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Yamato could literally of killed this shit tub.
Too bad it got btfod by aircraft and failed trying to beach itself lmao
Thanks Jefferson
Could have*
He's a big guy
Battle-ship pilled
>Air biggers attacked with the entire 1st fleet of aircraft. Lose half their aircraft yo a single ship.
>so butthurt they censored the numbers.
>actual pilots engaged in this battle recall dozens of planes getting shot down.
>450+ strike aircraft attacked. Well over half were shot down.
>btfo a poor ship that didn't have a fucking lick of air cover and had 6 shitty Fubki class DDs with her and a angano class light crusier.
I mean are you proud you fucking murdered the people fighting against the bank?
Based Yamatobro
Deck melted, everyone on board vaporized. Don't go dick waving around the good ol US of A, buddy.
I doubt those 18 inch guns could even land a hit.
Would've blasted the shit out of that dogshit 80mm deck on Iowa.
Long live Nippon!
>seventy years ago
thanks, Grandpa
12 foot lateral displacement when they fire all at once. Make sure the crew is leaning against a starboard bulkhead.
Yamato cucked out to a few destroyer's.
The japanese fleet thought the main u.s fleet was coming. They didn't want to waste their men's lives. But eventually had to because they had no choice.
HURR DUUURR History's for boomers. I iz smrt.
>I'm proud to be a Zionist
Then move to Israel, fag.
>I iz smrt
What-everrr, Grandpa - now take your meds and get some rest pls
>where did the name of that plane come from?
checked and kek'd
A single Dongfeng 21D missile will sink that hunk-of-junk rustbucket tin coffin.
>INB4 lasers will shoot it down
LAWS are designed to fight small boats or drones.
They can do nothing against the Mach 10 monster that will destroy every last mutt on board 0.2 seconds after entering visual range.
No way will i take the capsule jew.
Looks like shit
The pilots mothers name. Enola Gay Tibbets.
>doesn't realize I was mocking you
Go to israel you proud nuking child killing murderous fucking forskin sucking Zionist pig. Fuck you and fuck your fucking people. You hook noses kike, you brought white Americans to die against white europeans and pure Asian blood. You fucking animals. You're proud of your bomb? Blowing fucking children and women away? I hope this virus kills every last one of you.
I wish they kept updating them. It would be cool if they added phalanxes and cruise missile's and a drone launching platform.
Non military fag here. What's the advantage of battleships blasting away as opposed to planes dropping bombs?
Side note, when I was a kid we took a family trip to Disney but we visited NASA and some ww2 military ships and I thought the ships were cool as fuck. I also remember being scared as fuck about all the gators that were chilling in and around the dock the ships were docked at
>I was being sarcastic
What-everr, Mister President
Damn you are retarded. What is a point laser grid? Tomahawk counter missile. Jamming fields. IR smoke screens and so on? Come on now. Will a dongfeng bust this bitch? Yeah facts if it hits. Can the iowa and her systems take it out? Yes. In the 80s they were souped up for this exact situation.
>biggest ship ever constructed could easily btfo smaller ship
No shit, nigger
Oh shit you were at battleship NC? I went there once. There are like 80 fat ass gators that chill around it. Coast guard feeds them fish guts and popcorn. Their apparently fat and fucking domestic at this point because they waddle around.
Back to eating bats, dogs, and bugs, faggot.
Fuck democracy, the USA, the two-party system, and fuck Libertarians.
What did it look like on receiving end of this