way down, bro

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Corpus Hermeticum. The Kybalion.
Read them.
I mean it, READ THEM.

This is what's going on. Ancient mysticism is alive and well.

What we called "hermeticism" in middle ages, what sprung the renaissance, later was called "psychoanalysis", "liberal arts", and now - "science", or even "scientistm".

We're all a part of this, unknowingly.

This is the missing puzzle piece, but most of Yas Forums is deceived by "muh Satan and demons!" to realize what's really going on.

Everything humans do will die with them.
Usually in less than 40 years.

I know only I am able to take the steps, but is it simply clearing the mind to a blank slate? I've been looking for something solid I can grasp onto these past two years.

I've read The Kybalion, but I'll read Corpus Hermeticum. Thank you.

Lessons from The Denial of Death

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the real red pill is reality is a dream you can't wake up from

There is only one consciousness divided between all living things that generates the outside world by observation collapsing probabilistic waves into discernable patterns. The odd part is that time is a function of this observation which means that even the past is in flux but we cannot actively see it.

The "final" truth is probably that there's an all-encompassing all-knowing creator who created everything to experience itself.

The question is how many "layers" of reality we are down from there. We may be living in a simulation of a universe in which is an atom of a greater reality, which is just one reality of a multiverse, and that entire multiverse is just a bubble of existence of many bubbles which the original creator created. There may also be several tiers of Gods.

..finding out and having a quick look at parts of a few of the Upanishads and reading the bhagavad gita sort of gave me that last push. and then it was by contemplating ramana maharshi's 40 verses if i remember correctly. try that?

>asking this on Yas Forums
I know you'll never get an answer by shouting at an ocean of piss

Make yourself get duubs

So what happens when we die then?

There is no final truth currently accessible. However the methods of finding the final truth are easily accessible to all. The journey, in this case, is more important than the destination because you will pass through so many beliefs and selves on the path that anyone of which could be mistaken as the final truth.

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We are all just fragmented reflections of the shape of God in a vast shattered mirror. This is the saddest comfort there is for once you know the truth there is supreme serenity and loneliness, so you must forget what you learned and retreat back to others to escape the truth.